She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 376 - THEYRE HOME

Chapter 376 - THEYRE HOME

Chapter 376 - THEY'RE HOME

Cayenne and Stefan arrived first in Peach Wood because Martin and everyone suddenly got stuck in a traffic on their way back. There was an accident on the road that they were trying to pass by and it caused a heavy traffic.

"I was planning that we should go and shop with them later but given that they traveled for a several hours, they must be tired. Let's just postpone our plan and do it tomorrow. Is that fine?" Cayenne asked Stefan while looking at the school brochures that Stefan handed her.

They were sitting in the living room with several school brochures that Stefan gathered for her to look into and choose a school where she can transfer and finish her degree.

"I don't really mind." Stefan answered her. His hand was resting on her shoulder as he pulled her in a warm embrace. "You're always considerate."

Cayenne just grinned at him and kissed the side of his jaw. "I'm considerate because my husband always spoils me. I can't spoil other people but I can be kind to them."

"And it's a very good quality of a person." He added and kissed the space between her eyebrows. "Just be who you are."

"Yes, sir." Cayenne winked at him with her answer while giving him a school brochure of her choice. "I want to go to this school."

"Xena University?" Stefan questioned while getting the brochure from her and as far as he remembered, this school was the cheapest among the school brochures that he gathered for her. "Did you choose this because it's cheap?"

"Uh huh. Aside from that, they have a very good reputation. It's not far from our place as well."

"Well, I don't have anything against this school. If you want to study here then, I'll go process the transfer procedure. Before going for a family trip, let's handle settle everything first in order to have no problem once we get back."

"Sure. Sure." Cayenne hugged him and rubbed her face on his chest. "Your scent really comforts me."

"And your scent does the same thing to me."

They looked at each other's eyes and chuckled. They both seemed like perverts who loved smelling each other.

Half an hour later, several cars finally arrived in front of their gate. Cayenne ran outside and opened the gate for them so that they can drive inside the property. As soon as the car was parked, Martin came down to help the elderly. Dominic also stepped out of the car followed by his father.

They all stood and looked at the magnificent house in front of them. "Are we really living this place?" Dominic muttered under his breath.

"I guess so." Stanley, his father, answered with the same dazed expression. "Anyway, come and help me take out our things."

"There's no need, sir." Martin told Stanley. "You can just get inside the house and we will bring those things inside. Sir Stefan and the young madam had been waiting for you."

"O-okay. Thank you so much for taking care of us." Stanley bowed his head in front of the guards which really put them in another awkward position.

"It's not much. It's not much." Martin stated as he waved his hands at them and smiled. When they applied for this job, they thought that they'd be engage in bloody battle against Stefan's rivals. They didn't expect that the moment they got hired, they will only babysit several adults. But it wasn't the problem, the issue was, they were very polite to them. These really put the guards in awkward position because they were never treated politely before. They were usually hired to kill someone not babysit someone. But this also put them at ease. They were treated as a human being not killing machines.

Stanley and his family walked towards the house where Cayenne and Stefan stood, waiting for them to arrive. "Welcome to your new house." Cayenne greeted them and hugged them one after another. "How was the trip?"

"It was fine. Martin is a very good driver." Stanley commented. "He didn't talk much but when you ask him questions, he's got very sensible answers."

"Oh! Martin was once the top of his class when he was in high school." Cayenne told his uncle.

"Really?! No wonder he sounded so smart whenever he talks."

"Have you eaten?" Stefan asked them as he opened the door wider for them to get inside.

"We ate already." His grandfather, Jose, answered his question. "That young man brought us to a fast food chain to eat."

"I see." Stefan nodded his head. "I'm glad you've arrived here safely." They all went to the living room and sat on the couch while the guards brought several boxes inside the house.

"Stefan, are we really living here? This place looks so big for us." Uncle Stan commented as he looked around the place. There were so many photos of him and Cayenne around.

"Yes, you will be living here. Once in a while, my wife and I will drop by in here to see you guys. We already cleaned the rooms upstairs so you can choose which one you like to occupy. There's also a room downstairs which grandma and grandpa can stay. In that way, you don't have to keep climbing the stairs which will be detrimental for your health."

"You've thought so much for us." Jose said with tears blurring his vision. He never thought that the grandson they've been missing so much would just come back and take them away. He didn't even dare imagine such things to happen.

"Stefan always think the best things for his family. You should start getting used to it." Cayenne told them which comforted them a little. "And you don't have to worry about the expenses here. I will be paying the monthly bills like water and electricity. As for the groceries, we will buy them as well. For now, there are so many groceries inside so, you don't have to worry about food. If you need anything, just let me know." josei

"Thank you, Yen." Stefan's grandmother, Cory, smiled at her, even though they knew that all she can see was Cayenne's blurry figure.

"Let's rest for a while and start unpacking your things. We'll help." Stefan simply mentioned with no room for negotiation. His family could only thank him and smile at him.

After fifteen minutes, his grandparents went to their room and Stefan followed them together with Dominic, to bring the boxes that belonged to their grandparents.

Cayenne also came along because Stefan would start to panic if he couldn't see her. 'I should start getting rid of his anxiety. Don't tell me he's going to school with me if this continues?' Cayenne thought to herself while looking at her husband. 'It seemed so sweet but it would affect the school and his business.'

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