She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel Chapter 298

She Is A Ceo Novel Chapter 298

She Is A Ceo Novel Chapter 298

Jacob broke out in a cold sweat, knowing that Spencer wasn’t kidding and that he might not be able to get out of the house tonight if he wanted to.

Thinking of this, Jacob lifted a hand to wipe away the sweat, made a flattering smile, and said to Spencer, “Spencer, you don’t have to be serious. Didn’t I just say that because I am cornered?”

“Watch your mouth, Jacob. Watch your mouth,” Spencer warned with a scoff.

Seeing that Spencer did not continue to pursue the meaning, Jacob secretly relieved in the heart, nodding, “Yes, I will be careful from now on.”

“You’re handing over the power to Lucia tomorrow. She’ll probably continue with the lawsuit soon. If you accept my advice, I can arrange for you to leave and go directly to join my father. He’ll take care of you.” Spencer seemed to have forgotten about the unhappiness just now, and generously gave Jacob a way out.

Jacob looked down and thought for a moment, then asked Spencer, “But what about the JTP if I leave?”

Did he really want to give Lucia back the business he had been working so hard on for six years? Jacob wasn’t happy about it.

“I’m here, aren’t I?” Spencer smiled calmly, “Your shares are frozen and can not be traded, but they can be managed by someone else,” he said. “I’ll have the company’s lawyer send you a document tomorrow. If you sign it, I’ll take control of the 35% shares after you leave. As long as I’m around, Lucia can’t have the whole JTP.”

Spencer was talking about taking over, but in Jacob’s eyes, it was like giving them to him, so he didn’t immediately respond. Spencer quickly read Jacob’s mind and sneered,

“Don’t worry. As long as you come back, the shares are yours, and I, Spencer, am not going to covet your money.”

His mind was exposed. Jacob smiled and said, “Spencer, don’t get me wrong. I don’t trust anyone but you. It’s just that running away is very important. I still have a lot of connections behind me. I don’t know if I can leave so easily. Let me think about it for another night.”

“Okay,” Spencer said simply, “Take your time. I’m not in a hurry.”

Jacob had a smile on his face, but inside he had the sad face of a clown. When it was over, he got up and left Spencer’s house. When he went out, the whole world was silent except the moon was looking at the world coldly.

After Jacob left, Ewan approached Spencer and asked him respectfully,

“Mr. Davies, why are you helping Jacob? In the current situation, you can just give up the chess piece. Why are you helping him escape?”

Ewan, who had been with Erik for many years, was one of the men Erik had sent to take care of Spencer, and he had every right to be concerned about Spencer’s decisions.

“Jacob is such a selfish and mercenary person. He’s the best person to make use of. As long as I give him some benefits, he’ll do all the evil things. I’m helping him now so that I can control Lucia in the future. Besides, Jacob is quite capable. If I let him go to follow my father, he’ll definitely die for it. Why don’t we continue to make use of him?”

Spencer stretched out on the couch and answered Ewan’s questions.

Ewan smiled and praised, “You’re thoughtful. Your father told me to take good care of you and help you get Miss Webb’s favor. As long as you two can get married, the Browns family can be used by us.”

Spencer listened to Ewan’s words with pride.

Lucia, I’m gonna get you!

The morning light was shining. When Arthur woke up in the morning, he found that Lucia was no longer in bed. He sat up and heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. It was probably Lucia who had woken up early to wash up.

Arthur picked up his watch from the bedside table and glanced at it. It was just after 7 o’clock. Lucia didn’t usually get up so early. Could it be that she was actually a little nervous?

He turned around and got out of bed. Arthur walked into the bathroom and saw Lucia soaking in the bathtub. Her eyes, which were supposed to be bright and sparkling, were a little dazed, and one of her hands was fiddling with the bubbles in the bathtub.

“Lucia, why are you up so early?” Arthur asked Lucia, squatting by the bathtub with a slight smile.

Lucia’s face was red from the warm water, and when she saw Arthur come in, she reached for his arm and said apologetically,

“Does it bother you?”

“No, I just woke up empty and lonely,” Arthur said, laughing at Lucia’s natural intimacy.

Lucia smiled and told him what was on her mind. “I don’t know why. I just can’t sleep.”

“Did I not try hard enough last night?” Arthur smiled wickedly and teased Lucia.

Lucia glared at Arthur and said with exasperation, “I’m talking about business!”

“I’m trying very hard to make you laugh, too,” Arthur boasted as he slid into the other end of the bathtub. His eyes met hers and he said to Lucia,

“Lucia, I know you’re nervous, but I’m sure you’ll be able to hold your own and never lose to Jacob.”

“Jacob is nothing to be afraid of,” Lucia began to fiddle with the bubbles again. She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, “It’s just that after so many years, Webbex Group has finally returned to us, the Webb family. I always feel very emotional. I wonder if my father will scold me or encourage me in heaven.”

Lucia’s lips curled into a wry smile, looking especially pitiful.

“It’s a pity I haven’t met your father,” Arthur said, looking at Lucia gently. “If your father had met me, Jacob wouldn’t be here.”

Arthur’s words made Lucia smile, and though she knew he was trying to make sense of her situation, the words made sense.

Indeed, the mood was improved by Arthur’s words, and Lucia, both grateful and annoyed at his insistence on such an explanation. She became vindictive, scooped up a puddle of water from her palm and splashed it in his face. Arthur was splashed by her and was caught off guard. After the reaction, he lunged at Lucia and the two “fought together”. Slowly, the meaning was changed.

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