She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 290

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 290

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 290

Kane thought for a moment, tore up the document in front of Arthur, and smiled. “You really love her.”

Arthur smiled back and answered seriously, “Yes, very much.”

On the other hand, Lucia followed Jacob all the way to his office. When she saw Jacob sitting on the couch, Lucia chose to stand directly near the door. Now she was disgusted by even the slightest proximity to Jacob. There was a real urge to maim him.

“Why don’t you come and sit down?” Jacob asked when he saw Lucia standing abruptly in the doorway.

“Say what you have to say and don’t be polite with me,” Lucia replied coldly.

The corners of Jacob’s mouth twitched. Knowing he couldn’t force her, he turned to Lucia and said,

“Lucia, why are you doing this? With Arthur’s shares, you already own more than half of JTP. When the shareholders vote tomorrow, I believe you will be able to secure the position of the CEO. Why are you acting like Poppy and continuing to oppose me?”

Jacob’s position in the JTP was at stake, and he spoke to Lucia alone in order to dissuade her from continuing to report him.

Lucia laughed out loud at Jacob’s suggestion,

“I’ve always had a grudge against you. Now that I have such a good chance to push you into hell, do you think I’ll give up?”

Lucia had spoken out about her hatred of Jacob, and she had never tried to hide it.

“But you may not succeed,” Jacob said. His anger was boiling inside him, but his voice was calm.

“You’ll know after I try it,” said Lucia who was staring at Jacob with a bright look in her eyes.

When Lucia didn’t listen and turned on him at every turn, Jacob flipped out and directly threatened, “Do you want to end up like Poppy?!”

Jacob had just said that when he regretted it. It was an admission that he murdered Poppy. Lucia, who was at the door, heard it and her heart ached and her anger exploded. She was quick. In a flash, she came up to Jacob and grabbed his bow tie. She lifted it up a little bit, and Jacob got a little bit higher from her. With red eyes, Lucia stared at Jacob and asked,

“Jacob, did a beast eat your heart?! Poppy is your wife!”

Jacob was initially frightened by Lucia’s anger, but when he realized that she actually sympathized with Poppy, he laughed and said casually,

“Lucia, if I remember correctly, Poppy is your enemy too. Why are you acting like you’re indignant for her when she’s dead? Don’t you think what you’re doing is ridiculous?”

“Poppy knows she’s wrong. She’s not like you!” Lucia turned her anger into a dagger that hit Jacob right in the heart,

“Unrepentant and selfish, you can even use and kill your own wife. Yes, I hate Poppy, but I forgave her just because she said she was sorry, and I want to avenge her!”

When Lucia said this, the strength in her hand increased a little. Jacob felt that it was not easy to breathe for a moment. He tried to struggle for a while, but when he saw that Lucia did not let go, he raised his hands and wrapped around her waist. Lucia felt chill, and Jacob was thrown to the ground.

Getting up quickly, Lucia looked down at Jacob and said, “Jacob, don’t say that you’ve been cornered today. Even if you still have a way out, I’m not afraid of you. I’m telling you, Webbex Group, I’m taking it

back. You have to go to jail and face the consequences!”

Jacob got up from the floor, straightened his bow tie angrily, and struck back at Lucia,

“Don’t be too confident. You know that the people who have interest relationship with me are all important figures in Athegate’s political circle. I have a lot of protection. But as for you and Arthur, although you can make waves in the business world, in the political world, you are all blind worms. You have no connections . Do you want to fight with me?! You are not qualified!”

Jacob finished his words with an air of toughness, as if Lucia really had nothing to do with him.

Lucia chuckled and said to Jacob,

“Jacob, you’re the one who’s too confident. Why do you think Poppy put that video up on the internet? It’s because she knows you have a powerful background that she’s willing to ignore the criticism and expose the mistakes she’s made with you. You have a lot to do with this, but are you sure they can withstand the criticism of the public? If I’m not mistaken, I’m afraid this matter has already alerted the higher authorities. Soon, all the big shots you’re so proud of will be taken down one by one!”

Jacob was taken aback, thinking back to the crowd that surrounded him when he returned to the office this morning. What Lucia said seemed not just a threat out of anger, but the reality of the situation.

“Lucia, tell me. What will it take for you to agree to drop the lawsuit?” Jacob asked Lucia as his mind raced over his priorities.

“No way!” Lucia replied without a second thought, and said firmly, “Jacob, stop thinking about how to get out of here. The only thing you should be thinking about is how to spend your days in prison!”

Jacob gritted his teeth. At last, he finally gave up his principle. “Lucia, if you’re willing to drop the lawsuit, I can officially return all my shares to you at the shareholders’ meeting tomorrow. That way,

Webbex Group will really be back in your hands. I will leave Athegate immediately and never appear in front of you again.”

Between money and freedom, Jacob chose the latter.

This time, Lucia didn’t respond. She just looked at Jacob, sneered and walked away. At first, she wanted to see if Jacob had any remorse for Poppy’s death, but now it looked like there was no need at all.

“Lucia, answer me!” Seeing Lucia leaving without looking back, Jacob ran to the door and asked loudly, but what he was waiting for was Lucia’s determined back.

Jacob leaned against the door. His mood hit rock bottom. He had made his principle clear, and Lucia still didn’t change her mind. What else could he do?

Jacob felt defeated, but he couldn’t confess and he didn’t dare. If he gave up everything to turn himself in, let alone go to jail to change, he was afraid the people behind them had tried to kill him before this.

“No, I have to think of something, even if it means…” he whispered, with a hint of ferocity flashing in Jacob’s eyes.

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