She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 243 - Fake God

Chapter 243 - Fake God

Adeline threw another slap and kept on screaming, "How could you make me forget the one person whom I didn't want to forget even for a second?" Her voice showed how betrayed she felt and how hurt she was.

Azriel didn't say anything and just kept on receiving the slaps from Adeline because he was in the wrong here. If Adeline wanted to beat him till she would tire out, then he was ready to take the beating without uttering a word or trying to evade her frail attacks.

Adeline gave a death stare to Azriel and kept on venting her anger towards him, "I trusted you! I respected you. I worshipped you." Adeline tightly clenched her fists and kept on yelling at her Deity, "You were supposed to protect me but you went as far as destroying me… you fake God!"

Adeline was about to throw some punches when Theodore intervened. He grabbed her by her waist and swiftly lifted her away from Azriel. Though he was enjoying seeing Azriel getting beaten, he was also seeing how all that was affecting Adeline mentally.

He did not want to see her breaking down again so he tried to calm her down. "Hey, that's enough, Adeline. He is your Deity, remember? Would you want to keep on slapping your Deity?"

But Adeline shouted while desperately trying to free herself from Theodore's grip, "No, I didn't slap my Deity. I slapped my fiancé's brother who could stoop as low as snatching his brother's love away from him."

Azriel kept on looking down with guilt. He was waiting for Adeline to break free from Theodore's hold and come at him again with powerful blows.

Adeline didn't like that Theodore was holding her instead of beating that betrayer brother of his. So she directed her anger towards Theodore, "Why are you stopping me? He deserves to get beaten to a pulp for all the pain that he put us through."

Theodore held her even tighter and asked, "Do you think I didn't do anything to him?"

Theodore tried to make her understand that he had already punished Azriel enough for both of them. "Do you think I didn't punish him for his deeds until now? I beat him up at least 14 times until now. Every time I would see you struggling and in pain, I would take that anger out on him. He already got what he deserved. He is already ashamed of what he did to you. So, please, don't hurt yourself."

Azriel picked up some courage and walked in front of Adeline. He then spoke in an apologetic voice while still lowering his gaze, "Adeline, I am sorry that I took out my brother's anger on you. I shouldn't have done that. I regretted it immediately after I cast that spell on you, and I regret it even now. I know that I don't even deserve your forgiveness. But I still selfishly hope that you will forgive me one day."

Adeline gave a distasteful glare to Azriel. No matter what he said or what Theodore said, she swore in her heart that she was never going to forgive him. Only she knew how much pain and anxiety she went through during the course of two years.

Seeing the tension not settling down between the two of them, Theodore cleared his throat and then said to Adeline, "Hey, I think we should bring Rion inside. It gets windy outside at night."

Adeline suddenly widened her eyes feeling sorry for Rion. "Yes, he might catch a cold. I will bring him inside." Adeline loosened Theodore's grip around her.

She gave a piercing gaze to Azriel and warned him, "You better get yourself out of here before I return." Then she headed outside of the door.

After Adeline was out of view, Theodore said to Azriel, "You heard her. You should leave. And stop coming unannounced like this from now on. Or else I shall put a barrier spell just to keep you out of the cave."

Azriel pouted and nodded his head, "Fine. I won't come unannounced. I was not planning to barge in now as well. I came here because Arion told me that Adeline was in pain. He threatened me that he would kill me if I didn't treat her. So-"

"What? Arion told you that? Is he in the Dragon Crypt?" Theodore asked hastily.

"He was there when I left. He might still be there or he might have returned to the Palace." Azriel replied, oblivious to the fact that Adeline had just gone out to fetch him.

Theodore face-palm himself and scolded Azriel, "Then why didn't you say so earlier? Adeline went to fetch him just now, you idiot!" Theodore then instantly vanished from the room to stop Adeline from finding out that Rion was missing from the spot where she left him.

"What?" Azriel wrinkled his brows and murmured, "I thought she went to fetch someone called Rion… Oh! Rion is Arion's nickname? Most probably. Then I should send him back if he is still there at my place." And Azriel teleported to his Crypt.

Theodore, on the other hand, reappeared at the entrance of the cave. He looked around and saw Arion far away, flying under the moonlight. He let out a sigh of relief and then ran back inside the cave to stall Adeline until Arion would land at the entrance.

"Theodore? Why are you here? I can bring Rion inside on my own," Adeline said when she saw that Theodore was waiting for her at the door of the common room.

Theodore gave a gentle smile to her and held her hand, "Well, I wanted to assist you anyway. And I wanted to thank Rion for bringing you here safely, so I came to see him as well."

"Yes, Rion must be so tired. I brought him all the way here in the middle of the night." Adeline looked a little guilty.

Theodore ruffled Adeline's hair and assured her, "Rion is sturdier than you think. You don't have to feel so guilty."

Theodore could hear the sharp swooshing of wind outside the cave. He could tell that it was Arion. So he finally led Adeline outside the cave.

As soon as Adeline saw Arion, she moved her feet faster and hugged him, "Rion, I am sorry I left you outside in the cold for so long."

Arion was glad to see that Adeline was no longer in pain. He put his neck on Adeline's shoulder and hugged her back.

Adeline then gently scratched his neck and asked, "Did you break the rope because you wanted to follow me inside?"

Arion nodded his head while trying to look inconspicuous as if he just did not cross a great distance by flying.josei

Theodore walked in front of Arion and then gently rubbed his neck. And he thanked him from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you, buddy! For taking care of Adeline and for everything else."

Arion understood why Theodore was thanking him and he gently rubbed his head against Theodore's head.

Adeline and Theodore led Rion inside the cave and after they tied him in a warmer place, Theodore carried Adeline in his arms. Then he walked inside the cave just like he used to. The only difference was that everyone was already asleep and there was no one to stare at them being all lovey-dovey.

Adeline put her arms around Theodore's neck and lovingly gazed into his amber eyes. And she whispered to him, "I missed you… Now I know that this was what was bothering me for those two years. I missed us spending time together like this."

Theodore's lips curved up and he whispered back, "There was not a single day when I didn't miss you… And us."

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