She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 59 - An Old Acquaintance

Chapter 59 - An Old Acquaintance

Earlier today, Theodore had actually teleported to Adeline's room but only to find out that she had some audience with her. He had visited her at the exact same time when the messenger of the Palace was making the announcement to Adeline.

Just like the Mystic Coven, Theodore had also felt the barrier of the three worlds merging. And because he was the Devil, he was able to pinpoint the location of where that had happened.

And while he was already near that area, he thought of visiting the place where the barrier was breached. Theodore instantly teleported to the forest where the guards were actively guarding a cave-like entrance.

"Hmm… so this is where the King keeps all his prisoners then." Theodore mumbled to himself and teleported inside the prison. He sensed the remains of dark aura from one of the prison cell and then headed near to that cell for closer inspection.

He walked inside the cell and bent over to see the floor. There he could still see the traces of black ash that had been used to draw the magic circle. He narrowed his eyes because he knew what had been used. "A summoning spell…"

Theodore's forehead had deep frown lines because he knew instantly who was behind all this. "There is only one witch near this area who can easily gain access to this prison. It seems like I have to scare her some more."

Then he teleported once again and reappeared inside of Lillian's private chamber.

Lillian was wearing full black clothes and had a dark makeup on. She really did live up to her evil witch persona right now. She had drawn a magic circle on the floor and she was sitting right in front of it, to practice and perfect her summoning spells.

Lillian had closed all the curtains of her room to make it seem as if it was night time. The only light source in her room was coming from a few candles that she had lighted by the side of the magic circle.

When Theodore teleported inside the room the candles started to flicker madly, as if they were reacting to his presence inside the room.

And Lillian also instantly recognized the aura. "You are here." Lillian said as if she was able to see Theodore.

Theodore knew that she could not see him because he was standing behind Lillian and she was not looking at the direction where he was standing at. She was looking at the corner where curtains were moving because of the wind.

Theodore recognized the magic circle and knew that it was ready to be used. But before he could interfere, Lillian pricked her finger and dropped her blood on the circle then started to chant the spell.

And this time the dark mist was appearing inside the room as if it was a strong tornado. The look on Theodore's face changed because he knew who or what level of mystical being would appear after this. He could only hope that whoever appeared, they would be the ones who were friendly to him.

The tornado-like mist soon dissolved and when it settled, in place of the mist, both Theodore and Lillian could see a seductive figure standing inside the circle.

Both Lillian and Theodore were looking at the figure from the back. Lillian knew exactly whom she had called but Theodore could not quite find out if it was someone who he knew.

The figure standing inside the circle cracked her neck and angrily shouted, "Why do these pesky humans try to annoy me by summoning me? And who the hell is foolish enough to summon a Demoness?"

The Demoness turned around to see who had summoned her but her eyes fell on Theodore first. "Well, well, well, what a sweet surprise!"

Theodore gave a fake smile to her because he recognized who it was. He had never even imagined in his dream that he would be running into her ever again.

Lillian realized that the powerful aura emitting 'spirit' was standing behind her which made her get up and jump to the side of the Demoness. She had believed that a spirit was haunting her, so she had decided to summon someone who was from the highest class of evil. She believed that it would help her subdue that spirit or get rid of it forever.

Lillian glanced at the Demoness who was far taller than her and spoke in a commanding voice, "Lilith, I have summoned you to get rid of the spirit that is in this room right now. It has been haunting me since over a decade now. I cannot see it but I know you can."

Yes, the evil witch had just summoned the first ever woman that was created by God who was later corrupted and turned into the first ever Demoness.

Lilith glared down at Lillian sending chills down her spine with just one look. "You do not speak to me in that tone human. I am not your puppet for you to order me around."

But as a desperate move, witch Lillian sprinkled another drop of her blood on the magic circle to make the bond between the evoker and the summoned stronger. Then she demanded again, "With the bond of the blood, I ask you to kill the spirit that is in this room."

Lilith sneered and then mocked the Queen, "Don't think very highly of yourself you measly witch. Your magic is not that powerful to bind me."

Then the Demoness took out her sharp sword and looked at Theodore with a sinister smile on her face, "But I will kill him because I have to settle an old score that has been haunting me for tens of thousands of years."

Then Lilith stepped out of the magic circle that was meant to bind her.

Queen Lillian was shocked to see this because the book had clearly mentioned that a human sacrifice was required for the summoned to be able to walk out of the circle. But she had not made any human sacrifice on the circle that she had drawn. "How is she able to walk out of it? Is a drop of my blood considered as a human sacrifice?"

What the witch did not realize was that she had just summoned the most powerful Demoness who would not be bound by a simple dark magic. She was the embodiment of darkness, one of the mistresses of dark power. And there was no way a simple witch could control the Demoness of her level unless she was a Supreme Dark Sorceress.

Before the Demoness could take another step, the witch shouted to her, "Make sure you kill it."

The Demoness gave a deadly stare to Lillian and then warned her, "Again, you do not give me orders. And if you ever try to summon me again, I will slice that throat of yours."

Then the Demoness grabbed onto Theodore by his collar and vanished from there, making Lillian wonder if she had killed the spirit or not.

Theodore had stood quietly because he did not want Lillian to hear his voice and figure out that he was not a spirit. And he did not move from his spot even when he had chance because he did not want to create commotion in the Palace. He did not want Lilith to go on a killing spree while in search for him.

Lilith had taken Theodore to a part of Hell which belonged to her. Even though Theodore visited the gambling house of Hell almost every day, he and Lilith had never encountered each other because the Hell was vast and there were some rules regarding which place belonged to whom. And as Lilith was not the ruler of Hell dimension, she had to abide by some of the rules set by the King of Hell.

"Finally, after thousands of years of waiting, I am going to take my sweet revenge." Lilith roared as she pointed her sword at Theodore and took a fighting stance.

Theodore gave a devilish smirk and tried to make a joke, "It is nice to meet you too Lilith. But I think you stole my line there. That is usually what I say to my enemies."

But without entertaining Theodore's sly talks, Lilith gave out a loud battle cry and then charged at him with her sword.

Theodore just stood there thinking he would not be hurt by some simple sword. But that was his mistake to assume that it was just a simple sword. It was a sword that was forged in hellfire, which was capable of hurting even the Devil King.

A swift slice was made by Lilith across Theodore's stomach and even though he dodged, the tip of the sword managed to slide through his muscle.

Theodore felt an excruciating soreness and winched in pain. Then he gritted from between his teeth, "That hurt… like hell."

Lilith gave a sinister smirk and then replied, "You are damn right! This sword was forged in hellfire. So it will hurt like hell."

While Theodore was still trying to process his pain, Lilith came at him again while shouting, "This is for corrupting me and making me go through hell..."

She delivered another blow to Theodore's thigh and smiled, "Not that I don't like being in hell now. In fact I have to thank you for making me realize that I was not meant to be subdued by a man. You made me look bad in front of the almighty but you also made me realize that I could be much more than just a mortal who served as a decoration for Earth."  josei

She delivered another cut on Theodore's back and shouted, "Which is why I have decided not to kill you. But I will give you the pain which I felt for a long long time."

She put the sword back in its sheath and while Theodore was still in pain and screaming, she started to deliver punch after punch on Theodore's face and stomach. Theodore could have fought back if he wanted to but he had always felt guilty for doing such injustice to her. So he let her vent out all her anger on him that she had been bottling since a long time.

Lilith continued to punch him, scratch him, kick him and do everything that she could to hurt him. Theodore was covered in bruises and scratches but still, he did not try to defend even once. And after what felt like an hour of taking beating, Theodore finally fell down to the ground.

Lilith looked at his body full of injuries and she finally felt a little satisfied. "Now we are even."

But before she could do anything else, Theodore's body was covered in dark mist and he vanished from there.

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