She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 452

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 452

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 452

Spencer, who usually rarely worked out, had been panting when running more than 500 meters, not to mention that he was still on the beach. The soft sand always made his feet sink in, and the next step was even harder to lift, so after shouting a few words, Spencer couldn’t help but stop and pant.

The bodyguards hesitantly slowed down once they saw Spencer stop, which just gave Lucia time to pull away. Lucia ran quite fast in her bare feet.

Just a few gasping, Spencer exasperated to find the bodyguards were hesitantly slowing down to look back at him. He said angrily, “Why do you care what I do? Chase her back to me!”

Looking up again, Lucia in the distance was already far away like a shadow in the moonlight.

Spencer was anxious. He accepted the bodyguard’s advice and decided to do something in Lucia’s drink. Of course, this was not deadly LSD, but some bar common ecstasy only. This drug will make people tune lustful in a short period of time. If he let her run away and … meet other people …

The consequence was unthinkable!

With that thought in mind, Spencer started to jog instead of panting. The bodyguards only sped up to chase after her, but they were already a long way behind Lucia.

Lucia’s mind was drifting, and the only thing that kept her going was that she couldn’t let Spencer get away with it, so she ran headlessly. However, her strength had its limits. Slowly, Lucia slowed down and began to stagger.

After running for nearly 100 meters, Lucia turned her head and looked behind her with difficulty. Some people seemed to be chasing her far away, but she really did not have the strength. Just as she was thinking this, she suddenly stumbled. Lucia fell forward uncontrollably.

When she fell, Lucia felt miserable. Was she really going to give in to Spencer?

But the expected pain did not come. Lucia threw herself into the arms of a man. She grabbed his hand in astonishment and looked up.

For a moment, Lucia thought she was dreaming.

Under the moon, Arthur’s handsome face was in shadow, but Lucia could see his worried eyes and frowning brows.

“Lucia, what’s going on?!” Arthur’s anxious voice rang out, and Lucia knew that she had really met Arthur.

How could…

Lucia was both surprised and had relieved sigh. God had really sent him to her side.

“Some people are after me. Help me…” Lucia was exhausted. She couldn’t care less about the truth she had to hide from him. She just wanted to get away from Spencer.

Arthur heard the words and looked ahead. Sure enough, in the distance, a few figures were running towards her. He quickly looked around and saw a grove of palm trees not far away. Then, ignoring the others, he picked up Lucia and ran towards the palm trees. They quickly hid under the shadow of the moon.

Cloaked in palm trees and holding Lucia in his arms, Arthur watched the beach.

In less than ten minutes, a group of men dressed in black ran to the beach in front of the palm trees. They didn’t realize that Lucia had disappeared from here, so they chased after her for some distance before they realized that there was no one in front of them.

Realizing something was wrong, the men in black turned back and could be seen looking around as they walked, but the beach was lined with palm trees, and they had no idea that Lucia was hiding there.

To their surprises, someone had helped her. Arthur held his breath and watched their every move until he was relieved to see them running back the way they had come.

Without further ado, Arthur used the space to pick up Lucia and leave the beach. It was not until he was in a crowded place that he realized that something was wrong with the person in his arms.

Lucia must have been running for a while, so her face was flushed and her breathing was unsteady. She was panting, but Arthur soon realized that her eyes were strange. The streetlights were brighter than the moon, so he can see Lucia’s eyes of confusion and dementia in clear light.

Sitting down on a bench by the roadside, Arthur raised his hand and touched Lucia’s forehead. He immediately noticed that her skin was unusually hot, and she would moan softly when he touched her.

A thought flashed through Arthur’s mind, and he raised Lucia’s little face to look into her misty eyes and whispered, “Lucia, did you eat something?”

Lucia’s response to Arthur was to tilt her head and smile charmingly. Her eyes were misty, and Arthur’s heart skipped a beat as he pulled her small face into his embrace.

She was really drugged!! Arthur was certain. He was terrified. If he hadn’t shown up on the beach earlier, what would have happened to Lucia? Who were the men in black?!

Arthur’s appearance was, of course, a fluke of a fluke. He was leaving Miami tomorrow, and he was so distracted that he took a walk by himself on the beach, away from Lola, all the way from south beach, from the setting sun and the afterglow to the rising moon. He found himself on the beach near the hotel where Lucia lived.

When he saw Lucia running towards him, he thought he was hallucinating, but he accidentally saved her.

Heart thumping, Arthur was afraid and hugged Lucia. He could not help but blame her. After leaving him, why can’t she protect herself!! What the hell was Spencer doing?!

At this moment, Arthur’s mind was in turmoil, but Lucia didn’t feel anything. After running, the effect of the drug was all released. Now, she didn’t have much sense anymore. The only person she could sense was Arthur, the man she loved the most.

She grabbed Arthur’s collar with both hands. Lucia searched his purple eyes in a daze, but she didn’t know how attractive her watery eyes were.

Looking at the lovely Lucia in his arms, Arthur struggled and asked in a low voice,

“Lucia, where’s Spencer? Where is he? Can I take you to him?”

Arthur didn’t forget that Lucia was engaged with Spencer, and he didn’t like asking this question, but he can’t resist the moral imperative.

He didn’t know that Spencer was the one Lucia was running away from.

“There is no Spencer…” Lucia murmured with what remained of her senses at Arthur’s words.

Seeing Lucia frowning, Arthur hesitated for only a few seconds before picking her up.

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