She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 325 - SETTLED

Chapter 325 - SETTLED

Chapter 325 - SETTLED

Three days later, Cayenne and Stefan visited Arthur in jail. To make things look even more realistic, Cayenne was sitting on a wheelchair while Stefan pushed it behind her.

"Good morning, Officer Seville." Cayenne greeted Lucian softly when she passed by his desk. "I want to speak with Arthur."

"Sorry, you'd have to come in that condition. How are you?" Lucian asked not knowing that Cayenne was just acting.

"I'm fine. I'm still alive and kicking." Cayenne replied with a faint smile. "Don't worry about me. My husband has been taking care of me."

Lucian nodded his head towards Stefan who was standing behind Cayenne's wheelchair. "Just give me a moment. I'll arrange for the two of you to meet." Lucian left and talked to other officers while Cayenne waited for him at the lobby.

After few minutes, Lucian came back and he led Cayenne to the room where Arthur was waiting for her. He asked for a favor to talk with Cayenne alone so, they left the two of them to converse. Lucian, two other officers and Stefan was standing outside the room, watching the two people inside through the glass window. If Arthur does something against Cayenne, they'd be able to come inside in no time.

"Yenyen." Arthur muttered her name without looking at her. He was so ashamed to look at her. "Yen, when did things go wrong?"

Cayenne sighed helplessly as she shrugged her shoulders. "I want to ask the same thing. When did things change? How did it change? Why? Was it me who change or was it you? Or perhaps it's the both of us. I don't know."

"Yen, I'm really sorry for hitting you. I don't know why but I just couldn't accept the fact that you're with him. I met you first. I loved your first. So, why did you end up with him?" His voice was getting hoarser and his tears kept falling on his face. Despair, pain and regret – they're all flashing across his face.

Cayenne bit her lower lip without saying anything. She didn't know how to comfort him and she was worried that any word she'll say wouldn't be a form of comfort but of emotional torture instead.

After a full minute of silence, Cayenne took hold of Arthur's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Arthur, I'm not angry. I know you did that because you love me and I am so thankful that despite our differences, you still continued to love me. But Arthur, we have our own destined love. Maybe you loved me first because you met me first but love doesn't happen like that. Don't imprison your self to this one-sided love. Someone must be waiting for you out there. If you keep looking at me, you might miss that person who will love you for the rest of her life. Not only that, you'll miss out that lifetime of happiness, too."

"I don't think someone will love me, a person with criminal record."

"Who says you've got a criminal record? Did someone sue you before?"

"Huh? Aren't you filing a case against me?"

Cayenne looked at him and then she smiled. "I'm not filing anything against you. My husband and I talked about and we both decided to let you go. But since something this serious has happened, he wanted you to leave the city. He didn't want to see you anymore or he might really do something against you."

"So, you're freeing me just like that?"

"Hn. Go somewhere and find your own happiness. Live your life without me and I'm sure you'll be fine. Your brother already processed everything and he will also help you to make sure that you will be able to stand on your own. You're a professional. Use your intelligence to make a name for yourself."

Arthur sobbed in front of her and held on to her hand as if he was hanging on to his dear life. He cried and cried, letting out all the negative emotions he had in his heart.

"Yenyen, I hope you will still say hi if ever we met in on the roadside or in a café. I don't know which place we will go but I will certainly wish you all the best in life." josei

"Thank you. I will pray for your happiness, too." Cayenne stood up and bid farewell. She told Lucian about the plan and since Arthur was a legal owner to the gun he used, he wasn't imprisoned for it.

When they got out of the precinct, Cole was already waiting outside for his brother. Everything was ready and all they needed to do was to meet up with Kirin.

"Sir, thank you for letting my brother off." Cole bowed his head deeply in front of Stefan and Cayenne. "I'll assure you that he won't pose a threat to you and your wife in the future."

Stefan nodded his head without saying anything and passed by him. He helped Cayenne get into the car before putting the wheelchair at the backseat. He got into the driver's seat and looked at his wife with a deep frown on his face.

"Give me your hand." Stefan stated while rummaging inside his compartment to look for something. When Cayenne saw the spray bottle, she burst out into a series of laughter. "I'm not happy. Why did you have to hold his hand? Dirty." Stefan sprayed an alcohol on her palm and wiped it with tissue.

Cayenne just let him do what he wanted to do without making any complaints. After getting her hands wiped, she cupped his face and kissed his lips. "My husband is a petty person sometimes."

"Well, too bad. You married this petty man."

"Too bad indeed but I don't regret it." Cayenne smiled at him and kissed him again before taking a proper seat. She put on her seatbelt before removing the plaster cast around her neck. "Yay! We don't have to worry about Arthur now. Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Let's have a honeymoon."

Cayenne sneered and rolled her eyes at him. "Shameless. So shameless."

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