She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 294 - Rebekah

Chapter 294 - Rebekah

"Your Majesty?" that maid was shocked to hear that order from the King. She genuinely thought that she must have misheard him.

But Reginald was in no mood to play along. He glared at that poor maid with his smoldering red eyes and ordered a bit sternly, "I said take off your clothes. Be a dear and don't make me repeat it again. And do it fast if you don't want to face other consequences."

That maid did not want to know what the 'other consequences' meant. She was pretty sure that it meant being found out dead in the gutter somewhere.

So she followed the order and began to undress herself. As soon as her gown dropped on the floor, Reginald jumped out of his bed and grabbed her by her waist. He leaned down and kissed her again. He ran his hands up to her breasts and kneaded them as hard as he could.

The maid didn't resist at all as if she was hypnotized. She didn't know whether it was the fear or her physical desire, but her body refused to protest.

Reginald then turned that maid around and pushed her on the cold wall. He strongly slammed his cold body against her, ready to force his manhood inside of her.

However, his heated passion was interrupted when he heard his sister Rebekah shouting from the other side of the room, "Reggie… Reggie… Are you back already?"

Reginald swiftly went to the bed, pulled the sheet, and covered his lower body with it before Rebekah came swooshing inside.

A red-headed girl who looked like a teenager barged into Reginald's room while shouting, "Reg-" She was about to say something to her brother but her eyes fell on the naked girl who was shivering by the wall.

And in split second, she took off her shoe and threw it while aiming at Reginald's head.

Reginald caught that shoe with no problem. "What do you want?" He snarled at his sister and threw that shoe out of the door.

He angrily sat on the bed and then scolded his sister, "Don't you have any decency of knocking on the door before you rush in? You ruined my mood!"

Rebekah folded her arms and glared back at her brother with blood-red eyes. "Really, Reggie? You're the one to get angry right now?"

Reginald pointed at the maid and shouted, "I was enjoying my meal! And you disturbed me… Do you want me to worship you instead of getting angry?"

Rebekah looked at the maid and snapped her fingers at her. And she ordered, "Hey, you! Grab your clothes and get out."

"Yes, Your Highness." The maid didn't need to hear it twice. She instantly collected her clothes from the floor and ran away from the monsters.

Reginald watched the maid run away from his room and then lied down on the bed. He angrily covered himself with the sheet and pretended to sleep.

But Rebekah was not going to leave her brother without getting what she came for. She kicked Reginald on the butt and screamed again, "You didn't take me with you saying that you would describe everything that you saw in Wyverndale. You even promised to bring me some souvenirs. And the first thing you do after returning back is groped some maid? You horny piece of crap!"

Reginald picked up a pillow and threw it at his sister's face. "Is this how you talk to your King? Show some respect!"

Rebekah cackled as if she had just heard some joke. She threw that pillow back at her brother and teased the red-headed brat, "King my arse! You have to earn the respect. No one gives it to you for free."

She then held out her palm and asked sternly, "Where are the souvenirs? Hand them over."

Reginald scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Hah! You've got some nerves asking for souvenirs after sending away my prey and ruining my mood and…" he narrowed his eyes at his sister and added, "… not to forget, after disrespecting me."

Rebekah just ignored her brother and looked around for any packages that he could have brought. But to her disappointment, there were none. She swiftly went close to her brother's bed and pulled him by his hair, "You didn't bring anything, did you?"

"Argh! What the hell? Leave my precious hair!" Reginald desperately tried to get his sister to leave his hair but they shared the same blood, and she was as strong as him.

Rebekah grabbed his hair with both of her hands and shouted, "No! I am not leaving until you give me something or apologize for lying to me."

If he struggled anymore then he knew that she would pluck a handful of his hair, so he finally apologized, "Okay, okay! I am sorry! I wanted to buy something for you but something came up and I had to return back earlier than I thought."

Rebekah pushed her brother's head away and folded her arms. "I knew it! I knew you would come empty-handed."

Reginald ran his fingers through his hair and smirked. "Well I came empty-handed for now but I will soon bring a most wonderful souvenir for you."

The Princess of Mihir knew better than to trust the empty words of her brother. She looked at Reginald with doubtful eyes and asked in a mocking tone, "And what will that wonderful souvenir be? Your empty words?"

Reginald had a wide smile on his face when he replied, "Your sister-in-law."

"Pfff…" Rebekah chuckled thinking that her brother was just joking. But his eyes were dilated and he had a weird smile on his face as if he was remembering someone. She sat down in front of her brother and asked, "Wait! You're being serious?"

"Yes. She is really beautiful, like some fairy that landed on Earth from Heaven. And her name is also equally beautiful… Adeline." He gave that enchanted smile again.

Rebekah was stunned to hear that confession from Reginald. She was not shocked because her brother had been smitten by some beautiful lady for the umpteenth time. But she was shocked because he was thinking about making that woman his wife rather than taking her as his maid.

So she asked, "Then why didn't you bring her with you as your pet? Isn't that what you normally do?"

Reginald smirked and replied, "Because this time your brother found someone worthy of the title of the Queen."

His sister raised her brows. "Mhmm… Really?" She was still doubtful about that. "Are you sure that you won't run back to Wyverndale again and bring her here as a maid?"

"No, I won't!" Reginald proudly boasted about his rare find, "She is the Princess of Wyverndale. And not just any Princess, she is the chosen one. So I cannot just grab her and bring her here."

"You met the Princess of Wyverndale?" Rebekah had never met the Princess of another Kingdom so she was bound to be excited.

Reginald nodded his head with equal excitement, "Yes! You won't believe it but I think it was fated for us to meet." His eyes sparkled when he further added, "She even stumbled upon me!"

"She did?" Rebekah asked with sparkly eyes. She clasped her hands together and did a little excited wriggle. "Oh my Gosh! Tell me more about her."

Reginald had a sinister smile on his face. He was going to take revenge on Rebekah for pulling his hair earlier. So he gestured his sister to get out of the room and said, "I'll take a bath first. Get out!"josei

"What? No! First tell me about her. Else I will die out of curiosity." Rebekah gave a puppy-eyed look to her brother but Reginald latched his fingers on her face like they were some octopus and pushed her out of the bed.

"Don't give me that look. It's disgusting.." Reginald then walked towards the bathhouse while wrapping the sheet around his body.

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