Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 563 - Something Happened

Chapter 563 - Something Happened

Chapter 563: Something Happened

“Waiter, is there anything good to eat? Just bring everything out, a double portion of each dish!” When Ling Chuxi and Zhou Zhidong entered the teahouse, they heard Mo Kongyuan’s loud voice that was full of a scrappy aura.

Ling Chuxi and Zhou Zhidong both lowered their heads at the same time, too embarrassed to admit they were travelling with him, it was truly too shameful. If it were not for them personally witnessing it themselves, who would believe that there was such a person who could eat so much on this earth?

“You guys should also come over. Let’s eat together, let’s eat together,” said Mo Kongyuan generously to Zhou Zhidong and the rest. Anyway, the money being spent was not his. Of course, it’s not like he had he any money on him to begin with.

“No need to be so courteous, no need to be so courteous,” replied Zhou Zhidong with a dry laugh as he and the rest of the guards took seats at the tables around Mo Kongyuan’s. What kind of a joke was he trying to play by asking them to sit at the same table as him? Fearfully, even getting to drink a mouthful of soup would be a dream if they did.

Ling Chuxi rolled her eyes at Mo Kongyuan and ignored his words. Putting an act of completely not knowing who he was, she sat at another table.

Not long after, the dishes were served. Zhou Zhidong and the rest ate their rice and dishes while purposely averting their eyes from Mo Kongyuan. It was also a lucky thing that they were still within the borders of Nan Xia Country. If he were to eat like this in Ding Lin Country, was it not akin to having him throw the entire reputation of Nan Xia Country away?

What made Zhou Zhidong truly speechless was Ling Chuxi’s elegant table manners coupled with her inelegant eating speed and vast food intake. He really didn’t know how she maintained such a slender figure. Where did all the food she ate go?

For a moment, everyone buried their heads in their food and just as they were eating heartily, a commotion suddenly appeared up the road. In the midst of many exclaimations, carriage after carriage belonging to many a merchant troop turned back around in panic. Even when their merchandise dropped to the ground, no one bothered to turn back or pick them up.

Zhou Zhidong and the rest of the guards instantly got up, their hands gripping the hilts of their swords as they looked up the road with cautious expressions.

The boss of the teahouse and the waiter rushed to the doorway, their faces full of surprise and doubt. Obviously, they had also never encountered such a situation happening here before.

“Big Brother, what has happened up ahead?” asked the boss loudly as he reached out his hand in an attempt to stop a passing carriage.

“Just scram!” yelled the coachman as he raised his horsewhip and lashed it at the teahouse boss. Taking advantage of the teahouse boss hurriedly retracting his hand out of the way, the coachman flicked the reins on his horse and continued to rush away like his life desperately depended on it.

“What happened up ahead?” Just at this moment, a soft voice hummed beside the coachman’s ears.

The coachman was surprised and only then did he notice that his carriage which was being pulled by two tall, big horses had come to a halt. The horses raised their hoofs while neighing loudly, shocked at the sudden stop. A tall and big middle-aged man had his hand pressed down on the carriage to prevent it from moving any further. The man’s hand seemed to possess a great strength, and no matter how hard the two horses tried to pull the carriage, they couldn’t even move it half an inch forward. josei

“A monster beast. There is a monster beast up ahead,” said the coachman breathlessly in shock. He knew that he had encountered an expert and thus retracted the horsewhip he had raised into the air earlier.

“A monster beast?” repeated Zhou Zhidong with a frown. This was an area by the border, an intersection where people from three different countries could met and where trade flourished because there was a constant flow of people. It was very rare for a monster beast to appear in an area such as this.

“Yes. An extremely powerful monster beast. Even the heavily paid guards employed by the Chamber of Commerce were very quickly bitten to death. I don’t even know if our young master was able to escape. I need to rush and find people to save our young master. Strong man, please save my family’s young master. We will definitely heavily reward you in thanks,” pleaded the anxious and worried coachman as his eyes even turned red and teary.

“Wait. You are someone from the Gao family’s Chamber of Commerce?” asked Ling Chuxi when she suddenly saw the insignia of the Gao family’s Chamber of Commerce on the side of the carriage.

“Yes, but who are you, Miss... Miss Ling. You are Miss Ling! I’ve seen you once before. You are friends with my family’s young master. I beg you to quickly think of a way to save him,” exclaimed the coachman in relief and delight.

“You were talking about Gao Wentian earlier? He was the one that might not have escaped?” asked Ling Chuxi in surprise. She also recalled at this moment that when she had gone to the Gao family’s Chamber of Commerce in the past, she did see this coachman there once.

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