She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel Chapter 317

She Is A Ceo Novel Chapter 317

She Is A Ceo Novel Chapter 317

Lucia took the phone, nodded to Wyatt, and said, “Mr. Young, I’ll ask you to testify later.”

“I’ll definitely go,” Wyatt answered affirmatively.

Leaving the construction site, Lucia and Arthur returned to the helicopter. The engine roared and the smoke was rising. Lucia saw Wyatt standing at the bottom and looking up at her. Those eyes really had too much emotion.

Lucia was inexplicably sad. She leaned her head on Arthur’s shoulder, and said sadly, “For some reason, I can’t bear to blame him.”

Arthur stroked Lucia’s hand and sighed softly, “Everyone makes mistakes. At that time, Wyatt was short of money and was tempted by money. He has been living in guilt for so many years. And he has never been fully at ease. This is the biggest punishment for him.”

“Well, I hope all kind people will not be embarrassed by life.” Lucia looked at the blue sky and whispered.

The return trip was less than an hour, and Arthur took Lucia back to the office as soon as they got off the helicopter. He connected the mobile phone and computer with a data cable, and they anxiously waited for the video file to appear.

Finally, the file interface of the phone’s SD card popped up on the computer screen. Lucia took a deep look at Arthur and motioned him to open the video file.

After a few seconds of waiting, the video file played smoothly, and Lucia finally felt relieved.

The video showed that the camera was installed on the corridor wall, and the angle was just right to capture the door that Poppy originally booked. The picture quality was clear, but because it had not been edited, the video was very long and the data was large. Arthur fast-forwarded all the way. Finally,

they saw Lucia and Poppy appearing in the picture. The two walked close to each other, with happy expressions on their faces, and then entered the room together.

Lucia looked at Poppy’s face in the video and sighed, “At that time, I really thought Poppy was seriously helping me prepare a surprise for Jacob, but I didn’t expect…”

The video continued to play. Arthur knew that there must be a long time in between when Poppy was drugging Lucia, so he fast-forwarded for a while. After a while, it came to the scene of Poppy walking out of the room, and she kept standing at the door, constantly looking around, occasionally looking at the camera.

“It’s my turn,” Arthur said.

Arthur, who was supported and clearly drunk, appeared in front of the camera. Poppy pulled Arthur into the room without saying a word, and the man who supported him also left. After a while, a strange man appeared, wandered at the door for a while and walked into the next room. After he entered, Poppy walked out of the room where Lucia was, and then left.

“I really hope I wasn’t drunk at that time, so that I could be a hero to save the beauty.” The reason why Arthur can laugh at the past so easily was because he was lucky that he had this fate. Otherwise, he would miss Lucia.

Lucia patted Arthur on the shoulder and motioned for him to continue playing. Wyatt said that his shift time was 8:00 in the morning. Before that, Jacob had brought reporters to “catch the adultery”.

Sure enough, after fast-forwarding, the lights in the picture were turned off because of daylight. At about five in the morning, Arthur stumbled out of the room and left. An hour later, Jacob appeared at the door with a group of reporters, followed by Poppy. They didn’t break into the door immediately, but talked for a long time at the door. It was obvious that Jacob was telling the reporters what to do later.

“We can win with this picture!” Arthur said excitedly. Jacob stood in the middle of the group of reporters and looked like the leader. This alone proved that he and Poppy had planned a long time ago. Now every frame on the video and every process perfectly matched Poppy’s confession.

“Yeah.” Lucia was also excited, and the hand that had been resting on Arthur’s shoulder increased its force involuntarily.

The scene after that was chaotic. Jacob took away Lucia, who was only wearing a sheet. Although there was no sound in the video, it clearly recorded Lucia’s terrified face and her panic.

Seeing this, Arthur turned around and hugged Lucia’s waist in distress, and said guiltily, ” Lucia, you’ve suffered a lot.”

Arthur knew now that Jacob showed up with them less than an hour after he left. If he left later, maybe Lucia wouldn’t have suffered so much.

Lucia leaned down and wrapped her arms around Arthur’s shoulders, smiling relievedly, “If you had stayed then, there would be no Teddy now, and nothing happened to us. I have no regrets.”

Arthur raised his head to look at Lucia. He was clearly a domineering man, but at the moment there was an uncertain vulnerability in his eyes. He asked Lucia,

“Lucia, I hurt you so many times. Do you really not regret being with me?”

“Idiot,” Feeling distressed at the fragility in Arthur’s eyes, Lucia gently pressed her face to his cheek and told him in the softest voice,

“I love you. I just love you. I never thought that I fell in love with you in order to get anything. And I never thought that we would always be smooth, no waves, no obstacles. I just follow my heart and love you. So no matter what happens, it won’t affect my mood unless you don’t love me one day.”

“I won’t!” Arthur immediately stated firmly. He stared into Lucia’s eyes. His words were clear and emotional:

“At that time, even in the face of Julia’s deception, I never thought of giving up on you. I admitted I was selfish. From the beginning, I suspected that it was all deception, and that the child was not mine. Even if I knew it and finally forcing her to do a paternity test will hurt her, I want to give it a try. Even if there is a chance, I don’t want to let you down.”

Lucia listened to Arthur’s words, and finally understood why he was in the parking lot that day. At that time, she was unable to understand why he had failed her and had engagement to Juliana, why he still wanted her to understand him and wait for him. It turned out…because he never gave up on her.

“Arthur, thank you.” Knowing that she was being waited for, it was a real blessing. Lucia had no regrets about her past or meeting Arthur.

Arthur was holding Lucia, and he felt a wonderful feeling of love, of being loved, of filling his heart.

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