She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 291 - Withdrawal

Chapter 291 - Withdrawal

Adeline could not even believe her ears. She widened her eyes and stuttered, "Wh- whe- how…"

She sighed and pressed her lips into a thin line. She was feeling all kinds of emotions at once. She was feeling happy, excited, nervous, scared, and whatnots. And she didn't even know what to say. It was like she forgot how to speak all of a sudden.

Theodore looked at her and kept on chuckling. "I like it when I make you go speechless. You look really cute," he spoke under his breath and teased Adeline.

Adeline got down from his hold and then finally asked, "When did this happen? And how did my father agree to meet you? Did you meet my father in the Dragon Crypt?"

"Shall we teleport to your room first? It is already late." Theodore had a lot to say so he wanted to lie down on the bed while having a further conversation.

Adeline was also already tired of sitting on the chair, wearing a tight gown. "Yes, let's go to my room first. But let's walk there. Else the guards will think that I am still here."

"Okay, we walk then," Theodore smirked and put his arm around Adeline's shoulder.

Then the two of them headed towards their comfort zone where they could talk freely and do everything that they pleased.


It was already very late at night. All the people were sound asleep in their own homes. Not a single sound could be heard except that of the wild animals and crickets.

However, the night was still young for the creatures of the night. No matter how dimly lit the sky was, they could still enjoy the beautiful scenery around them even in the darkness.

King Reginald and his Royal Guards were running back to Mihir at a great speed. They were whooshing past the villages and forest of Wyverndale as though they were a gust of wind. If a human was watching them run then they would not be able to see more than a passing blur. They would just feel the pressure of wind as the vampires would run past them.

They crossed the distance which would have taken 2-3 days in a carriage in just a couple of hours. And as the Royal Guard had said, they reached at the Mihir Palace before the first ray of sun could touch their bodies.

Reginald swooshed past the guards of the Palace and reached to his throne hall followed closely by his Royal Guards who had accompanied him to Wyverndale.

He was standing in the middle of the hall. And when the guards also entered the hall, Reginald swiftly turned around and clutched Gerald by his throat.

"Alright, Gerald," Reginald glared at his guard with his glowing red eyes that were full of anger. And he minced the words through his fangs, "Now tell me, who ordered you not to take the extra stock of potion that protects us from the sun?"

"I for-forgot, Your Majesty," Gerald was already suffocated. The veins on his face looked as though they would burst open at any second now.

Reginald lifted Gerald with his single hand and threw him to the wall. A few pieces of the wall crumbled down along with Gerald.

Reginald was in front of Gerald in a flash and he lifted that poor guard holding him by his collar. And he shouted furiously, "Do you think I am that stupid that everyone can still treat me like a baby? I just pretend to be stupid because I am too lazy to handle this Kingdom. But now I am done playing dumb."

The King bared his fangs and snarled, "Now I am asking you nicely again, whose orders were you following? And why?"

Gerald did not dare to lie to the King again. So he replied truthfully, "The Chief Advisor did not allow us to take the extra stock because he did not want us to spend more than a day in the enemy Kingdom. He was worried that we would get ourselves into trouble if we stayed there for longer."

Reginald pierced a small hole in Gerald's throat and asked again, "Are you sure that is the only reason? Are you sure you all were not conspiring to get me killed?"

Gerald was in pain but he winced and spoke through his pain, "We would never conspire against you, Your Majesty. We all greatly worry about your safety."

Even though it was way too early in the morning, Horace was still in the Palace, waiting for Reginald's return. And when he heard the commotion in the throne hall, he came running, as fast as a human could run.josei

"Your Majesty! Please leave your guard. He was just following my orders." Horace guessed why the King was that angry so he tried to protect the guard from being ripped off by the King.

However, he himself invited the wrath of the King upon him. Reginald choked the frail human with his strong palm and scolded him, "Why would you deliberately try to sabotage my plan to roam around Wyverndale when I had clearly told you that I wanted to spend some time there?"

Reginald had never behaved this aggressively before. On the way, all he could think about was how he did not get to spend some more time with Adeline. That one touch of Adeline made him want more of her.

And he felt angry that he could not spend more time in Wyverndale. The further he got away from Wyverndale, the furious he was getting. If only he had some potion, then he would have returned back to Wyverndale, broken into the Palace, and looked for Adeline.

Something about Adeline was pulling him. He didn't know if it was just her beauty or if it was her blood as well. But what he knew was that he wanted her. And having to run away from that woman just after one meeting made him want to kill everybody.

Horace was also equally furious as Reginald. He had always put up with the King's harsh words thinking he was still a kid. But now he had enough. He didn't care if Reginald was the King.

He desperately tried to break off from the grip around his neck and he tried to speak aggressively even when he was being choked by the Vampire King, "I did what I did because you tend to act impulsively like a teenager… just like how you are acting right now. Can you even call yourself a King when all that you do is play around and kill… both people and time?"

"How dare you speak like that to your King?" Reginald tightened his grip around Horace's neck even more. He snarled at the poor man and glared at the bulging veins on his neck as if he was about to dig his fangs and drain that old man out of the blood.

But he closed his eyes and stopped breathing like he was fighting against himself, like he was trying hard not to give in to his urges.

Horace, on the other hand, was gasping for air and was fighting for his dear life.

All the Royal Guards were helplessly watching the Chief Advisor being strangled by their King. They did nothing to save that old man. They did not want the same fate for themselves by trying to get in between them.

Thankfully, before Reginald strangled Horace to death, the words from Horace finally managed to get inside Reginald's lovesick mind.

Yes, his words were true. All that he ever did was play around and kill. And he was going to kill one more. Horace's face had already turned red because of the lack of air.

Reginald quickly pushed Horace away from his grip and turned away to calm himself down.

Horace gasped for air and coughed violently after being released from that coldest grip.

After getting enough air, he resumed back to shouting at the King, "Do you even care about this Kingdom, Your Highness? Do you even know how careless it was of you to run to the enemy Kingdom? People could have recognized you. What if you unintentionally revealed your secret? Or worse, what if you had encountered the Devil of Wyverndale?"

Reginald turned around and furrowed. "Devil? What Devil?"

To the Royal Guard's relief, the King did not jump at the Chief Advisor again.

Reginald then chuckled all of a sudden and mocked his Chief Advisor, "Don't tell me you believe in some stupid stories that my grandfather used to tell.. There is no one who is stronger than us Vampires."

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