Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 383 - A Fierce Counterattack

Chapter 383 - A Fierce Counterattack

Chapter 383: A Fierce Counterattack


Before everyone could recover from their shock, they saw Ling Chuxi leaping into the air before planting her foot on Duan Qingchou’s face. Duan Qingchou was sent flying backwards, coughing out blood and even a few teeth.

Not even waiting for his body to touch on the ground, Ling Chuxi jumped up again, inserted Battle Qi into her leg and landed on his body like a whirlwind. Finally, she kicked at his ribs. Crack! Everyone heard the sound of Duan Qingchou’s ribcage shattering.

Duan Qingchou crashed into a pillar of the fighting ring, and slumped down onto the ground.

“Not even able to withstand a single blow,” Ling Chuxi echoed as she stepped down hard on Duan Qingchou’s face.

Duan Qingchou who was practically undefeatable earlier was now covered in blood as he laid on the ground like a dead dog, no strength to fight back.

“I will kill you sooner or later.” Duan Qingchou panted heavily as he glared at Ling Chuxi. That gaze of his was reminiscent of a heavily injured wild wolf.

“Wait until you can leave the fighting ring alive before speaking.” Ling Chuxi’s expression darkened. In his eyes, Ling Chuxi could see a hatred that would not disappear without the finality of death. Leaving behind such a person would definitely bring endless trouble.

“Stop! Referee, we admit defeat.” Ling Chuxi was about to kill him when the envoy of Wan Chuan Country who was below the stage roared loudly. Anyone could tell that Duan Qingchou’s defeat was certain, and that Ling Chuxi had the intention to kill. The moment Duan Qingchou was crippled, the remaining two contenders who were merely at Battle Qi Level-9 had lost all hope of fighting against the experts of the other countries. When the time came, Wan Chuan Country would not even have a chance to obtain fourth place.

Hearing the envoy’s voice, Ling Chuxi raised her head and gave a dazzling smile. “What you say doesn’t count. He himself is not admitting defeat yet.” Duan Qingchou’s words were used against him! Though the crowd was ecstatic at the outcome, Ling Chuxi’s brilliant smile sent a chill down their spines. Such an incredible counterattack!

According to the rules, if one party voluntarily admitted defeat, and the referee announced that the match was over, then no further attacks could be made. Otherwise, the attacker would instantly be disqualified and their team given last place. However, when the judge had decided that Baili Han had lost earlier, Duan Qingchou had ignored him and continued with his attacks.

Ling Chuxi glanced at the judge only to find him staring up at the sky pointedly, gently coughing and watching the clouds float by. He almost seemed to be saying: ‘Such lovely weather we’re having. What am I doing here? No need to be bothered about me, please continue with what you are doing.’

“Get up. Don’t just lie there like a dog,” Ling Chuxi sneered, stepping on Duan Qingchou’s face so he couldn’t speak.

It was not that Duan Qingchou did not want to surrender, but rather his jaw had been dislocated by Ling Chuxi and he could not even speak, not to mention open his mouth to admit defeat.

“Aiyaya, how stubborn. You’re already in such a situation and still you refuse to admit defeat. Even I admire you a little, Master Duan Qingchou.” Ling Chuxi smiled brightly as she mocked him. Everything that Ling Chuxi said sounded oddly familiar to the crowd. Those were all things that Duan Qingchou had said to humiliate Baili Han! However, Ling Chuxi’s methods were even more ruthless and fierce.

The crowd looked at the young maiden who was smiling widely on the stage and shuddered. They considered themselves lucky they had not made an enemy of her. Although she was smiling, she gave people the image of a demoness from hell.

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