Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 405

Chapter 405: The Beauty of the Cities in the Holographic Game LVIII

“I can give up the game.”

“I originally played the game for you.”

“So, you became used to sacrificing me to achieve your goal, right?”josei

“Its not that you don’t know what I’m enduring, you just don’t care.”

He felt that he must have been bewildered. After she left, he could not help but let people pay attention to her information. When he heard the words in the video again and heard her say “I don’t care at all”, his mood was inexplicably complicated.

Therefore, after receiving the intelligence information, he immediately sent her a message to remind her to be careful, and added: “if you need help, please tell me.”

She hasn’t responded back for a long time.

This was something that has never happened before. Even if she was busy after she joined the group, she would always reply to him after seeing his messages. But this time, for one, two, three days……he didn’t see her response. On the fifth day, he finally received her reply.

“Thank you, no need now.”

Only five short words.

He stared at these words, tried to reply several times, but failed to send them out, and was speechless for a long time.

In fact, a few days after replying to Mobei Eagle’s message, Wen Ying encountered a sneak attack. She could see that the other party was a small group that had just been organized, and there was no organizational discipline to speak of. Even if her little assassin Zheng Yun was not here, she could fight back and “kill” them by herself.

But very soon, she found that she underestimated the enemy.

Although this group of people were a mob, some people have made careful plans. Just after she walked out a short distance, she met another group of people. She frowned and immediately guessed the other party’s battle plan——war of attrition. Even if she had the best sense of technique, she could not be completely uninjured. As long as her red health bar and her mana reached the bottom, she could not continue to support this.

Sure enough, not long after the second group died, the third group arrived again. It should not be said that every wild area was full of people, but there were ambushes on every route she chose. It could be seen that the person had made a detailed investigation of her.

She still has a way out, that is, she can choose to go offline right away, but both online and offline will be in the same area. If the other side stuck to this position, there will still be a battle eventually.


She knew that there was a person nearby.

She didn’t start attacking again. Instead, she rode a horse and galloped through the dusty field. She saw a small arbor near the mountain from a distance. In front of the arbor, there were poles and wine flags. It was a wine stall. It was for people with insufficient physical strength to buy and increase their physical strength. Of course, there was also some wine, with ordinary gain effects, which was also the favorite of players who slept in the open air.

The group of people ran after her all the way. Her “physical strength” gradually waned. Seeing that they were about to catch up with her, the leading man laughed and shouted, “Don’t run. There are other people behind us. If the Beauty of the City is willing to hand in the map of the main line and say something nice, I’ll let you go, how about it?”

Although he spoke like this, with just a glance, someone surrounded the wine stall when she was unprepared and kept her away, so as not to let her drink to replenish her strength.

What else did he want to say? The man behind suddenly stabbed him with the back of a knife, pointed up. His expression was not very good-looking.

The leading man looked in the direction pointed by the other side and immediately shrank back. “Damn, Duhuo!”

On the mountain near the wine stall, Duhuo dressed as a pharmacist was particularly obvious, and the sign of the Heifeng guild was also frightening. He and his team members were killing monsters, but as long as you look down, you can see what they are doing.

“What should I do?”

Several people looked at each other in speechless amazement, but a female gamer who played Le Ji came out and yelled, “What are you guys afraid of? Standing in that position, if he wanted to stop this, he would have stopped it long ago. Why wait until now?”

It was only after she reminded them that they reacted. Yes, he was harmed by the same woman twice in a row. Men wouldn’t bear this breath!

As soon as they were refreshed, they immediately rallied and surrounded her.

Wen Ying didn’t look at the people on the mountain path, but instead, suddenly asked, “What you said before, is it true that you would let me go after saying a few nice words?”

The male player’s eyes brightened, and the female player looked at her contemptuously.

“Yes, I didn’t expect that the beauty knew the current affairs very well……” the leading man approached with an ambiguous smile. At the moment when the horse’s hoof was moving forward, a bottle of medicinal liquid was suddenly poured out by Wen Ying, which hit his eyes and they only heard the man scream!

“F***!” His hp plummeted, he covered his eyes with one hand and wept more than once. He immediately swore a dirty word in a ferocious tone. “You don’t accept a toast and instead want the punishment wine! Immediately take out the map!”

For a moment, the magic light outside the small wine stall was blooming!

They were so numerous and powerful that Wen Ying’s strength was gradually running out. Everything in the space that could immediately replenish her strength during combat had been used up. It was like she was suffering from hypoglycemia, and suddenly her eyes whitened.

At the moment when a long knife took the opportunity to cut at her, suddenly a “Ding” was heard, and the long knife broke at the sound. Then, countless shrieks came from the crowd, startling a flock of birds!

Duhuo had come down the mountain path. Some of the members behind him were holding a huge snake head in their hands that was dripping blood. Some of them start to scratch the snake skin as if nothing had happened. It was obviously the result of beating the monster just now. And those who besieged Wen Ying were bitten by many small snakes on their legs, bodies and even their faces. The venom spread from the teeth of the snakes. Some people were already rolling on the ground in pain. How could they get rid of these snakes? The scene was bloody and terrible.

He went to Wen Ying’s side and gave her a hug when she fell forward and put her on the horse.

“Who allowed you to attack her?” He turned his head to those people, pressed the corners of his mouth to smile, and showed his evil spirit, “Are you tired of living?”

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