She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 219 - A Fair Warning

Chapter 219 - A Fair Warning

After looking at the path, Adeline wanted to laugh at those who named the hill with the Devil's cave as the Hill of Grimmer Death. At least that hill had a path that was just wide enough for a carriage. This hill had an even deadlier path than Theodore's hill.

Like Dragomir had explained, the path was just enough for a human to walk. If one was to lose balance, then they would fall down the rocky hill and break at least half of their bones, and inevitably die because of the fall.

Adeline turned towards her guards and ordered, "All of you, wait for me here. I will return once I meet the Dragon Immortal."

"But we cannot let you climb this dangerous hill alone, Your Highness. Please allow us to accompany you," the leader of the squad bowed his head and expressed his concern.

Adeline clicked her tongue and said sternly, "There is nothing you can do here. The road is too narrow so you cannot support me while climbing. We will just get in each other's way if we try climbing together. So it is better if you just wait here."

The guard reluctantly accepted Adeline's order, "Yes, Your Highness. Please be careful."

"I will," Adeline turned around to face the hill again. Then she took a deep breath in and began climbing the hill.

After about an hour of the steep uphill climb, Adeline finally reached in front of the entrance of the Dragon Crypt. She had never experienced walking on that kind of narrow path of a hill, and it became a thrilling experience for Adeline. She had never imagined that even a tedious task like walking uphill could be this exciting.

Azriel was already waiting for Adeline at the entrance. He had felt the presence of his magic object in the vicinity so he came to welcome Adeline to his humble abode. "Adeline, how have you been?" Azriel asked as he offered his hand to Adeline.

Adeline smiled and took Azriel's hand. "I have been good, Azriel. And what about you?"

Azriel pulled her up the huge step that was at the entrance and led Adeline inside his underground mansion. He turned his head to glance at Adeline and answered with a smirk on his face, "Other than the fact that Theodore came to threaten me, I have been good."

Adeline turned her head in shock because Theodore had not told her anything about that matter. And she asked while stammering, "He-he came to threat-threaten you? Why would he do that?"

She was genuinely worried for Theodore because she could feel that Azriel was far stronger than Theodore. And she knew that Theodore being Theodore, liked to beat his brothers for no reason at all, even if it meant that he would be greatly hurt in the process.

The smirk on Azriel's face never left his face. He gave a corner-eyed look to Adeline and said in a playful tone, "Well, let's just say that he was jealous."

"Jealous?" Adeline's brows knitted in tune.

Azriel had a sense of satisfaction on his face when he said, "Yes, he was afraid that I would snatch you from him."

Adeline then realized that she was still holding Azriel's hand and she swiftly pulled her hand away from his grasp. Then she gave an awkward smile and averted her gaze from Azriel.

Azriel chuckled lightly as he was amused by Adeline's action. And he said in a teasing way, "Don't worry. I am not interested in young girls like you. I am more interested in mature ones, to be more precise, I like women older than me."

Adeline stole a quick glance of Azriel's face as if to guess how old he was. But it was impossible to do so because the fallen angels looked really young as opposed to their age.

And Azriel answered as if he knew what exactly was in Adeline's mind, "I am around a thousand years older than Theodore. He is the second youngest child of our parents. We have a sister who is younger than him."

"Oh!" Adeline nodded her head and said in a soft voice, "It's nice to know."

Azriel raised one of his brows and asked, "Theodore never talks about us or our parents?"

Adeline puckered her lips and squinted her eyes. "He shares very little about his family. I just knew that the Devil King is his brother. Other than him, he never said anything about any of his other siblings."

Azriel chuckled again and whispered to himself, "I see… they still are on good terms with each other. I wonder if Samael would talk to me if I went to greet him in Hell…"josei

Adeline glanced at Azriel's face and then asked, "Did you say something, Dragon Immortal?"

Azriel stopped in front of a huge door and shook his head, "No, I was just talking to myself." He pushed that massive door open with a gentle push of his index finger. He looked at Adeline and pointed his brows inside the hall with his favorite carpet and said, "Come in."

"Yes, thank you!" Adeline followed Azriel and went inside that hall.

The chairs were in one corner of that hall but Azriel led Adeline towards the carpet. Adeline didn't say anything and followed her Deity very obediently.

Azriel took off his shoes before stepping on his precious carpet and sitting down with his legs crossed. Adeline also took off her shoes. It would be a shame to step on that marvelous carpet wearing the dusty shoes. Adeline was captivated by the carpet that imitated the night sky. The carpet looked so alive that she didn't realize she had been standing still while staring at that moon and stars.

"The carpet is really amazing, isn't it?" Azriel whispered while gently rubbing his palm on that carpet.

"Yes, it is really beautiful." Adeline nodded her head happily and glanced at Azriel. But for the first time, she saw a sad expression on his face. She didn't imagine that Azriel knew how to wear that expression on his face. He always looked merry so she wondered what made him so sad.

Azriel abruptly tore his gaze off from the carpet and then flashed a grin to Adeline. Then he gestured his hand in front of him and asked, "Why don't you sit down?

Adeline stood about a foot away from Azriel and crossed her legs. Then she sat down in front of her Deity, ready for him to cast a spell on her.

Azriel was now in his serious mode. He glanced at Adeline and gave her a fair warning, "Before I begin, I want to explain the side effects of the inscription spell that I am going to cast on you.. Listen to me very carefully and do not blame me later for whatever is going to happen to you after I cast the spell."

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