She's My Sleeping Pill




The two of them left under the stares of everyone and no one cared about the woman who's getting hysterical now from getting milk tea all over her dress.

As soon as they got inside their car, Cayenne covered her mouth and scream. "Aaahhh!"

"What's wrong?" Stefan asked. The wide grin on his face was telling her that he knows what she's feeling as of the moment but he still pretended to not know.

Cayenne pouted and hit his arm. "Why didn't you stop me? Why did you allow me to spout those nonsense? Now, people will think badly of me and the class hasn't started yet but I made myself an enemy already. What should I do now?"

"What do you think you should do?" Stefan asked but Cayenne had no answers to this question. "Sweetheart, you did the right thing back there. How dare she bully you? If things like this happen in the future, as long as you didn't start it, you can always fight back and I will certainly support."

"What if he's got a powerful backer? Someone more powerful than you?"

"Is there someone more powerful than Travis?"

Cayenne frowned when she heard his best friend's name. "Why are you bringing him into this conversation?"

"Because if we talk about backer, don't we have the most powerful person in the city behind us? And Jillyanna would surely not sit tight while someone bullies you."

"Oh." Cayenne blinked her eyes. It wasn't until now that she realized how blessed she was with people. She would never expect that in her poor status, she'd befriend Jillyanna Madrigal and her whole family seems to like her. Apparently, Jillyanna and everyone in her household could relate to Cayenne which was the reason why they like her so much. "Let's go now. Shall we buy something for Jade and Raizel?"

"Sure. Let's stop by the mall."

They left the campus and went to the nearest mall to buy some toys for the two children. After getting the toys, they finally embark on their trip to Jillyanna's home. To Cayenne's surprise, lots of people were present in her house. It was very lively even though there was no occasion.

"Auntie Yen!"? Jade spotted Cayenne immediately when she heard the familiar sound of Stefan's car engine. She ran to the porch and sure enough, Cayenne was walking towards their house. "I miss you, Auntie Yen. I'm so happy that you've come to visit us." josei

"I'm so happy to see you as well." Cayenne kissed the little girl's cheek and rubbed her head. "I heard that you gifted Luiz three transformers. He always looks at it and he's very happy about it."

"I'm glad he treasures it." Jade beamed a smile and held Cayenne's hand, bringing her inside the house.

"Hey, little brat, that's my position." Stefan told Jade. He was following behind him and was about to hold Cayenne's hand when Jade beat him to it.

"You're so petty, uncle." Jade mumbled without letting go of Cayenne.

Everyone laughed hearing Jade's words and they all made fun of Stefan. At first, they didn't believe that he's become so clingy to his wife and was so dependent on her presence but seeing him now, they all believe those words in the web.

"Where's Travis?" Stefan asked when he reached the living room.

"Where else could he be?" Savannah responded with a helpless sigh. If Travis isn't working and he's not with Jillyanna and Jade, it's obvious that he's taking care of his son.

"Is he putting Raizel to sleep?"

"Not really. Just changing his diaper." Jillyanna answered.

"I see." Stefan handed the gift bags to Jade and smiled at her, gone the petty uncle who was being robbed of his wife earlier. "Your auntie chose them for you and Raizel."

"Really?" Jade looked to Cayenne and thanked her. "I'll bring this to Rai's room." She got down from the sofa while holding the two gift bags. "Do you want me to say something to my dad?"

"Nothing in particular." Stefan replied and watched the little girl left the living room. Now, only the adults remain.

"So, what brings you here? Your face is telling us that you're not here for business." Shein commented while watching Stefan from head to toe. He, together with the twin, was trained by Jillyanna to read facial expressions and they're very good at it. She's really a good teacher.

Stefan scratched the back of his head and told them Cayenne's situation of going back to school. He wasn't embarrassed telling them how anxious he was when his wife was away from him because he knew that they could understand him and he did come to the right place.

"I see." Shein looked towards who was now red in the face. She was the one who felt embarrassed for what she had been doing to Stefan. Then, he looked to his girlfriend beside him who was busy eating some bunny apples.

Riley was listening to them but she had no idea what was the plan because no one talked after. Noticing Shein's gaze on her, she looked towards Cayenne. "How about we talk separately? I'm sure Yen has something in mind that only girls could understand. We'll go to our house." She told Shein who nodded his head in agreement.

Stefan looked at them with incredulous expression. He just told them that he didn't want to be away with his wife and now, they're taking her to another house. "Are you guys kidding me?"

"No, Mr." Riley replied with an eye roll. "You stay put there and think that you wanted to do. The boys will help you out. And on the other hand, we will have a girl's talk." Riley led Cayenne out of the living room and followed by Jillyanna and the other women, they left to go to Riley and Shein's home.

"Poor Jade." Savannah commented, she'll find us gone when she's back.

"I think my husband will ask her to look after Rai while he talks to Stefan."

"Jade can look after a baby?" Cayenne asked when she heard this. It was really a news to her.

"Jade likes to have a baby sister before she was adopted and I guess you knew her past already." Cayenne nodded when Jilyanna looked at her. "Apparently, we couldn't give her a baby sister but she also likes a baby brother. In the orphanage, she helps the social workers in taking care of the children so, when she came home with us and when Raizel was born, she would always hang around him and helps her father take care of him. And Travis trusted her to look after our son, too."

"Just so you know, aside from their family of four, no one else an enter Rai's room." Jackie mentioned to Cayenne. "Travis is very particular with sanitary and whatnot for his children, unless he has no other choice, he won't let you inside his son's room but he will allow you to hold him for few minutes."

The more they talk, the more Cayenne knew of this family that she looked up to. And she realized that if Stefan was possessive, Travis was hundred times more than that. 'Wow! How did Jill handle him?'

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