She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 50 - A Ring That Connects

Chapter 50 - A Ring That Connects

It was already late at night. Adeline already had her dinner and she was waiting impatiently for Theodore to visit her. While waiting for him to arrive, Adeline had gone to check up on Rion and also to feed him.

She was able to control her restlessness while she was busy feeding and talking with Rion. And after spending some time with Rion, she returned back to her room to check if Theodore was waiting for her there. But to her disappointment, he was not there.

"What is he so busy with today that he has not visited me yet?" Adeline was pacing back and forth in her personal chamber. She was already in her night gown. She thought that he would not be visiting her today and thus, she had already prepared to go to sleep. But she could not fall asleep without seeing Theodore's charming face.

Then she got an idea to curb her restlessness. She sat down in front of her study desk. And she took out a white sheet of paper, ink and a brush. "Why didn't I think of this before?" she mumbled to herself. She was going to paint a portrait of Theodore so that she would not feel so terrible when she missed him. She could at least stare at his portrait when she missed him badly.

In order to start painting the Devil, she recalled his well-proportioned facial features. With the very thought of Theodore's strikingly attractive face, she was smiling like a fool.

She dipped her brush in the ink and started to make soft strokes on the white sheet of paper. While painting, Adeline was lost in her concentration. Her hand movements and the brush strokes that she made looked really elegant to watch. If only there was someone to watch her, they would have instantly fallen for Adeline.

After an hour or so, she completed the portrait of Theodore. She was holding the portrait in her one hand and with another hand she was still holding the brush. She was able to accurately depict Theodore's facial features in her painting. And she herself was drooling over the portrait in front of her. She could not help but grin widely at the final result.

Unbeknownst to Adeline, Theodore was gawking at his own portrait from behind her. He could not believe how impressive the painting was. He was playing with his long hair while praising himself silently, "Of course, the painting turned out this great because I have a very good-looking face."

Theodore noticed from behind that Adeline's cheeks rose up as she stared at his portrait in admiration. Theodore could not help but smile and he finally spoke, "Did you miss me so much, little human?"

Adeline was so lost in his portrait that she was startled by his voice, causing her to jerk her hand. She threw the brush in the air, almost ruining the beautiful portrait that she had just completed. She had not even sensed Theodore's presence in her room.

"Theo! What do you think you are doing by scaring me like that? You nearly ruined my portrait… I mean your portrait. And since when were you standing behind me?" Adeline complained in her soft tone. Though she wanted to be mad at Theodore for making her wait so long and for scaring her like that, she was happy that he was finally here to see her.

Theodore leaned downwards to kiss Adeline on her head full of silver hair. And then he whispered near her ear, "Sorry to keep you waiting dear. I had some matters to tend to. I did not think that it would go on for this long."

Adeline carefully placed Theodore's portrait on the desk and then got up from the chair. Then she flung her arms around Theodore and hugged him tightly.

Theodore also hugged her back and whispered, "You really did miss me that much huh..."

After breaking off from the hug, Adeline fisted her hips and then scowled at Theodore. "This is not fair Theo." She spoke in a pampered tone.

Theodore pressed his lips together and blinked, not knowing what she meant by that. "What is not fair? Me being way taller than you?"

Adeline could not help but chuckle when Theodore said that. "Obviously not that, my Prince. I am talking about how you get to visit me when you please but I don't get to do the same. That is so unfair. I had something important to talk with you today and I was on edge for the whole day, waiting for you to come by."

Theodore did not say anything. He just stared at Adeline and kept on smiling. Adeline was looking at him as if she was a small puppy who was waiting to get a treat. On top of that, Adeline was wearing a white night gown, and this made Theodore think that she really resembled a white little puppy.

"Why are you just smiling like that? Can you not do something about it? Maybe you can also make me able to teleport wherever I like, just like you." Adeline was swaying side to side as she kept forth her demands. She was thinking that if Theodore was able to transfer some of his power to her, then maybe he could also teach her some of his tricks like teleporting.

Theodore puckered his lips and shook his head. "I am sorry Adeline. That I cannot teach you, one needs to be a Devil or God to be able to teleport."

Adeline's face dropped when she heard Theodore say that. Then she glanced back at the portrait and threw a satire at him, "I will just satisfy myself by looking at your portrait then. I will kiss the portrait whenever I miss you."

Theodore raised his brows in amusement and then gave a bewitching smile to Adeline. "Are you trying to make me submit to you? When did my woman turn into a trickster?"

Adeline folded her arms and defended herself, "A trickster? I am just asking you to make it fair, how is that tricking you?"josei

Theodore hummed for a while and then came up with an idea. "Though I cannot make you able to teleport, I can at least make you able to call me whenever you miss me. And I can teleport to wherever you are."

"See, I knew you would have some kind of solution." Adeline clapped and smiled happily.

Theodore plucked a strand of his raven black hair and then rolled it at the tip of his finger. And he did a hand movement which transformed that strand of hair into a ring. The ring looked like it was made out of gold. In the middle of the ring, a thin black line went around it.

Then he elegantly held out his palm and asked in his enchanting voice, "Will you give me your hand, my Princess?"

After Adeline presented her hand to Theodore, he slipped the ring in her ring finger.

"Now, whenever you miss me, kiss this ring instead of the portrait. And I will know when and where to appear. But there is a limit; you can only use this once in a day." Theodore explained to her what she was supposed to do if she wanted to call him.

Adeline was happy to get the ring. Even though it had a limit of one use per day, it was all she needed. She looked at her hand and examined the ring with a wide grin on her face. "Thank you! I will use it well."

"I hope you do… after all this fuss that you made." Theodore said sarcastically and jumped on Adeline's bed to lie down.

Adeline also sat down on her bed, still looking at the ring that she was wearing.

"So, what was the important thing that you had to talk to me about?" Theodore was now looking at Adeline with inquisitive eyes.

Adeline was so immersed in the fact that she now had a way to call Theodore to her whenever she wanted to; she had totally forgotten about the one thing that she wanted to ask to Theodore for the whole day. "Oh yes, I almost forgot about that."

All of a sudden, the cheerful face of Adeline turned into a serious one. "I and Nigel were thinking that if we are able to get General Osmond on our side, then in the future he might be able to guide us to take down Lillian. After all, he was also one of the victims of Lillian. And he knows about Lillian more than us. So I was wondering if I could reveal your identity to the General so as to make him aware of the whole extent of Lillian's crime."

Without even thinking Theodore immediately replied, "If it is General Osmond then I trust him that he will help you get your revenge. So, yes, you can tell him about me. If he still does not believe you then I can directly appear in front of him and make him aware of Lillian's crime just like I did to you."

Adeline smiled and nodded. All day she was thinking of reasons that she thought she would need to give to Theodore to make him agree with her, to make him believe that Osmond would be a great ally. But he just agreed like that.

Then she looked at the ring again. She bit her lower lip and thought to herself, "Let's see how this ring works.. I have to make sure that he did not fool me."

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