She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 61 - Bed Sheet

Chapter 61 - Bed Sheet

After the eventful night, Adeline woke up in Theodore's bed at the usual time that she would wake up every day. Even though she slept for only a few hours, her energy was already replenished from the fountain.

After opening her eyes, a soft smile appeared on Adeline's lips as her eyes fell on the most attractive Devil who was by her side, sleeping soundly. And a sweet thought danced in her mind, "I could get used to this sight every morning."

The Princess was still in Theodore's robe, so she decided to change back to her own night gown while Theodore was still sleeping. She slid out of the bed and grabbed her gown which had dried by now. Then she changed into it and was ready to return back to her own room.

However, Theodore was so deep in his sleep and he looked so serene that Adeline did not want to disturb him from his dreamland. But she remembered the state that her room was in. She had to return back to Palace in time to fix everything before her maids found the disastrous state of the room. And she definitely did not want the Palace to be turned upside down thinking she was kidnapped again.

Adeline stood by the side of the bed and leaned towards Theodore. She softly placed her palm on Theodore's chiseled jaw and whispered his name, "Theo..."

But rather than waking up, Theodore placed his hand over Adeline's hand and kept on sleeping.

Adeline chuckled and then tried to wake him up again, "Theodore, get up. We have to return back before my maids come to my room."

But Theodore pulled Adeline's hand and made her land on top of him. "Theo!" Adeline chuckled and tried to get up but Theodore placed both of his arms around her and held her tightly.

And he whispered, "Stay like this for a while. Give me a few more moments."

Defeated, Adeline rested her head on Theodore's chest and let him sleep for some more time.

After cuddling for some time, Adeline pushed his hands away and jumped out of the bed. "Alright my Devil Prince, take me to my chamber. I don't want my maids to think that I was kidnapped again. They might even think that I died if they see that blood on my bed."

Theodore slowly got out of his warm bed and then stood next to Adeline. He held out his hand for Adeline to hold and slightly bowed his head as if he was asking for a dance, "I shall be obliged to take your order my Princess. Are you ready to travel faraway?"

Adeline glowed like a full moon as she laughed to her heart's content. She also dramatically gave her hand to Theodore and said, "Yes, I am ready Your Highness."

And in an instant, both of them disappeared from there and reappeared in Adeline's room.

The first thing that Adeline realized was that she had a lot of work to do, if she did not want anyone to find traces of blood in her room.

She placed her hands on her waist and took a deep breath in. "Theodore, I am going to sound rude but…" she pointed her finger at Theodore's bloody clothes lying on the floor and continued "…I want you to take those clothes back with you. I don't want anyone to find them here." And she gave an innocent smile to Theodore.

Theodore also smiled back and replied, "How can I deny anything when you smile at me like that? And of course, I would have taken them even if you had not asked me to. Those clothes still have some power and I don't want anyone to come across them, especially someone from other worlds."

Adeline knitted her brows and asked, "Other worlds? Why would anyone or anything from other worlds come here?"

Theodore's face turned grim and he retorted under his breath, "They will come here because someone has learned to summon them."

Adeline did not quite catch what he had mumbled and asked, "Umm… you said something?"

Theodore shook his head and tried to smile, "No. I just want to take some precautions. I have made some enemies along my long lifetime. So it doesn't hurt to be cautious."

Theodore thought that Adeline already had a lot of things in her plate, a lot of things to worry about. And right now, he did not want to add some more burdens on her. He vowed to himself that he would warn Adeline about Lillian's progress after she had completed her test. That way, she would at least have one less tension.

"Okay, I will get going now. I see that you have a lot of work to do." Theodore picked up his clothes from the floor and pointed at the bed sheet covered in blood, "Do you want me to take the bed sheet as well? I presume that you don't know how to clean blood from the sheet. I can dispose them for you."

Adeline clapped her hands and was happy with the suggestion, "That would be so helpful. I honestly don't know how to clean that blood."

Theodore went ahead and pulled out the bed sheet from the bed and rolled it on his hand. He gazed at Adeline and whispered, "See you later little human." And then he vanished from the room.

Adeline rushed to her bath house and brought a bucket of water and a piece of cloth to her room. There were stains of blood left on the floor and she stared at it for some time. Being a Princess, she never had to do any chores like cleaning the floor. But she had to do it if she did not want her maids to see blood stains and think that she had been hurt.

"How hard can it be right?" She soaked the cloth in the water and then proceeded to clean the floor. And it was safe to say that she was doing a bad job because now there was water everywhere on the floor. She was making even greater mess.

But she seemed to be happy with her work and smiled by looking at the floor, "Okay, at least I cannot see the blood stains anymore."

She returned back the bucket and cloth to its original place and then looked at her bed. "I never had to think about this before but where do they keep the clean bed sheets?"

She went to her wardrobe to search for bed sheets but she could not find anything except her own clothes. She went to the bath house to check there. But all that she could find in there were towels and herbs. At last she just gave up and sat on the floor of her bath house. She thought that coming up with a lie would be easier than searching for the bed sheets.

While she was busy searching for the bed sheet, she did not hear the knock on her door. She was still in her bath house when her maids walked in.

"Adeline, are you still asleep today? You didn't answer us." Osanna softly spoke as she walked inside the private chamber of Adeline.

Hawisa did not notice the wet floor and she nearly slipped because of it. "Why is there water everywhere on the floor?"josei

"And where is the bed sheet?" Osanna pointed at the bed and furrowed her brows.

Hawisa looked all around the room and exclaimed in fear, "Where is the Princess?"

Osanna covered her mouth with both of her hands and spoke in a muffled voice, "Did someone roll Adeline in her bed sheet and kidnap her?"

Hawisa dropped down on the wet floor and began to cry while screaming on top of her voice, "Adeline… Why do they keep on kidnapping our Princess?" Then she started to splash her feet on the floor and shouted, "Where are you Adeline?"

Adeline finally heard her maids crying out her name and she shouted from the bath house, "I am in here."

She quickly soaked her hands and feet in cold before the maids came in.

Hawisa and Osanna both ran inside the bath house as if their life depended on how fast they ran. Both of them hugged the Princess like she was really kidnapped and was finally found.

Hawisa looked at Adeline's body frantically and asked, "You are not hurt anywhere, are you? I think I smelled blood in your room."

Adeline nervously chuckled because after all the work that she had done to remove the blood stain, Hawisa still found out because of the smell. But she tried to act as if nothing was wrong, "Blood? What blood? I am totally fine Hawisa."

Then it was Osanna's turn to question. "Then why are you here? Why are you wet? Why is your room wet? And where is the bed sheet? I thought someone rolled you in it and kidnapped you."

Adeline could not help but chuckle. "What? Do you think I am that weak that someone could just roll me in a bed sheet and take me away?"

Then she threw them with a lie, "There is no sheet on my bed because I threw it away. I was feeling itchy and that's why I came here to soak myself." She looked at her maids as if she knew nothing about what was wrong and asked, "And why are you asking so many questions? Why are you two behaving like this?"

Hawisa glared at Osanna and smacked at the back of Osanna's head, and scolded her, "Why did you have to say that she was kidnapped? I had so many bad thoughts because of you."

"Ouch, that hurt!" Osanna shouted back and was ready to fight her.

Adeline sighed and thought to herself, "I should be more careful from now on."

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