Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Book 4

Book 4: Chapter 3: To Share Uncompromising Feelings

The Sports Festival of Hijirigasaka Academy. Today, the twenty-fourth, is a cloudless, clear sunny autumn day.

As the nine o’clock bell rang, Toujou Basara was currently by the school gates together with Tachibana Nanao. They were the ones responsible for serving the reception for guests like the parents of the students and the people living nearly.

Before the reception table covered with all sorts of introduction leaflets—

“I guess most of the guests have already arrived by now…?”

Hearing Tachibana say at a time where there was no one around, Basara nodded with an ‘I guess so’. After that, while wearing sports attire and exuding a cute feminine air, Tachibana said:

“It’s about the time where the students would be entering the field, and to a parent, this would be the first opportunity to capture an excellent-timed photo; they’re probably doing the final checks on their cameras and recording equipment now.”

“Ahaha, that might really be the case, you know.”

Tachibana smiled cutely while scratching his cheek, and—

“……Anyways, it all started smoothly.”

For the rest of the week since Donoue’s outburst, the atmosphere in the organizing committee fell to an extreme low, but everyone managed to smoothly welcome the beginning of the Sports Festival.

On the day after his outburst, Donoue returned to the organizing committee and apologized to Kajiura. It wasn’t clear if Sakazaki’s words at the rooftop were true, or if there were any other reasons behind Donoue’s change in attitude, but even if his apology wasn’t sincere, the organizing committee got back on track, and did the final sprint for the preparations for the official day.

…Surely, I had thought that Donoue-senpai would try to bring down the Sports Festival.

But ever since he apologized, Donoue never pestered Mio every time he saw her again; even if there seemed to be some dissatisfaction in his attitude, he still fulfilled his responsibilities.

As for the matter about the fireworks he had brought up, it appears to have been completely settled by Kajiura and Sakazaki. All of the departments had hurried to complete their preparations on the day before, but no one will know what will happen after.

Thus until the Sports Festival starts, Basara will not leave the Organizing Committee alone, which shows that it wasn’t necessary to take into consideration attackers taking any chances as he tried to make the Sports Festival a success – even if it wasn’t [completely] and just [almost], it was the sight of Tachibana by his side with a shallow smile that made Basara understand that he didn’t have to suspect his new friends.

“…What’s the matter, Toujou-kun?”

When Tachibana asked him this, Basara shook his head while saying ‘It’s nothing’. At that moment, a new guest came to the reception table, and upon seeing the young girl wearing not the uniform of that of Hijirigasaka Academy—

“Hai – it appears that you didn’t lose your way here.”

Basara smiled and said while presenting some leaflets to her.

“Are you an idiot… My older sister studies here, so I can’t lose my way.”

Snappily returning a 'Hmph', the young girl -- Nonaka Kurumi accepted the leaflets handed to her.

“Could it be… Toujou-kun knows this girl?”

“That’s right, she is Yuki’s – the younger sister of that Nonaka from my class. Kurumi, this person is Tachibana, a member of the organising committee, just like me.”

“Um, I… I am Tachibana, Toujou-kun’s friend… Nice to meet you.”


Kurumi walked towards the field after giving Tachibana a short glance.

“Could it be, that she hates me…?”

“No, no, you’re just thinking about it too much.”

Basara smiled bitterly while answering Tachibana who looked towards him worriedly – and his expression suddenly froze.

“ ? Is something the matter, Toujou-kun… Ah.”

Tachibana’s doubts did not last long, since she very quickly realized the reason behind it. Two members of the organizing committee were heading this way from the field – it was the changing of the shifts for the reception staff. After Basara nodded as a greeting—

“……Time for changing shifts.”

One of them – Donoue coldly said while not looking into Basara’s eyes.

“Alright… Then I’ll be leaving the rest to you.”

After handing the reception table over to Donoue and the others, Basara and Tachibana did not directly return to their respective classes, but instead head towards tent assembled in the field as the headquarters of the organising committee. As they got closer to the field, the heat and noise from the crowd gathered grew bigger. Very soon, they saw many tents and equipment that have been set up – as well as the crowd that was packed into the audience area and the field that was already set up for the various events.

When Basara and Tachibana entered the headquarters, all of the other members of the organising committee not in charge of directing guests and reception had gathered.

Mio, Yuki, Aikawa, and Sakaki were present. Kajiura who was at the center of everyone, noticed the two of them and looked down at the list she was holding.

“Thanks for your hard work, with this, everyone is now here.”

And she began to speak while looking at everyone.

As the Sports Festival was mainly an inter-class competition, everyone was wearing headbands of various colours like white, red, and yellow. Of course, they were competitors while out in the field, but – the committee members gathered here were all important comrades who worked to make the Sports Festival a success. Hence—

“The time has come – let us start the Sports Festival now.”

On Kajiura’s face, there wasn’t any traces of the frustration from having too many members, as well as the worries of the humiliation caused by Donoue’s outburst; showing the dependable leadership on her face that had reunited the organising committee in the last week and managed to let the Sports Festival happen on schedule, everyone naturally gathered into a circle with Kajiura in the center. Just then, Mio and Yuki pushed themselves to Basara’s left and right side.

“…Basara -- Kurumi?”

“She’s here, she probably reached the agreed place before I came.”

Yuki had quietly asked, to which Basara replied, and Mio also asked, a little serious:

“I see… That moment, is finally here.”

Toujou Basara nodded and answered ‘Indeed’.

“Let us begin too – our own Sports Festival (Battle).”

It was time for the students to gather in the field. Following the music, the students wearing their sports attire ran one round around the field in order of their years, and lined themselves up neatly by classes in the field.

In the audience area, virtually everyone’s eyes and all lens were pointed towards the field—


Except for Nonaka Kurumi, who was doing something else while in the crowd – to check on and confirm the suspects behind the attack incident on Basara that he was mentioned while explaining.

Especially the few whom he had a strong causal relationship with on an emotional level, as well as their positions.

So far, she had looked at Tachibana who was together with Basara at the school gate, Donoue Shouhei who Basara had passed, as well as Kajiura Rikka who had stayed in the headquarters tent.

Since the Sports Festival started on time, the threat posed by Kajiura and Tachibana who wished for the Sports Festival to be a success was lower compared to Donoue who held a personal grudge against Basara – but yet Nonaka Kurumi did not relax. The hopes of the two of them not being the culprits, was due to Basara’s positive emotions amongst peers; if Basara had an obligation to believe them, then what Kurumi had to do, was to suspect them.

Right now, Maria was not allowed to leave the house because of the incident with Zolgear, and Mio and Yuki couldn’t make any big actions, so as to not give the Moderates Faction, as well as the Hero Tribe an excuse to take actions deviating from Basara’s expectations.

Hence, the only one who could move out in the open for this incident, is only Basara who had experienced an attack…

…As well me who had intervened after witnessing the scene…

Just watch as I pick you out. Kurumi thought. Not only just Yuki, Mio and Maria holds feelings for Basara, the Kurumi now was still the same as in the past, seeing Basara as someone irreplaceable. At this moment – Kurumi found the figure of Hozumi Kaiji, an avid supporter of Yuki in the headquarters tent amongst the many students.

…With this, that makes it four persons.

Making a mental note of the number, Kurumi panned her line of sight, and at the right side – she found the last two suspects in the staff tent.

One of them was Sakazaki who was looking out towards the students on the field with a hearty smile.


The other person, was the infirmary teacher who wore a white coat – Hasegawa Chisato.

That makes it six persons. The task Kurumi had taken on today, was to keep surveillance on all the suspects of the attacker who had attacked Basara. After adding on the other organising committee staff, the number would be in the thirties-zone, but that wasn’t a problem to Kurumi.

After the principal began on his speech in the stage, Kurumi closed both her eyes, and—


Gathering her consciousness, she opened a magic circle with herself as the centre, and in the glow of the magic circle that couldn’t be seen by ordinary people—

…Please, everyone…

Calling out to the spirits in the surrounding area in her heart, asking them to watch over the entire school grounds and report to her of any suspicious things. Sensing the spirit’s agreement[1], Kurumi then opened her eyes, and her sight unexpectedly met with Basara’s. It was probably because Kurumi had used magic that allowed Basara to locate her within the crowd.

Also – this also meant that the culprit lurking on the school grounds to sense Kurumi’s presence and magic.

Once the other party makes any moves, she and Basara will immediately move to take that person down.

Under Kurumi’s and the spirits’ sights, the principal ended his speech in stage, and next up was the athlete’s oath.

A female student walked up onto the stage, and said out loud after raising her right hand up towards the sky:

“—oath. We, the students, hereby pledge to use all the knowledge and experience we have gained at school, along with the healthy bodies and minds cultivated at school, to compete fairly and honourably with each other. On behalf of the entire student body, student representative – Kajiura Rikka.”

When the speech ended, applause immediately covered the entire field.

With everyone having being that of the same mind, Hijirigasaka Academy’s Sports Festival started.

To the organising committee as a whole, with sports as the stage, today was a war.

First, they had to prepare the equipment for the various track and field events, and guide the participating students. Next, they had to record down the current progression and results, and report it back to the headquarters. When the event ends, they had to immediately prepare and change the equipment for the next event.

Other than preparations for the various events, there was also the need to co-operate with the broadcasting club, with the playing of music and commentating during the events. If there were any injuries or anyone feeling unwell, there was a need to help send them to the first aid tent; if there was any malfunctioning with the equipment or delays in the events, they had to follow the instructions Kajiura gives them through the walkie-talkie, and rush to sort out the abnormalities.

Also, no matter if it was the audience or the contestants, they could become agitated due to the results and have an outburst, so there was also the need to send out a warning and suppress it at the suitable times. If there were any situations the students couldn’t deal with, they would request for the teacher’s assistance – that, encompasses all of the organising committee’s responsibilities, thus—

“The tallying of the preliminary results for the Hundred Meter Dash is almost done, so the ranking for the first round will be announced soon!”

“Has that Class 2A boy still not reported yet? Send out the announcement one more time!”

"What’s up with the PA system!? There's no sound from the equipment at the north side!”

“The pace of the shot put event slowed down? But all they have to do is just throw an object!”

Even if the events for the first half of the Sports Festival had went smoothly, the headquarters tent became very busy after one hour into the Festival, and the various department ran around working hard according to the constantly-changing situations.

“Are there any free hands in the General Auxiliary Department, someone seemed to have been injured at the high jump event.

Hearing Kajiura accept the request for help and give out an order—

“—I’ll go and take a look.”

Basara who was beside Yuki helping her tallying the numbers immediately took the task.

Right now, the only ones doing their tasks in the headquarters tent were the second year female students of the General Auxiliary Department, and tasks like these that were like errands were usually done by the first year students. Additionally, males would generally be more suited to have the task of sending an injured person to the sick bay.

“…Be careful, Basara.”

While leaving, Basara answered the Yuki reminding him with [I know]. With that, he then went to the high jump area while going around the track.

“Ah, Toujou-kun… Over here!”

Tachibana was beside the male student who seemed to be injured, and shouted while raising a hand.

“He was too enthusiastic when jumping, and he landed on an area that was not cushioned… I wanted to help him to the sick bay, but this event still needs my help, so I can’t leave. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it, you have the things which you need to do, so leave things like this to me.”

At any rate, the male crouching by the mat is a third year student, so his physique is even bigger than Basara’s, so the thin and small Tachibana probably can’t help him move.

“Hold on to me… Are you able to stand?”

Just as Basara was about to leave the place while helping the injured move, he suddenly said, as if suddenly remembering something:

“—ah, that’s right, Tachibana. If I remember correctly, you have to take part in the 400 meter race in a while, right?”

No matter how busy one was with the organising committee, they can’t not participate in the events; the members had to find time with doing their tasks and be present at the meeting place before the event starts like the other students.

“After I send this person to the sick bay, I’ll help you ask Kajiura-senpai to find someone to take over your shift.”

Though Basara himself doing it would be an easier way, he can’t do so, as the event he was participating in was immediately right after the 400 meters race.

“………Umm, Toujou-kun.”

“ ? What’s wrong…?”

Tachibana called Basara in a low voice, but—

“…Nevermind. I’m sorry, it’s nothing.”

After Tachibana said that, he continued: [See you later], while smiling and waving at him.

After Basara returned with a nod and ‘Oh’, he brought the injured student to the sick bay.

There was still quite some time before his event would start, so other than Basara who was helping the third year student, there were still quite a number of students in the headquarters tent. Upon seeing basara, a female student manning the station asked:

“Disinfection? Or would treatment be needed?”

Broadly speaking, disinfection is also a part of Treatment, but this question was distinguish the nature of the work needed. If it was only just scratches requiring disinfection, then the female student at the station could do it; if it was problems requiring treatment like bruises or physical discomfort, then Hasegawa would be taking care of it. After Basara said that it was the latter, the senior was then sent to Hasegawa who was currently treating other students.

“..Alright, then I’ll be leaving the rest to you.”

Basara slightly bowed respectfully as he got ready to leave, but he unwittingly stopped, and took a look at Hasegawa’s appearance. He gazed at the side of Hasegawa’s face as she wrapped the injury on the senior’s knee with a bandage. Soon—

“What’s wrong, Toujou… Are you injured too?”

Hasegawa asked without turning around. After Basara shook his and and replied with ‘No’—

“……Please excuse me.”

He said that and left the place, taking the same route as just now. The bell also rang at this moment – normally, this would signal the start of the third period.

…For now, everything seems to be going smoothly, with nothing big happening.

As he recalled the schedule for the competitions lined up, he thought about the current status.

Everything was still so busy despite the number of members in the organising committee being almost double from that of last year. The reason for that was probably because the competitions they were participating in were all scheduled in the morning. In order to ensure the participants and events go smoothly, they had to frequently account for the organising committee members changing shifts, and even organising the data from the various competitions was also quite labour-intensive; and as the event in the afternoon was the competitions by classes and groups, everyone’s workload was generally lower. It would be the current time where everyone was tight – as long as just one detail was overlooked, the success of the Sports Festival would disappear from everyone’s eyes.


Basara suddenly stopped, and looked around the whole field. It was an area that was in a frenzy. The participants, the audience, the teachers, the students… All of them had gathered and were enjoying the Sports Festival Basara and the others had prepared.

As one of the members of the organising committee, this was something that made him feel proud.


The enemy who was instantly cause all of it to disappear, was somewhere in this crowd of people. There was also the possibility of the person being an acquaintance of Basara’s. Thinking about this again, caused Basara to tightly clench his right fist.

Perhaps due to Kurumi's spirit magic, the other person still hasn’t made any moves yet.

But still, Basara never forgot to keep his guard up, and began walking back towards the field.

It seems that deciding factor in almost all the competitions was one’s physical fitness. Amongst all of competitions, there was only one event, where there wasn't any objections in having Basara, Mio and Yuki participate.

That event, was one where a strong bond between participants was also required in addition to luck – the three-legged obstacle race.

『Now, we have come to the Grand Finale Event for the morning – the unisex three-legged Obstacle Race! 』

The excited voice screamed from the loudspeaker. Basara was quite familiar with this voice, since after all, the one doing the announcements is Shimada Taichi of the broadcasting club, from the same class as Basara.

『This event, where every class will be sending out a male and two females, and they will have to break through three obstacles while racing against other classes around the track with only three legs, is known as the event most anticipated by all the male students! However, the lucky guy will only be the one chosen by the two participating female representatives! First up, will be the first years, and everyone’s attention will of course be on lane six, Class B, the two girls who had captivated all of the males in the school upon their admissions, Naruse Mio and Nonaka Yuki! 』

The males in the audience also cheered with the pace of Shimada’s speech, but—

『As for the lucky guy chosen to compete with the two idols of our school – Toujou Basara! 』

With his left leg being tied to Mio, and right to Yuki, Basara then lined up at the starting line while being showered in boos. This was something that couldn’t be helped, though. Since after all, this was an event which would earn the jealousy of the males who did not participate; and now, even the males from the same class as him was also booing along with the others—


Is it me, or are they booing at just me only…? Um, do your best, give your all, Toujou Basara! While completely showered in boos, Basara could only attempt to give himself encouragement in such a way.

As members of the organising committee, Basara and the others had priority in the evens they chose to participate in; and what Mio and Yuki had chosen, was this event, that was the three-legged obstacle race.

Thus – they would naturally nominate Basara to participate with them.

—to tell the truth, it was Maria’s idea to have Mio and Yuki join such an event. However, this was not a result from consulting with the loli-ero-succubus whose instincts liberated her imagination about the events that they should chose. The reason why the three of them had chosen this event, was to deal with that attacker. That person’s target is Basara, and the easiest way to lure out the attack by exposing Basara was the competition events.

If, Mio and Yuki came along with Basara and helped him in observing their surroundings, the attacker would have a hard time to be able to make a move on him; if the person still decided to attack, the three of them present would probably make the attacker easier to deal with.


Donoue and Hozumi was also amongst the list of suspects, so he had originally planned to not join an event as intimate like this to avoid stimulating them – but if either one of them is the culprit, they probably wouldn’t want to hurt either Mio or Yuki. Since there was such an advantage, attracting the ire and jealousy of the other male students would be fine, all he had to do was just bear with it. Just then—

“Don’t think too much about it, just treat those was incomprehensible hollering.”

“Don’t worry – I will definitely protect Basara.”

Saying that, Mio and Yuki when pressed closer against Basara on purpose, letting the others see.

“……Well, everything’s fine.”

Basara put his hands around the waist of the two persons pressing against him, and sensed the warmth and softness of their bodies in his hands, in a situation of embracing the girls clinging to him[2]; despite the amount of boos skyrocketing now, Toujou Basara didn’t care – because he had just realised something new. josei

“To be able to be with you like this, I’m – already very blessed.”

After Basara said that, the crisp sound signalling the start of the race rang out.

『The race started, and all the contestants dashed out from the starting line – Oh! Class D already fell down with their first step, and they dragged Class C and E down too! Seems like the other classes managed to dodge a bullet… Oohh! Amazing, the highly anticipated Class B already managed to draw distance from the other classes, and they’re only getting faster and faster!』

Hearing Shimada’s voice commentating, Naruse Mio and Nonaka Yuki thought that three of them taking first place was something that was supposed to be natural. That said, ever since the three of them decided to take part in this race, they have been spending their time in the house and even the bath in a three-legged state, and the bounds were only undone during bedtime or going to the toilet.

Originally the two of them had restrained themselves and had decided to not go into the bath together with Basara, they lifted that ban on the night Kurumi begun to stay with them. At the start, bathing together with their legs tied caused them much confusion. But gradually, the need for them to coordinate and work together became fun, they they soon got used to it; Mio and Yuki had split the job of helping Basara wash his body, and Basara would also help them wash some hard-to-reach areas.

To Mio and Yuki who had deepened their understanding and bonds in this way, the very first obstacle, the balance beam, wasn’t that much of an obstacle; the three of them lined up sideways, and synchronising their footsteps, they successfully got past the obstacle. When the already begun to run, they have already left the other classes far behind in the dust.

『Class B arrived at the second obstacle very quickly – and this is the part that makes the males most sour – squeezing the balloons!』

“The three of you, over here~.”

Aikawa who was manning the station waved her hands, and—

“Here, these two balloons are for you.”

Mio and Yuki received the balloons from Aikawa, and squeezed the balloons against Basara, with Mio putting it between Basara’s and her belly, and Yuki putting it between their backs – but no matter what, the balloons still wouldn’t pop. As Mio and Yuki were also members of the organising committee, they would of course know why; the pink balloons Aikawa had picked for them had the [Love Pink][3] nickname, and it was the one that was the most difficult to pop. In order to cut down on the disparity on the progress between the classes and produce a hyped mood, the Members had specially prepared both tough and easy-to-pop balloons. Hnce—

『Oh—! Class B was originally going very smoothly, but now they are stuck! Taking the opportunity, the other classes passed the first obstacle and are now catching up, and the lead Class B has is shortening! 』

Mio and Yuki felt the situation worsening and became anxious. But no matter how they squeezed, they only pressed they breasts and butts up against Basara, acting rubbing up Basara and acting sultry.

『Ooh! This is overwhelming! It as if the Sisters of Hijirigasaka Academy is using Toujou-kun’s body to dance! 』

“That idiot…!”

Basara retorted against Shimada’s provoking of the audience, and the males of Class B glaring at him also booed. Mio’s and Yuki’s eyes met and after that—


They nodded their heads lightly, and begun rubbing their bodies up against Basara, as if putting up a show for the audience – just like when they were in the bathroom, with Mio using her breasts and Yuki using her butt to wash Basara’s body.

--before the race, Naruse Mio and Nonaka Yuki had made an agreement.

And that was to use this race, to announce to the whole school on who they belonged to. Their fan clubs would usually harass them, but they could still ignore them; but with their influence now reaching into the organising committee and affecting Basara, it is about time to make their stances clear.

They had to tell them, that Naruse Mio and Nonaka Yuki is no longer their idols – they belong to the one and only Toujou Basara.

Hence, with Mio and Yuki wrapping up Basara’s figure, the two of them expressed their message to the audience.

Basara seemed to be at a loss while embarrassed at the start, but he soon realised their intention and began to smile bitterly, and while he pulled Mio’s waist towards him even more, he pushed back with his full force towards Yuki.

When two classes behind them caught up to them, Mio and Yuki’s balloons finally popped – and the three of the once again ran forwards at full speed in unison to the last obstacle – Net Crawling[4].

The figures of Basara and other two crawling along under the net, was all captured by a certain someone’s camera.

The one operating the camera in the audience area, is the one who had requested the spirits to keep lookout on Hijirigasaka Academy’s grounds for any suspicious figures, Kurumi.

“……Really, why do I have to do something like this?”

Kurumi helplessly sighed. The reason why she was doing this, was due to Maria who was watching the house requesting her to record down the events Basara and the others were in. Originally, Kurumi had no obligation to do as Maria wanted – but she couldn’t refuse her. Since her bickering with Maria in the past, she had grabbed a handle on her[5]. When she was hit by the succubus baptism, her body had experienced a profound and very deep pleasure as she was put under an aphrodisiac effect; in just a single night, the values she had built up to that day was toppled over. Additionally – things did not end on that night. After Basara and the others left for school, Maria secretly ‘held’ some ‘lessons’ for Kurumi, in no small quantity no less.[6]

…That’s all because of…

Kurumi’s face slightly reddened. With Yuki and Mio both having had intimate kisses with Basara, when Maria asked her [Would you like to catch up to them?] – of course she couldn’t put up a resistance.

—this time, Kurumi leaving the Village to assist Yuki, was not due to the Elders’ instructions.

If anyone asked who had sent her, she could only say she had volunteered to. After reuniting with Basara last time and returning to the Village, Kurumi saw Yuki becoming very happy with returning to his side – and her heart was filled with envy. After meeting Basara whom she had not met for five years and learning of his suffering in these past five years – Kurumi could no longer conceal her own feelings. Thus she began to hope to be able to return to be by Basara and Yuki’s side, and have the three of them return to the times where they played around together. But right now – Basara and Yuki, as well as with Mio and Maria have already built up a new bond; if she wanted to receive Basara and Yuki’s loving care once more, she had to follow Maria instructions to chase after Yuki and Mio, to enter Basara’s world.

That’s why…

Kurumi recently started to go over the films Maria provided her, and observed the various situations of Basara subjugating Mio and Yuki. While hiding it from the others, she then experienced those situations one by one. Although she knew that as a Hero, getting closer and closer to one of the Demon Race like Maria wasn’t appropriate—

…But, with this, I can…

On these past five years – since separating with Basara, her older sister had become a completely different person, causing Kurumi to become lonely; but during that night, with Basara and Yuki doing various things to her, it felt as if they had returned to their childhood days. Although bodily pleasure had to come along too, as long as it could fill the hole with her, Kurumi was fine with it. Because things that Yuki and Mio could do, there wasn’t any reason that caused her to not be able to do it too.

At that moment, while lingering within that thought, Kurumi’s expression suddenly tight.


The spirits keeping watch had sent out a warning, and then—

“Are you recording Toujou-kuna and the others…?”

A polite question came at her. Turning to look, Tachibana was standing beside her, and she asked back with an indifferent expression:

“…You have business with me?”

“Nn… I’m here to ask for some help from you.”

Tachibana answered while looking straight into Kurumi’s eyes.

--The spirits only reported about Tachibana drawing near, and there was no mentions of any magic power whatsoever.

That at least showed, that the people in this area was not under any sort of manipulation.


As Basara and the others are still in the competition, Kurumi right now was completely alone. Taking into account that she and the people around her might come under some form of manipulation, Kurumi raised her vigilance, and while keeping her guard up, she said:

“Help, you say… You mean there is something that you must request of me?”

“Nn… But, this is not just for me, it also concerns Toujou-kun, and Nonaka-san – your older sister.”

“Basara and onee too…?”

This is a deal, as well as a trap – after Kurumi asked back with an eyebrow raised, Tachibana said after nodding:

“That’s why, for the Sports Festival—“

As Tachibana was speaking mid-way, his expression suddenly froze. He was not looking at Kurumi, but instead to behind her. ‘’Just what did he see behind me’’ – turning around to look, Kurumi also saw it too, clearly.

A human figure was standing on the rooftop of the central building, looking over the field.

“That is…”

Kurumi recognised that the person on the rooftop is Donoue, and at the same time the all spirits sent her a warning in unison, causing her to become shocked.

Donoue’s right hand raised up towards the sky, and a magic circle expanded from it. In the next moment – a large tornado appeared and began moving straight towards the field where the Sports Festival was still in progress. With a rumble and blast, the dust in the field was sent flying into the air. This sudden unexpected situational change, caused both the students and general guests to begin screaming.


In the moment Tachibana saw the tornado take shape, Tachibana Nanao said, stunned.


With an imposing expression, Kurumi turned her clothes into her battle attire, and leapt into the air with flying wind magic – flying straight towards the rooftop.

The moment Kurumi turned into her battle attire infused with magic, normal people wouldn’t be able to see her anymore; even if she uses wind magic, it would only seem to be a sudden gust of wind to normal people.

--However, all of Kurumi actions was captured cleared by Tachibana’s eyes.

And the reason why she was still frozen in place, was because something that must not happen had happened.


Tachibana couldn’t comprehend it. Donoue was able to use magic – this was something that should be impossible.

…Because of my demonic eye, shouldn’t Donoue-senpai be…

At that moment, something caused woke the stunned Tachibana.

That, was the sound of things breaking. The tornado that came from the sky, demolished and sent flying the equipment and tents set up in the field. In the countless screams that accompanied that—


Tachibana let out a groan. In Tachibana’s eyes, the Sports Festival that was Tachibana’s hard work, was being destroyed in front of her in that moment. Even if it was a human, it would still be devastated by its onslaught – the hard work everyone had put in, was gradually being turned into dust.

--something like that, however, did not happen.

Within the howling wind, *Shinn——————!* the sound of a slash suddenly sounded out.

And immediately after – the tornado near it suddenly disappeared without a trace.


Tachibana who was once again stunned, saw that in the moment when the tornado landed – in the middle of the field, a young male youth was standing there. His right arm was covered with armour, and it appeared as if he had just slashed with the large demonic sword in his hand – it was Toujou Basara who was currently participating in one of the competitions.

...Toujou-kun, why...?

Before Tachibana had even thought of the reason why Donoue could use magic, this scene threw Tachibana further into confusion.

--But what really surprised him, was not because Basara could use abilities. During the Opening Ceremony, Tachibana had seen Kurumi use magic. Tachibana was afraid that she was a Hero who had come to exterminate him.

It was that to make sure that the Sports Festival could successfully end, Tachibana had used his magic eye to control Donoue’s consciousness.

Tachibana had approached Kurumi, to ask for her wait until the Sports Festival had ended.

And from there, Tachibana had speculated her older sister Yuki, her childhood friend Basara, as well as Mio who lived together with them were likely to be Heroes. In Tachibana’s sights, Yuki and Mio who just caught up to Basara’s side, their faces had no confusion or panic due to unfamiliarity of the situation; but what stunned Tachibana even more, was the speed at which they had dealt with the situation, as well as the order in which they did things.

--Donoue using magic, was without any warning.

When dealt with any sudden changes in the situation, anyone would be shocked still, just like Tachibana was just now.

But – Mio and Yuki, as well as Basara who was participating in a race, how were they able to react to the situation so swiftly?

Another thing Tachibana had doubt over, was the action Kurumi had taken after the tornado appeared. Under that situation, Kurumi did not first help the civilians around her, but instead choosing to fly straight towards Donoue.

As a Hero, there wasn’t a possibility for her to overlook the people in danger before her. Thinking from this angle, she probably knew that Basara would dispose of the tornado and thus did so.

In other words – the reason Basara had reacted so swiftly and for Kurumi overlooking the civilians around her, was because they had known in advance that this situation would happen beforehand, and thus orchestrated this together.

…But why would they…

If they were really intending to exterminate Tachibana who was controlling Donoue, how did they know that Donoue would leave Tachibana’s control and use a magic like that? As Tachibana was pondering over this—

“Could it be…”

Tachibana remembered something his mother had told him before. During the Medival Ages in Europe, there was a period of time where Witch-hunts took place – reportedly, their leader was the Heroes who was responsible for defending the European Region back then; the Heroes had sentenced anyone born with Demon blood or had inherited their blood as part of the [Witch-Hunt]. There were some who had escaped from the one-sided oppression and its remnants to this day, and Tachibana was one of them. But back then when the witch-hunt happened, there were some Heroes who also exterminated those who were supposed to be under their surveillance, not even hesitating to frame others if needed.

--Were Basara and the others doing something like that? In order to exterminate Tachibana, they purposely manipulated Donoue to discharge powerful magic, and quell the trouble before any harm was done – taking the credit of saving the innocent and putting the blame on Tachibana?

Because Basara and the others had foreseen something like this happening, and so, luckily, they were able to put a stop to it. Thus—


Tachibana Nanao’s eyes gazing at Toujou Basara turned colder and colder, Basara was no longer a friend in Tachibana’s eyes – not the first friend he had made since entering school, but instead he was now an enemy. After that—


As if Basara had felt his gaze, he slowly turned his head around.

After Basara’s [Banishing Shift] eliminated the tornado, he quickly looked up towards the rooftop.

After the gazes of the two of them met, Donoue disappeared to the other side of the rooftop after giving a crooked smile, and Kurumi who had activated wind magic quickly chased after him – mid-way she glanced back at Basara, and he gave her a nod. Up till now, both him and Kurumi could still observe the surroundings and act accordingly. At that moment, amidst the noise in the field—


Yuki and Mio reached his side from the race track of the obstacle race.

“That person just now – was Donoue-senpai, right? Is he really the troublemaker behind it?”

“That’s hard to say. He was obviously acting provocatively, so he might be controlled… But even if that’s the case, if we can track the source of his magic, we’ll probably be able to get clues about the mastermind.”

So we can’t let him escape. Basara tightly held Brynhildr’s grip, and said:

“Right – let’s still follow the plan. Kurumi and I will go after Donoue, and you two remain here and don’t let the mess grow bigger. I’ll leave it to you, then.”

The tornado just now must’ve scared many people, must the worst injury sustained from that must be only light scratches, probably nothing serious; regarding the structures, a portion of the PA equipment and tents must’ve been damaged, and if nothing else happens, it probably wouldn’t cause the Sports Festival to be ordered to a halt. Hence, the priority right now is to not let the panic and disorder amongst the students and visitors grow into fear; and the ones responsible for this support work, is Yuki and Mio. The two of them nodded. To gain control of the field, the two of them then separated. At the same time, Basara also went to take a look at the area around the headquarters tent, and seeing Kajiura giving instructions to the organising committee members before the teachers had even begun to react caused him to feel admiration in his heart. Just then—


Feeling a gaze on him, he turned around and looked. Amongst the confusion and noise in the audience area –amongst the crowd, his gaze met with someone’s.


Basara looked into the cold eyes of his friend, and murmured his name.

--Right at that moment, a barrier opened up, and everything turned dark.

Everyone else other that Basara also disappeared at this moment, leaving behind only the buildings. Probably, Basara was the only one trapped in here. As this sudden change caused him to gasp—


But he reacted just in time, immediately jumping to the side horizontally, and a gust of wind blew past his side – no, to be accurate, it was not wind. In his view, those five fingers had sharpened, and the silhouette with the right hand thrust out turned around and said:

“……You really are amazing, Toujou-kun.”

It was Tachibana. His glasses probably dropped off somewhere, and he stared into Basara’s eyes, while giving off a red glow while in the barrier. Hence—

“I see…”

Finding out about Tachibana’s real identity, Basara murmured out in understanding. The enemy this time was adept in manipulating human consciousness, and could make the controlled use magic. Thus, when Maria mentioned about [kin], other than the Demon Race forces, Basara had also considered another possible race.

…And that was the Vampires.

Hundreds of years ago, the demon race occasionally copulated with humans while in the Human Realm, giving birth to people and beasts of mixed races from humans having their paths of evolution crossed with those of the Demon Race from the Demon Realm. The news of them attacking human nowadays were very rare, but that’s because those who attacked humans have been exterminated by Heroes long ago. Some survivors from that extermination chose to hide themselves and live in this Realm; part of the hybrids chose to breed with humans, causing the thinning of the ancestral bloodline, and now no longer had any special abilities. Thus unless they violated the laws and raised the stakes high, the Hero Tribe would not chose to exterminate them, since the Humans would also go after them.


Everything has an exception. Though they may appear no different from a normal human, atavism[7] occasionally happens. The reason the Hero Tribe had not found out about Tachibana’s real identity was because Tachibana had kept her powers hidden, and lived as a normal human. Yet—

“…Tachibana, it’s really a pity.”

Even if Tachibana is the one who had attacked Basara, Toujou Basara could turn a blind eye to it if Tachibana’s intention was to make the success of the Sports Festival a reality. Really.

The ones who had brought Donoue and the others into the organising committee and broke into Tachibana's peaceful life were Basara and the others themselves. Basara himself was fighting to protect Mio’s everyday life, and he knew very well how the ‘everyday life’ found everywhere was so precious and difficult. However – the tornado just now had already crossed the boundary of what Tachibana needed to do to secure his own everyday life. That tornado would only destroy the Sports Festival everyone was looking forward to, and could also destroy the everyday school life together of those around him.

--That’s why, to protect all of it, Toujou Basara, made the decision to swallow the pain in his heart.

Raising Brynhildr and forgetting about the word [Friend], he looked at Tachibana.


In the moment the sights of the two persons met – both sides began moving simultaneously.

In the moment the both of them raised their foots, the full power of their first atacks crossed.

As Basara and Tachibana began to fight.

Before Nonaka Kurumi had even caught up to Donoue, she had already suppressed him and his companions.

When Donoue and the Mio Faction rendezvoused at the back of the roof, they planned to confront Kurumi who caught up together, but they were not a match at all for Kurumi who was an Spirit Magician.

There was the possibility that this group of people who adored Mio harboured jealously enough to attack Basara, but—

“…Isn’t this too easy?”

As Kurumi looked over Donoue and the others who laid on the roof unconscious, her expression was imposing.

Indeed, when Donoue released magic towards the field and when fighting with Kurumi who chased after him, he showed strength far surpassing that of a normal human.

But their level, was way too different from those passengers who had attacked Basara on the platform. Taking into account the barrier that had come up covering Basara and Tachibana—

“They were just being controlled… Also, this feeling…”

Kurumi felt the air of a bad premonition enveloping the entire school grounds.

There’s no mistaking it – right now, there were two barriers. Not only was there a barrier covering the school building and field, there was another one covering the entire school grounds. The fluctuations of both were similar, showing that the barriers were not put up separately by different people, but instead put up in multiple layers by the same person. But—

“Even me and onee[8], cannot undo a double-layered barrier…”

Those in the Hero Tribe who could do something like that were only the very few persons who specialized in barrier magics; and yet the mastermind behind the current situation was able to put up a double barrier and control Donoue and the others.Since that is the case—


Thinking about the opponent’s level, an ominous foreboding quickly grew within her heart and a drop of sweat trickled down her neck.

…I have to quickly let onee and the others know.

The spirit magician Kurumi only noticed that it was a double barrier through the spirits at her service. Although Yuki’s spirit sword [Sakuya] had a spirit, she could only send her intentions to [Sakuya] as a technique-type fighter, unable to clearly understand [Sakuya]; while Mio was someone who was a wizard-type like her, she utilized the demonic energy carried within herself as a high-class wizard and since it wasn’t even a year since she had begun using magic, asking for her to maintain sensitivity towards the energy fluctuations in her surroundings continuously was really difficult.

“—No, what’s more important is—“

The mastermind was probably Tachibana who was at the other side of the school when the barrier went up and whom she had lost contact at the same time as Basara.

Thus, Kurumi asked for the spirits to trace the source of the magic power within Donoue’s body. If she wanted rendezvous with Basara on the other side of the barrier(s), searching Tachibana’s magic power to look for a gap was the best choice. However—


The reply the spirits hurriedly returned, instead caused Nonaka Kurumi to be stunned speechless.

In the trace, the magic power controlling Donoue was indeed from Tachibana Nanao; however – there was a different power hidden in Tachibana’s magic power, also controlling Donoue.

“What is this…”

As the undiscovered fluctuation caused Kurumi to be puzzled with the trace results—


She suddenly felt someone behind her back and hurriedly turned around – but she couldn’t.

Without even the chance to let out a sound, Nonaka Kurumi lost consciousness, just like that.

The Vampire Race was relatively difficult to deal with, especially their foremost representative.

Not only could they suck blood or transfuse blood causing their opponents to turn into their own kin, their, physical abilities far exceeded that of a Human’s, and they could utilize abilities with magic; additionally, with their demonic eyes, they could forcefully induce hypnotism and control a target’s consciousness, and they could even turn their bodies into mist or bats or other things at will.

--In other words, they were an opponent one must be very cautious about. Ever since the battle started, Basara had been forced to be on the defensive under Tachibana’s many various offensive attacks, but the tide of the battle was slowly turning in Basara’s favour.

Tachibana’s aptitude was really surprising. If it was the Basara who had just met Mio and reunited with Yuki, he would probably not be able to win; but – the Basara now was different.

Although the gap of those five years of his life had not been completely filled up, the senses of a real battle had already almost recovered, and adding on that he had done the Master-Servant Contract with Mio and Yuki and had deepened their relationship, his battle power has received a considerable power-up.

Also – experience from training only wouldn’t win a battle. Basara had fought against the high-class demon Zolgear with Maria who turned into her adult form and desperately broke through the death perils which came one after another, raising Basara’s strength to the next level.

--Right now, in the dark space replicating barrier.

The battle that had started in the field, had already moved into the school buildings. The sharp metallic clashes rang out in the second floor corridor – that is the sounds of Brynhildr and Tachibana’s claws striking each other in the battle. Amidst the two of them clashing—


Tachibana jumped far backwards and with a hand on the floor, he expanded a purple magic circle. Instantly, countless large conical pikes thrusted up from the floor, aiming to bore holes in Basara’s body.

But Basara was already a step ahead, having evaded it. Utilizing the speed from a Speed-type fighter, he rushed up to the ceiling from the left wall, and then circling to the right wall, he began running towards Tachibana; the pikes followed him closely, chasing him along the walls and ceiling with large sounds.

Just as the pikes appeared before Basara as if to block his path, he kicked off the surface, jumping straight towards Tachibana. Seeing Basara coming towards him in a straight line, the action Tachibana took was to simultaneously fire out all the pikes on the floor, wall and ceiling, and Basara readied his posture to slash with his sword—


Twisting in mid-air while slashing out with Brynhildr, shattering the countless pikes coming from behind his back, before twisting his body again.

Smoothly transitioning from defence at his back to attack at Tachibana before him, he slashed out without a drop in speed.

Tachibana changed his state while retreating backwards, and Brynhildr brushed past his body which had changed to mist—


But Tachibana’s expression still distorted from pain. He was late in transforming, so he had sustained injury from not being able to escape Basara’s attack. Despite that—

“Ku – Aaaaaaahhhhh!”

At the moment Basara touched the ground, Tachibana rapidly thrusted out his right hand, but the claw’s speed and path was already seen through by Basara. He pushed the tip sideways a little, utilizing minimal movements to evade Tachibana’s claw, and used Brynhildr’s hilt to impact lower jaw; Tachibana, whose brain received a shock, had his movements come to a stop momentarily.

Basara immediately slashed at his body with his sword – with the back of the blade.

With the sound from the impact, Tachibana crashed through the door of the classroom on the right back-first, and fell to the ground.

“Kuu… uu…!”

Despite having a face distorted with pain, Tachibana still tried to stand up.

“ ! …Do you really look down on me that much…!?”

Tachibana glared at Basara with eyes filled with hostility. Those blood-red eyes, showed that Tachibana’s hostility was undiminished. While receiving that hostility head-on, Basara thought—

…What is going on?

Going y the situation, Tachibana who was actually a vampire was very likely to be the culprit; but perhaps due to hiding his identity and powers for a long time, he clearly never had any real combat. If it was just that, it didn’t matter—

…His movements are too direct.

Every attack of Tachibana’s was like an emotional outburst, it was very simple. Indeed, The Tachibana Basara had known had a very frank personality; in a tight situation, attacks of someone like him would also be easy to guess.

However – Tachibana’s attacks was already direct right from the start. The enemy this time had no qualms in getting innocent people involved, the attack at the station and the tornado just now was the proof of that; at the same time, the enemy was someone very cautious, causing Basara to not be able to guess the enemy’s identity. The above characteristics, were completely different from Tachibana who was before him. Hence—


Thinking of a certain possibility, Basara grabbed Tachibana’s wrist and forcefully pulled him up, and pressed him against the blackboard, and then tried something that could not be done in the middle of a fierce battle.

“W-What are you doing…!”

“—don’t move, keep quiet first.”

Basara brought his face closer towards Tachibana’s alarmed face, and concentrated on gazing at Tachibana.

In order to activate [Banishing Shift]’s banishing ability, the target’s root of existence, [Origin][9], needs to be severed. Since a very long time ago, Basara was able to see the [Origin]; and recently, as if due to the deepening of his relationship with Mio and Yuki after their kiss, his strength was considerably higher than before, and he could now see the manifestation of the fluctuation of magic powers whenever he just concentrates.


Basara did not find any foreign fluctuations in Tachibana’s body – which shows that his consciousness is not being controlled by someone. However, Tachibana’s fluctuations was completely different from the barrier around them.

In other words – the culprit was someone else, not Tachibana. Then, the reason Tachibana attacked Basara, was probably—

“…Tachibana, could it be, you are thinking that I was the one responsible for the tornado just now—…?”

“What are you saying this late!? You’ve already put up a barrier like this, why are you doing something so bad…!”

Pressed against the blackboard, Tachibana’s shouted angrily with tearful eyes.

"Involving innocent people, and even messing up the Sports Festival! Just kill me inside a barrier if you wanted to kill me, there wasn’t a need for something like that!”

Hearing the shout with emotion poured into it—

…Damn it, I got tricked!

Basara finally realised that both of them who was within the barrier, were led on by the real mastermind. Basara and Tachibana hoped to be able to trust each other, so when they think that the other party is the traitor, they’ll be even more unwilling to forgive. The real mastermind used these feelings and tricked the two of them who had become friends after much difficulty, using the meaningless battle to break down the trust built up between the two of them.

…But, even then…

It great that the worst case scenario did not happen, and the both of them are still safe. So, when needs to be done now is to not let the mastermind have their way. Thus Basara kept away Brynildr.

“W-What are you doing…?”

The unexpected action, caused Tachibana to become wary.

“Tachibana – look into my eye with your demonic eye, this way you’ll be able to find out why I kept my weapon.”


“As you know, we Heroes have some resistance against magic; if we concentrate to defend, controlling our consciousness would have no effect unless it’s a really strong power. The demonic eye able to control consciousness disrupts the subconsciousness through the eyes, so you’ll be able to see through my intentions.”


“If you do that – you’ll understand why I chose to quit the battle.”

What Basara said was [Quit], not something like [Stop], displaying his intention to no longer fight. However—

“…Just what are you planning? You've come up so close to a vampire and chose to keep your weapon, so even if my demonic eye can’t control you, I can still suck blood to make you into my slave…”

Tachibana kept his guard up. That was for sure, since no matter what Basara says now, his trust cannot be regained again.

“Because I hope you’ll see for yourself clearly…”

Yet Toujou Basara said out a truth – his own real intentions. And that is—

“Tachibana… I had really hoped to make the Sports Festival a success together with you, and that holds true even now.”

Those words caused Tachibana to shudder unconsciously. The subconsciousness is affected by the words the person says, so Tachibana would be able to immediately know if what he said were lies or not by using his demonic eye to look into Basara’s eyes.

“…Alright then. If you lie, my teeth will definitely pierce your neck."

Saying that, Tachibana then looked into Basara’s eyes.

With his red eyes that can read thoughts, he gazed intently at Basara. Not long after—


Those two eyes widened, and what immediately appeared them, were tears.

“How can that…be…, then… we were…”

Tachibana who found out the cruel truth, then murmured while at a loss. His head hung feebly, and large tears flowed down his face. Thus, Basara released his hand that was holding Tachibana, and Tachibana slid down the blackboard and fell into a kneeling position, both shoulders shaking. To this reaction of his friend—


Toujou Basara, other than saying out his name softly, did nothing else. He clearly understands, that this was just a misunderstanding.

But despite that – what has been done, has been done. What has been broken, cannot be recovered completely, ever.

No amount of consoling would be able to undo the current status, and he could not stay here forever.

Since Tachibana was not the mastermind, the real enemy is still somewhere out there.

…The enemy couldn’t have closed us in here to deal with them, or not?

An uneasiness grew within him.

“ ! ————…?”

At that moment, Basara suddenly felt a certain air, which caused his hairs to stand on its end and his whole body to stiffen up.

“ ? Toujou-kun…?”

Not knowing what happened, Tachibana raised his tearful face and asked.

“Tachibana, wait here for me… ——understand!?”

Shouting those words, Toujou Basara rushed out of the classroom as if he suddenly received an electric shock.

Where Toujou Basara was headed to, are Mio and Yuki’s location as the reaction from the locating ability of the Master-Servant Contract gave him.

--If the two of them are outside the barrier, Basara who was inside the barrier wouldn’t be able to find their location.

However, the Master-Servant relation with them and Basara had been strengthened significantly. With that, would he be able to find their locations through the barrier? …Thinking that, Basara is going to try using that to try to locate Mio and Yuki.

And then, he really got a reaction from them – but it was not outside the barrier, but within it.

…Damn it! Could it really be related to that person…!?

As Basara ran towards their location, his expression gradually became bitter.

He had already eliminated possible suspects right to the end, and he had already prepared his heart to face the truth; but in a certain corner in Toujou Basara’s heart, there was still trust – that this is not that erson’s doing. Yet—

“That is…”

When he ran down the stairs and saw his destination around the corner, Basara saw a scene he did not wish to believe.

It was a brilliant white. It was the coat that was like her trademark, and she had her right hand directed at the door to the room she was in charge of – and a golden glow was around her hands.

“ ! –Hasegawa-sensei!”

Basara shouted the person’s name, and she must’ve heard it, but—“


Hasegawa Chisato ignored Basara, and in front of the raised right hand – a magic circle appeared on the door. The infirmary room’s door and wall then turned into gray with a sharp sound, and Mio and Yuki’s reaction then disappeared. This scene, was similar to when Mio was trapped into a special barrier that was at Zolgear’s nest.

--Only after that, then did Hasegawa Chisato turn around.

While still exuding the usual peerless beauty, she gazed at Basara with silent and calm eyes. Hence—

“…Sensei, please leave this place.”

Basara stopped around ten meters before Hasegawa, and said while facing her.

The bundle of reluctant hope that was in Basara’s heart had vanished, and what’s left is the acceptance of the truth before his eyes, and the thought of accomplishing his goals no matter what. So despite seeing Hasegawa using magic, Basara who held Brynhildr was not surprised, and had no desire to ask how. Knowing that Hasegawa had closed Mio and Yuki into some kind of barrier – was sufficient enough.

“Please leave that place… Mio and Yuki are inside there, aren’t they, please hand them over to me.”

Basara held Brynhildr’s hilt tightly, displaying the intention that if Hasegawa is not willing to leave, he’ll settle this with his weapon. However—

“…My apologies, I cannot do that.”

When Hasegawa lightly shook her head – Toujou Basara already began moving his body.

…Screw that barrier…!

No matter how strong a barrier is, [Banishing Shift] will be able to

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