She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 46 - A New Addition

Chapter 46 - A New Addition

Though there were several other guest rooms in the Palace, Prince Fenris was adamant about staying with Prince Nigel. He said that he had a lot to talk about with Nigel when in reality he was just too worried about his cousin because he just had his first transformation. And he did not want to leave him unsupervised.

In the morning, Fenris had woken up almost at the same time with Nigel. When Nigel was about to leave for the training ground to practice with Adeline, he turned around expecting Fenris to follow him. After all, Fenris had made it clear that he liked Adeline and had been trying his best to impress her.

"Fenris, aren't you coming along with me?" Nigel asked with a bit of suspicion as Fenris was just lying on bed and was not showing any eagerness whatsoever in joining him.

Fenris waved his hand and dismissed him, "No, I won't be coming today. I don't think Adeline likes me that much. And if I come along, I will only distract you two from your practice. So I will just get some more sleep."

Nigel's lips curved upwards to form a smile. "I am glad that you are not a complete idiot. See you later then." Nigel turned around and walked away.

However, Fenris was not being truthful. He still had not given up on Adeline. He was just saying that, so that he could separate himself from Nigel and carry out an important task.

As soon as Fenris was left alone, he got up from the bed and got dressed in his nice outfit. Then he left Nigel's personal quarter and headed towards the quarter of Queen Claricia. He was not sure if Claricia would be awake this early in the morning, but the matter he wanted to discuss was pretty serious that he wanted to see Claricia as soon as he could.

After reaching to the quarter, he was greeted by a maid. "Good morning Your Highness!"

Fenris politely smiled at the maid and put forth his request to the maid in a seductively deep voice. "Good morning dear. Will you be a lady and inform Queen Claricia that I am here to see her? The matter is of utmost importance and needs to be discussed immediately."josei

The maid was quite young and she could not help but blush when Fenris spoke to her so politely. No one had ever shown that much respect to her.

And Fenris was quite a gentleman; he knew how to sway the heart of the ladies. Even though that was not his intention right now, his demeanor would change automatically when talking to the ladies. It would be fair enough to say that it had become a habit of his.

The maid stole a glance of Fenris and then gently bowed to him. "I will inform Her Majesty right away." And she went inside with a bright smile on her face.

After about a minute, the maid returned back to where Fenris was waiting. "Your Highness, Her Majesty is waiting for you inside. I will lead you there. Please follow me." The maid slightly bowed again and then led the Prince towards the personal chamber of the Queen.

Queen Claricia was still in bed and was in her night gown. But when the maid informed her that Prince Fenris wanted to talk about something urgent, she immediately called him in.

The maid gestured her hand inside the room of Queen Claricia and then left them alone.

Fenris bowed to the Queen and greeted, "Good Morning, Your Majesty. I want to ask for your forgiveness for disturbing your sleep."

Claricia smiled gently and spoke in her gentle voice, "Oh you don't have to ask for forgiveness Prince Fenris, it is alright." She gestured her hand towards a comfortable chair in the room and said, "Please take a seat."

"What did you want to talk about?" Claricia asked with a curious voice. The way Fenris had made it sound urgent; she could not help but think that something bad might have happened to someone.

After taking the seat, Fenris let out a deep sigh. His cheerful expression turned serious all of a sudden. "It is about Prince Nigel."

Claricia instantly felt a slight pang in her heart at the mention of her son's name. "What about Nigel?" She asked hastily.

Seeing Claricia a little bit scared, Fenris tried to calm her down. "No, it's not something bad. Umm… I know that you were not ready to hear this now but, Nigel went through his first transformation in the last full moon. He activated his werewolf curse."

This was the last thing that Queen Claricia had expected. So, she just stayed there, stunned. She did not know how to react to this news. Was she supposed to be happy that Nigel was among those who were able to activate the werewolf curse? Or was she supposed to be alarmed?

The werewolf curse was a very well-kept secret of Siccaldi clan, so well-kept that even King Dragomir did not know anything about them. This was done so that the other Kingdoms would not attack Aberdeen just because they were too curious about werewolves or because they wanted to capture werewolves.

"Your Majesty?" Fenris called her to get her attention. She seemed to be too lost in her own thoughts.

Claricia's attention was brought back to the room. "When did you get to know about his transformation? Did he tell you on his own or did you happen to find out the hard way?" And by hard way, Claricia meant to ask if Fenris was beaten up by Nigel or did he happen to see him in his wolf form.

"Nigel told me about the transformation yesterday. Or rather, I found out when I sparred with him in the morning." Nigel did not tell the Queen that he found it out indirectly. He had fought Adeline, not Nigel. But he did not want to go into all that detail.

"So he really has changed after all…" Claricia paused for some time to process that information about her son.

The werewolf gene in the blood of Siccaldi clan had always kept Claricia on her toes when Nigel was a teenager. She used to constantly worry about the werewolf gene manifesting in Nigel. She would look out for him and keep an eye on him, especially during full moons, in case he turned into a werewolf.

After Nigel had crossed the age of 20, Claricia was glad that her son had not triggered the curse. She thought that it would just make it hard to explain the situation to the King. But now, Fenris was telling her that Nigel had actually transformed.

Yes, there were some positive sides to the curse. But she did not want her son to go through the pain during full moons. And she also did not know whether to inform the King about his son's condition or not.

And finally there was another problem. The Siccaldi clan had to be informed about the new addition of the werewolf. There were certain disciplines that Nigel would have to follow from now on. The werewolves were the creatures that were supposed to stay in a pack, following orders from their alpha, bonding with the other members of the pack. And this meant that Nigel's life would be affected drastically.

Queen Claricia took a deep breath in and then looked at Fenris, "When are you leaving for Aberdeen? I think it would be best if you personally delivered this news to the King as well as elders of the clan. I will write a letter to them from my behalf."

Although Fenris would have loved to stay at Wyverndale at least for a few more days, he knew that the matter was serious. And he was also responsible to relay the news as technically he was the one to find out about the new werewolf.

"I will make the preparations to leave today." Fenris stated with a bit of a heavy heart.

Claricia nodded and said, "Then I will write one letter and have it sent to you before the breakfast."

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