Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 1277

Chapter 1277: Lend me your Pal, bro.

Chapter 1277: Lend me your Pal, bro.

Wu Yan, Ash, and Raymond talked with one another while the lecturer sums up his lesson.

"When you're training with one another, exercise care not to let your Pal hit other people nearby. Avoid endangering bystanders."

The lecturer warned them.

"Hurt anyone and you could be subjected to disciplinary actions and detentions. When you're training, always be mindful of your surroundings, you feel me?"

"Yes sir!"

The lecturer is glad to hear the students responding loudly. Then, he set his eyes on Wu Yan. He coughed before addressing him.

"Rowan Randall, where is your Pal?"

The students also looked at Wu Yan. They were curious too.

They wanted to see what kind of Pal the cheating students had after using backdoor arrangements to enroll in their class.

The students were less than amused that Wu Yan got in like that.

He skipped the foundations and enrolled without proper due processes.

Even the teachers weren't happy with Wu Yan's enrollment.

Compared to the students, the teachers were informed that Wu Yan is a Dragonar. Even if they disagreed with how Wu Yan got in, if he can prove to them that he has a Maestro then it will be all peachy.

Wu Yan silently praised Rebecca for predicting this outcome. He roamed his gaze over the other students and he grinned.


Wu Yan raised his hand. He tried to laugh this one off.

"Sorry, I am new here, I don't know you need to bring Pals to the mock battle classes."

The other students clicked their tongues in annoyance. The lecturer also felt like someone was playing him, he frowned.

"It is a mock battle class, of course, bringing your pal should have been an implied message. Do you want me to personally remind you from now on?"

The students also treated Wu Yan with disdain. The blondie who leered daggers into Wu Yan also watched with distant and judging eyes.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Wu Yan feigned curiosity.

"Why doesn't Ash have to bring his pal?"

The other students went silent.


Raymond assumed Wu Yan is doing this out of ill will. He tried to defuse the situation while Ash clenched his fist.

In any case, Ash's pal is still sleeping within him.

The Lautreamont Knightdom required kids who hit the age of 7 to go through the Orphan's rite in Albion Forest. Ash went through the same rite.

He was chosen as a Dragon Breeder but his Pal never materialized from his crest.

It formed something of an emotional trigger for Ash.

For Ansullivan Dragonar Academy students, being a Dragon Breeder means waking up the Pal within themselves.

The dragons typically hatched during the first year of foundation.

Excluding Ash, all the students here had Pals.

Ash doesn't even have a pal.

A normal student would have been left in the foundations until his or her pals hatched. However, Ash is also known as the genius dragon tamer. He has the ability to ride other people's Pals. That is how he passed his exams and got into the advanced classes.

Everyone knows this so nobody picked on Ash. Ash can still borrow other people's pals to do mock battles so there was technically no issue.

As for Wu Yan...

"Rowan Randall, Ash is an exception."

The lecturer explained lest Wu Yan didn't know about Ash's special situation.

"His Pal is not yet born but he can already ride other people's Pals. The school also gave him special permission to use other people's Pals should the class module requires the operation of a Pal."

"Ah, so."

Wu Yan waited for this response.

"As long as I can ride other people's Pal, I don't need to bring my own Pal, yes?"


The lecturer waved his hand.

"Explaining this to you seems to be extremely troublesome. Fine, you can read into that however you will."


Wu Yan turned right. He asked Raymond for permission.

"Hey, Raymond, lend me your pal, bro."

The air froze.

The students exchanged looks of shock and astonishment, including the lecturer and the blonde girl.

Rowan and Ash also couldn't believe their ears.


Raymond tried to give Wu Yan a way out.

"Are you serious?"


Wu Yan raised an eyebrow.

"You don't want to lend me your pal?"

"N-no, I mean..."

Raymond is still trying to process the situation.

"You don't know? Pals typically only let their masters ride them. If someone other than the master attempts to ride then the dragon will rampage. You could get seriously hurt!"

Wu Yan rolled his eyes.

"Ash can do it. Why are you so sure I can't do the same thing?"


Raymond was stumped for words.

"Rowan Randall!"

The lecturer made his annoyance audible.

"I don't care if you're new but it is common knowledge that trying to ride another person's pal will put you and other people at danger, right? Are you prepared to take responsibility for the ensuing casualties?"

Wu Yan ignored the teacher.

"Come on, just lend me your Pal."

Raymond didn't think Wu Yan could do it. Even Bridgit is baring her fangs at Wu Yan. Finally, it roared at him.


An Asia, an earth dragon is still a dragon. It emitted a minor shockwave that smashed into Wu Yan. His clothes fluttered and his hair got ruffled.

The students started snickering.

Wu Yan took the dragon's roar to his face without flinching. He turned his gaze on Bridgit. His deep red eyes emitted a golden flash.


Wu Yan ordered the dragon. The students were once again taken for another ride by Wu Yan's extremely controversial moves.

Who does this guy think he is? He actually yelled at a dragon?

But, while everyone expected Bridgit to rampage and Raymond tried to pacify Bridgit, something extraordinary happened.


Bridgit suddenly whimpered like a pitiful puppy. She rolled over while trembling on the ground in a pose of submission. It was extremely terrified of whatever it saw in Wu Yan's eyes.

"No way!" josei

Raymond shouted.

The students who were grinning also turned into emotionless statues. They watched as Bridgit surrender herself to Wu Yan.

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