She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 381

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 381

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 381

Helena and Otis walked at the back. Watching Lucia mourning beside Theodore, she felt so sad that she couldn’t help reaching out and holding Otis’s hand.

Otis turned his head and saw Helena frowning slightly. Her eyes were full of distress, and he couldn’t help but hold her back tightly.

Back in the ward, after putting Theodore back on the bed, Lucia sat next to him and stared at him blankly. And even when the nurse came to treat his festering wound, she didn’t leave for half a minute.

“Arthur, you can’t collapse.” In the quiet ward, Otis pulled Arthur to his side and said to him. Lucia’s mental state was really bad right now, and the soft look made people feel like she was going to fall any time, so Otis needed his brother to be stronger.

“I know.” Arthur nodded in response. He couldn’t and didn’t dare to let his emotions overflow, because once he broke down, it was really difficult to recover. And Lucia and Teddy needed him.

Sophie listened to Arthur and Otis’ words, and looked at Lucia distressedly. After hesitating for a while, she picked up the food box she brought, walked to her side and said softly,

“Lucia, would you like something to eat?”

Lucia turned her head slowly when she heard Sophie’s voice. She shook her head and said frankly, “Sophie, can you let Arthur eat? I really can’t eat…”

Teddy was sleeping. She wanted him to wake up, but at the same time she was afraid that he would wake up. Her mind was going back and forth and complicated. Lucia was completely depressed.

Sophie looked at Arthur in embarrassment, only to see Arthur shaking his head to her helplessly. She could only sigh and put the food box back in its place.

“Arthur, I’m going to tell my mom about this right away,” Helena said to Arthur at this point.

“I know. I never doubted Ms. Wilson’s concern for Teddy,” Arthur said understandingly.

Helena nodded to him and went out to make a phone call. Within half an hour, Esmae arrived at the hospital. Coincidentally, Edwin, who was on his way, met her in the lobby.

Although they didn’t want to communicate too much with each other, they were not strangers after all. After a few seconds of embarrassment, Edwin spoke up first,

“You heard the news too?”

Esmae glanced sideways at Edwin, then nodded slightly after hesitating for a moment.

Edwin was not surprised by her indifference, but he still said what he had always wanted to say,

“Esmae, thank you for taking care of Teddy. I know it’s right to stand in your position, because you love Lucia. But for the Davis family, your care for Teddy is kindness. Thank you.”

“Stop talking about these polite words,” Esmae finally said so, but did not compromise at all, “Be concerned about Teddy’s condition first.”

Edwin’s offer of befriending was rejected, but he wasn’t annoyed, because Esmae was that kind of person.

When getting on the elevator, Edwin took the initiative to let Esmae go first. Even if he was in a hurry, he did not enter the elevator with her, considering whether she would mind it.

When elevator door closed, Esmae frowned, and there was an inexplicable melancholy in his heart.

Esmae stepped into the ward before Edwin. After seeing Theodore’s bandaged calf, her sharp eyes immediately softened, and she completely ignored Sophie and Arthur Otis. She went straight to ask

Lucia about the situation.

After seeing Esmae, Lucia’s dejected expression recovered a little. She explained Theodore’s situation to Esmae in detail. Esmae said after listening,

“The deterioration of Teddy’s condition is also expected. What we need to do now is to find a match as soon as possible and replace the marrow before the cancer spreads. Otherwise Teddy will suffer even more.”

Of course Lucia knew it, but she said helplessly, “I know too, but where can we find the right match?”

Lucia’s question was also the greatest helplessness of all those who cared about Theodore’s condition.

Esmae didn’t answer after Lucia asked this question. It seemed that she only mentioned matching for the sake of describing the matter. Arthur always felt it weird in his heart. He felt that Esmae was implying something to Lucia, but in front of everyone, he didn’t do much to investigate.

In less than five minutes, Edwin also came in. This time Arthur explained the situation of Theodore to him. Edwin was very worried after listening, and said immediately,

“Although Teddy has already registered the information in the database, we still have to take some special measures. I will let the public relations department report Teddy’s condition. There must be suitable people with huge sum of money. I believe that there will be people who are willing to try matching .”

“This method is fine,” Otis replied, “Arthur, let’s use our connections to spread the news. Maybe we can really find a match.”

“Okay, I’ll do it right away.” Arthur had this idea before, but because he was exhausted after seeing Theodore, he kept forgetting about it. Now when his brother reminded him, he immediately took out his

mobile phone and wanted to make a call. But before the phone could get through, Esmae spoke,

“Do you think this is the right thing to do?!” Esmae turned to face the Edwins and said sharply,

“Now the database of the hospital has registered the information of all the good-hearted people who voluntarily donate bone marrow in the United States. It is only a matter of time to find the right person, but you lure them with large sums of money. There will definitely be malicious people who will make money maliciously, and the consequences will be inestimable. Teddy’s identity is unusual. He is the child of Browns family. If a murder case is committed to save him, do you think the media and the public will let this child go off in the future?!”

Esmae’s words were not unreasonable. The social level of the USA was extremely complex. If Edwin sought bone marrow with a lot of money, there may be social problems because of this, and Edwin had to admit it.

“I was negligent.” Edwin admitted his mistake calmly.

Esmae snorted coldly, turned around and assured Lucia, “Lucia, trust me. I won’t let Teddy have an accident! Never!”

There was unshakable confidence in Esmae’s words. Lucia trusted her very much. Seeing her so firm, she can’t help but be affected.

“I trust you,” said Lucia.

Esmae smiled lovingly and patted Lucia’s shoulder lightly, while Arthur, who was standing behind, couldn’t hold back the weird feeling in his heart.

The first reason was that Esmae cared about Theodore very much and had hatred for the Davis family. In fact, from the very beginning, he never thought that Esmae would be willing to back down and let

them take care of Theodore freely, but Esmae just did that.

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