She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 455

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 455

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 455

Getting out of bed, Lucia didn’t dare to wash up, but quickly found her long dress and put it on. Then she gently gathered her hair, and when she was done, she squatted down to Arthur’s side.

Gently lying on the edge of the bed, Lucia was fascinated looking at the peaceful Arthur, and even saw a light smile on his lips. Lucia’s heart ached.

Arthur had always been a light sleeper, and now that he was able to sleep so soundly, it was clear how badly he usually slept. Lucia knew it was because she was in his arms that he was able to sleep at ease.

Deep in the midst of the ruse, Lucia was more and more aware of Arthur’s undying devotion to herself, but unfortunately, there was nothing she can do about it now.

With a long, heartfelt sigh, Lucia leaned over and kissed Arthur on the forehead, soothing him with a dreamy, soft voice.

“Arthur … sleep well …”

Even though with reluctance, Lucia still quickly left the hotel, and after thinking about it, she decided to let Spencer think she fainted on the beach, so there was just a scene.

It seemed that Spencer was convinced. Lucia was relieved and can not help but think of Arthur. She wondered if he was now awake. After waking up, he would find her gone. How would he feel about what happened last night?

Last night, Lucia was able to relish the warmth she had been missing for so long. She missed Arthur so much. Although the drug was affecting her behavior to some extent, Lucia was responding to Arthur with her whole heart.

Thinking of last night’s lingering scene, Lucia’s face gradually swooned, and there was a light smile on her lips. The Miami beach, as far as her eye could see, seemed to have become even more beautiful.

Just as Lucia was thinking about Arthur, Arthur was thinking about her.

Arthur did wake up after Lucia had left. When he opened his eyes, there was no one around him, but Arthur knew that Lucia had really come and buried his face on the pillow she had slept on. He could still vaguely smell the fragrance from her hair.

He was not surprised that Lucia would go quietly, but he was relieved that she would be able to leave on her own.

Arthur sat up and stretched. His body and mind felt comfortable. He hadn’t slept so well for a long time. Lucia was like a sleeping aid to him. With her around, the entire night would become quiet and tranquil.

Unable to ascertain what had happened last night, Arthur was concerned only with the fact that he had saved her, and the warmth of the night. When he had washed up and packed his bags to say goodbye to Lola, Lola noticed the change in him at once.

“Arthur, you seem happy,” Lola asked uncertainly, for he had been unhappy when they parted yesterday.

“Yes.” Arthur didn’t deny it, and the smile on his lips never stopped.

“Did anything good happen during the walk?” Lola asked. She just wanted to know why, who, and what made him feel better.

“Last night, I saved a cat.” Arthur’s eyes softened when he said “cat.” His Lucia was like a cat.

Lola looked at the tenderness between Arthur’s eyes, and she was upset. Was it really a cat? She suspected, but knew not to ask again.

After lunch, Arthur said goodbye to Lola and returned to New York alone. He had some things to say to Esame.

Sophie had expected Arthur to return home devastated, but to her surprise, her son seemed to be in such a good mood that she didn’t know how to say what she had been saving up for.

“Arthur… Are you smiling?” Holding Arthur’s face, Sophie carefully observed the expression on his face, fearing that he was faking it in order not to worry her.

Arthur smiled wryly and said, “Of course I’m smiling. Do I look like I’m crying?”

“It’s not… It’s just…” Sophie couldn’t explain, and couldn’t bring herself to provoke Arthur’s distress.

“Mom, I’m fine.” Knowing that his mother was worried about him, Arthur leaned over and hugged her. A simple sentence had already made Sophie’s eyes turn red.

“That’s good. That’s good,” Sophie kept saying. “I really don’t know what to do if you keep moping.”

Even if not accompanied by his side, there was no parents who did not miss the children out of home.

Arthur smiled and asked Sophie, “Is Douglas back already?”

“Yes, he’s home now,” Sophie replied.

“In the afternoon we’ll go to the Brown family and see Teddy,” Arthur told Sophie.

Sophie hesitated. “But Esmae’s back in Chicago. She won’t let us see Teddy.”

Sophie was always concerned about Esmae.

“Teddy is my son. It’s a fact of life, and now is the perfect time to see him. Lucia is engaged with Spencer as she wishes. Her hostility toward me should have diminished. She can’t keep me away from Teddy forever,” said Arthur.

Hearing Arthur speak so calmly about the relationship between Lucia and Spencer, Sophie wondered why Arthur seemed so relieved. Was it possible that he’s already…

Arthur did not find it funny when he saw his mother staring at him in a daze without saying a word. In fact, he could probably guess Sophie’s thoughts. It was just that there were some things that he could not share, so he thoughtfully changed the topic, to get her mind off it,

“Mom, aren’t you going to tell Dad and Douglas? We’re going to see Teddy!”

Arthur’s words reminded Sophie that. In any case, it was a blessing to see her grandson, and she immediately rushed off to inform her husband and Douglas that they were all back in less than half an hour.

“Arthur, are you all right?” asked Douglas, who was a bit naive.

“Yes,” Arthur replied with a smile, pretending not to notice Sophie secretly pinching Douglas’ arm.

“Arthur, are you sure we can see Teddy? Don’t come all this way for nothing and start an unnecessary argument.” Edwin was now more concerned about how the visit with his grandson went.

“So what,” Arthur said, raising an eyebrow, and the arrogance returned. “Teddy is my son, and no one can’t stop me from seeing anyone.”

“Good!” said Edwin, admiring Arthur’s decisiveness. “Then we’ll leave immediately, and we’ll be able to see Teddy tonight.”

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