She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 284 - Cold Hands

Chapter 284 - Cold Hands

"How about making her my wife instead?" Reginald felt ecstatic just by the thought of making the Future Queen of Wyverndale his wife.

He turned his pale face upward so that the beautiful sun rays would hit his face. He closed his eyes and got lost high above in the clouds. "If I marry her, then Wyverndale will be mine without having to wage a war or involving the third parties in between. She can look after Wyverndale and I can look after Mihir. Perfect!"

King Reginald fluttered his eyes open and ordered his Royal Guard, "Gerald, send a message to the King of Wyverndale saying that I would like to have a meeting with him."

Though the King had just whispered earlier saying that he wanted to make the Future Queen of Wyverndale his wife, Gerald heard it all too clear. And he could tell why the King wanted to meet the King of the enemy Kingdom all of a sudden.

The Head General had ordered all the Royal Guards to not let the King do anything stupid and impulsive. And though they would have to follow the order of the King before the order of the Head General, the guards were not stupid to follow the order of the King blindly. They all knew how he was.

And their main duty as Royal Guards was to protect the King from any kind of danger… even if that danger was the King himself.

So the Royal Guards politely denied his request, "Your Majesty, I am sorry to say this but we cannot send a message to the King of Wyverndale all of a sudden. We cannot let them know that we are already here in his Kingdom. That will be seen as an act of war. If you want to send him a message then you will have to send it through the proper channel."

"Proper channel?" Reginald raised one of his brows and gave a questioning look to his guard. He had never sent a message to another Kingdom before to know what he could and couldn't do while sending the messages.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gerald nodded his head and provided his King with the information that he lacked, "You will have to write a letter and put your seal on it. And the letter must be sent here by using your Royal Messenger."

Reginald clicked his tongue. "What a pity! I came all the way here and can't even meet the King." He was already eager to meet the King of Wyverndale and ask the Princess's hand in marriage. He was so bewitched by Adeline's beauty that if it was possible then he would have loved to take her home this instant.

Gerald looked up at the sun. It was already midday. So he suggested to the King, "Your Majesty, I think we should now head back to Mihir. If we move now then we can reach the Palace before dawn."

"Leave now? Why?" Reginald frowned because he was not ready to run back to his Palace when it had not even been that long since they began exploring Wyverndale. "We have so many places to visit. And I have not even gotten any chance to talk to the Princess yet."

Gerald took in a deep breath and looked down. The King was not going to like what he was going to say. So he cautiously said why they had to leave now, "We do not have the extra stock of potion. The effect of the potion that we took will only last till today so we will have to reach the Palace before dawn to avoid the sun."

"You don't have the one thing that we need the most? How could you be so careless?" King Reginald snarled his fangs and glared at Gerald as if he wanted to kill him right then and there.

Instead of maintaining his distance, Gerald stepped even closer to the King so that no one would be able to see the deadly face that the King was making. "Your Majesty! We are out in the open. Please. You may punish me after returning back to the Palace."

It was not that Gerald was being careless. But he was not allowed to take extra stock of potion by the Chief Advisor Horace. He did not want the King to linger in the enemy Kingdom for more than a day.

King Reginald closed his mouth as well as his eyes and calmed himself down. And he gave a warning to Gerald in a threateningly calm voice, "You better be ready for your punishment. I will make sure that you don't get your daily ration of blood for at least a week."

Gerald just lowered his gaze and kept silent. He was glad that the King was not creating a scene in the middle of the enemy village.

Reginald then turned around and began to walk elegantly, with his hands behind his back.

The only thing that was stopping him from tearing the throat of his guard was the fact that he was still in the area of the Princess. He did not want to create a scene. He was aware that the Princess was still in the village and he did not want her to accidentally see his cruel side. He did not want to leave a bad first impression on her.

And he was even ready to return back immediately thinking that was the only way he could meet his future father-in-law sooner. He promised to himself that he would send the messenger to Wyverndale Palace as soon as he would reach his Palace.

The Royal Guards who were scattered around the village slowly began to follow their King.

Adeline and Raphael finished discussing how they were going to ambush and trap Lillian. And they were walking back towards their Palace while being closely followed by their guards.

Adeline was already flying in the air imagining the day Lillian was going to be finally punished. She already felt several kilograms lighter. The constant weight at the back of her head seemed to have vanished after planning most of the things about that fateful day for Lillian.

As she was walking with her head over the clouds, she did not even realize that she was walking straight towards a man with red hair.

"Ade…" Raphael raised his hand to grab Adeline and pull her out of the way but it was already too late.

Before Raphael could stop her, Adeline ended up bumping her head on Reginald's chest. She finally got out of her imagination and apologized while rubbing her forehead, "I am extremely sorry. I was not looking properly."

"It's alright, Milady. You're not hurt badly, are you?" Adeline heard a honey-glazed voice followed by the coldest touch that she had ever felt in her life.

Reginald lifted Adeline's palm that she was rubbing her forehead with so that he could check her forehead. He had this belief that humans were very fragile as compared to the likes of them.

Adeline flinched because of that stinging touch and glanced at the tall man who had dared to grab her hand. He was a good-looking man but for some reason, she felt intimidated by his red eyes and red hair.

Raphael grabbed Adeline's arm and puller her to his side. "There's no need for you to worry about my sister." He gave a menacing glare to Reginald as he did not like that stranger touching his sister.

Then he gestured to Adeline to walk ahead, "Let's go!"

Reginald turned his head and followed Adeline with his gaze for quite some time. He gave a satisfied smirk and then headed in the opposite direction.josei

Raphael could see Adeline frowning for quite some time. So he asked, "Is something wrong?"

Adeline narrowed her eyes and said, "That man earlier… there is something off about him."

"Yes, obviously!" He exclaimed and added, "Who holds a girl's hand like that?"

Adeline shook her head because that was not what was haunting her. "No, not that.. His hands… they were stingingly cold… as if he was not even alive."

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