She Was Both Called God, as Well as Satan

Chapter 63 – New Equipment

Chapter 63 – New Equipment

Chapter 63 – New Equipment

「Yo! It’s not often we get new rookies coming here.

Did you travel far? Does your ass sting?

That magic transport is really the worst ride, man~


The officer laughed vigorously while welcoming the young soldier. That officer led the platoon to which the young soldier belonged. He was also one of the few human soldiers who manned this garrison.

「Well, what the hell am I spouting at such a place, come! I’ll lead you to your room.」

The energetic officer led him to the barracks where the soldier’s quarters were. The young soldier was of the lowest rank, but the barracks where he was guided had a private room prepared for him. And the private room already had a set of “equipment” waiting for him.


A voice welcomed the young soldier when he entered the room, and a group of young girls bowed to him.

「Your equipment is here.

You’ve got shields, armor, wands, homunculi, and…. Ah what was it again…

Well, whatever.

This equipment is provided by the country, you see, so make to use it carefully, yeah?」

The platoon leader left the private room after giving those instructions. And in that quiet space, only the young soldier and his set of equipment remained.

To him who was plopped in that room, the homunculus soldiers continued their salute. When he noticed and gave a small acknowledgement,


With that voice, they took an upright and firm posture

While looking at them, he thought,

(Waa- are all of these homunculi provided to me?

My training only prepared me to give commands to a single homunculus soldier, but now there are 10 of them in front of me!!

10 of them! Under me, alone!

I wonder if I’ll do fine…)

Then he observed the homunculi lined up and noticed something.

The young girl… no, the homunculus soldier leading the unit only had a dog ear on one side of her head.

It wasn’t just that. Their basic appearance was the same, but on closer inspection, it was clear that each of them had a unique face.

It seemed like not even the Republic of the sages could create perfectly identical homunculi, as there were slight variations in their mass production.

「At ease.」

The young soldier commanded, and spoke to the one-eared homunculus soldier.

「You, what’s your name?」

The homunculus replied without a change in her facial expression.

<Should I give my identification number?>

(Ah, that’s right.

These kids don’t have names.

Because they’re classified as weapons, none of them were given names, only an identification number… I completely forgot.)

He scratched his head with a troubled expression,

「Nah, the ID’s a hassle. I got it… from now on, I’ll call you Katamimi

(TLN: written in katakana, but in kanji directly translates to “one ear”)

If I call for Katamimi, please reply.

Got it?」

Upon receiving her instructions, Katamimi saluted,

<Orders received, captain.>

Again with her steady expression, she gave her inorganic response.


He brought in his luggage with the help of the homunculi. They shuffled the shields, armors, wands, and uniforms into their predetermined locations, finishing the move in less than an hour.

And once they were finished, they went back into formation. Seeing them do that, the young soldier spoke to Katamimi without any particular intentions.

「Are you always in formation when there is no command?」

<When there is no command, we will stay in a standby state in the mana-charging room.>

「And where is that mana-charging room?」

<Next to this room.>

「I see. There are no more orders, you all can go on standby.」

<Orders received.>

The homunculi formed a line with Katamimi at its head, as she ordered,


The young soldier nodded to the bowing homunculi and opened the door for them to exit. After the final one left, he muttered to himself, josei

「As always…those girls are cute…

But aren’t they a little too cute?」

He recalled them, with his cheeks lightly dyed red.


「That’s exactly right!! It’s because cute ones are more motivating than ugly ones!! 」

At dinner time.

The young soldier was eating at the cafeteria with his platoon leader.

This was a small garrison located in a remote area, with only a few human personnel. He saw many human figures, but most of them were homunculi.

With his luggage transported, he woke up to the sound of the supper chime, and now he’s eating dinner with the platoon leader that welcomed him into the base.

「I see your point.

But is it necessary to be so particular about appearance?」

Saying that, he remembered Katamimi and gave a small sigh When the platoon leader saw him do that he grinned and laughed,

「Ah, I see, I see.

So you haven’t heard!」

A pin-drop silence followed his answer. The surroundings went completely silent.

「Listen, what I’m about to say is the most important military secret. Absolutely don’t give it away, got it?」

He spoke to the young soldier with a serious face.

「While in basic training, you’ve probably learned,

「Combat Homunculi have no internal organs except for in their head, only muscles, bones, fluids, and magic stones are present their body.」

…That, you see, is a lie.

Actually… there are some other internal organs left.

Where those organs are… why don’t you take a guess?」

Saying that the platoon leader laughed with a smirk,

「It~ is~ o~ ver~ there~」

And he pointed to his lower body.

「No matter the era, no matter east or west, military and sexual customs are inseparable…

That’s a given. Humans who might drop dead tomorrow have no need for frivolous morals. Except, you could rape as you wish in an enemy country, but you need consent here in your own nation. Yet there are no prostitutes to heal us in this garrison out in the middle of nowhere.

So, the leaders in our great motherland made a decision.

Let’s comfort them with lots of homunculi! They thought.

That’s why the combat homunculi are made to be cute.

…this is just a rumor, but perhaps his excellency the general might have chosen those looks himself…?

In the first place, the homunculi are disposable.

No matter what you do to them, they won’t break, and they’re comfortable, too.

And see,

Their bodies are tight but soft… once you get a feel for it, you’ll be addicted to it.

But the downside is that they barely react to it, so sometimes I feel like I’m dealing with a doll.

At such times, I recommend blindfolds, gags, and handcuffs! If you don’t have them, you can buy them cheap at the shop. With these “three sacred treasures,” there will be no problem in getting excited.

After heading these tips, be sure to remember their erotic faces and lines! I’m having fun every night like that!

You should give it a try tonight as well!

Men should be courageous! Enough to attempt anything!

Even~ still! If you use it violently and it breaks, if you throw it on the front lines the enemy will handle it! A single application and headquarters will replenish our stock! So don’t you worry!」

The platoon leader, with a continuously increasing voice, laughed while playfully banging the back of the young soldier.

The other soldiers who watched them grinned, and some of them even shook their hips back and forth to draw his attention.

Meanwhile, the young soldier blushed deeply, remembering the homunculi given to him, and returned to his room when he finished his meal in a hurry.

He heard voices that felt like they were chasing him,

「Don’t be too rough~!」

「We’ve got a virgin recruit!! The mission will start tomorrow, so do it moderately!!」

「I look forward to the results of your first battle, rookie!」

The teasing words of his seniors echoed in the dining room.


Author’s note:

Illustration of Katamimi.

A new record in his drawing growth- Will Shimamon be able to draw illustrations on his own?? ~ Now available at-

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