She's My Sleeping Pill




Cayenne looked at him and smiled tenderly. She knew it. Stefan wouldn't just pick people from the agency. It's not that he didn't want to help those people who applied through agencies but he wanted to look for people on his own if he needed one.

After learning this information, Cayenne was looking forward to see these two people who will become a new member of their household.

Stefan drove for over fifteen minutes and arrived at the restaurant that he had in mind. It's one of the restaurants that he collaborated with other investors. "I invested in this restaurant as well." Stefan told Cayenne because he remembered that she wanted to know more of the other businesses and companies that he owned or have invested in. josei

Ten minutes after they arrived, Dominic and his friends arrived as well. As for Stanley, he didn't join them, saying that he wanted to rest and do some housework.

"Good afternoon." They greeted Cayenne and everyone with her. They looked awkward and shy when they saw them and Cayenne understood how they felt.

"Good afternoon. Go and find a table. Let's all have lunch together.

"Thank you for inviting us." Marnie spoke in behalf of his two other friends. "We'll be sitting over there." He walked ahead of everyone and choose a table, not so far yet no so close to the Dumrique's table.

"I didn't know we'd have lunch with your family." Marnie commented in a whisper to Dominic. "Is it really alright for us to join? Wouldn't we disturb you?"

"No, not at all. It's my big bro who told me to bring you guys." Dominic responded. "And I will be sitting with you as well."

Marnie and his two other friends felt relieved that Dominic will be staying with them the whole time. They'd be feeling awkward if Dominic would stay with his family.

They started ordering their food and chose several dishes that they can share with each other. They're doing the same thing that they did back when they went on a school trip.

Stefan whispered something to Cayenne and after getting her approval, he suddenly stood up and approached the table of these young men. "Marnie, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Ah?" Marnie was startled for several seconds and if Dominic didn't kick him under the table, he would probable stiffen to death from nervousness. "Sure." He stood up and followed Stefan. Cayenne didn't bother looking at them because she already had an idea what Stefan would do. Luiz was also nonchalant about it and was walking to his classmate's table to talk to them.

"How was your interview and the part-time work?" Luiz asked them while taking a seat on the chair that Marnie occupied earlier.

The three of them smiled and started sharing the things they received and what their future would look like. Rhod and Paul was having fun talking with Luiz but Dominic was quiet while looking at his cousin and his best friend outside.

The window glass was clear so he could see the two of them outside. Both of them looked serious and then he saw Marnie shaking his head and waved his hands in front of him. In the end, he still pulled out his phone.

"You don't really have to do this sir. Dominic is my friend and I'm glad that I'm able to help him. Besides, he helped us with the house chores. No need to repay us." Marnie stated once again, refusing Stefan money from being sent to his account.

Stefan smiled and reached out his hand and gently pat Marnie's shoulder. "It's because of your help that he's able to come this far and I am so thankful for that. This money that I will send you isn't a way to offset your kindness and forget about your friendship but I just want to help as well. I know that you were having a hard time but you still chose to help him. This time, it's my way to help you. Just accept this little help from me and buy some stuff for your family."

"O-okay." Marnie showed the QR code of his bank account and Stefan scanned it. After scanning the code, he sent $15000 to Marnie's account.

When Marnie saw the amount on his account, his mind went blank and his eyes were wide open. It was just too much for him. "My father would probably think I'm selling some illegal drugs if he sees this money in my account."

"Then, you don't have to tell your parents about this. Just tell them that you have a part-time work and just slowly help them every day." Stefan suggested with a faint smile on his lips. "Let's go back inside. Our food is being served now."

"Thank you so much, sir."

"No worries. I can't thank you enough for the help you've lent to Dom. Let's go." He gave him another pat on his shoulder before the two of them went back inside the restaurant.

Marnie didn't tell them anything about the money and just mentioned that Stefan thanked him for helping Dominic. Luiz also went back to his seat beside Cayenne and started eating.

Although Marnie didn't say anything to his two other friends, he told Dominic about it through text. After all, it involved Dominic as well. The two of them just kept it a secret among themselves.

After lunch, they decided to go to the mall but Rhod and Paul couldn't come with them since they have other plans in the afternoon. Marnie and Dominic shop together for some stuff that Marnie could bring to his family.

Cayenne and Stefan went to find an eye clinic first to buy some glasses for Cory. Senyu Medical Hospital didn't have an ophthalmologist despite it being a high-end hospital. Thus, they needed to find an eye clinic inside the mall. Dominic and Marnie wanted to go to the supermarket first so, they went on separate ways from his family.

They bought lots of groceries for his family and some clothes and toys for his two little sisters. "How about I come with you to your house for one last time. I'll help you explain about these things as well." Dominic made a suggestion to his best friend and he wanted to see his family as well, the people who helped him for several years.

"You won't go back home with your family?"

"It's fine. They will understand."

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