Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 417

Chapter 417: The Beauty of the Cities in the Holographic Game LX

“What are you talking about?”

Hearing her incredulous voice ring in his ears, he froze first.

Ling Long’s originally relaxed and slightly bent back suddenly straightened up, his arms tightened, and his big hands grasped a corner of the towel on his head, simply pulling it down, blocking part of his vision. The edge of the towel cast a shadow on his face, making his eyes hidden in the dark. He took a light breath, lowered his eyelids and said: “you’d better go first today……”


When he heard her answer, his throat tightened, and he could not say anything. After a while, he whispered: “and…… Thank you for the meal.”

She didn’t answer. For a long time, there was no sound, including what he thought was the closing of the door. It was quiet in the room. It seemed that he was alone. He couldn’t help lifting his eyes, but suddenly he was shocked in the same place, as if he could hear the sound of his blood countercurrenting.

Wen Ying’s white shirt buttons were untied one by one, revealing her beautiful collarbone, white and nourished skin, and slightly depressed cleavage… If her usual cool appearance would make people dare not approach her, her every move now sent out an attractive and deadly taste, including her slightly lifting eyelids that coldly looked at his eyes.

Seeing that she was about to untie another button, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her hand. “What are you doing?”

“Didn’t you want me to stay with you all night? How can I stay with you if I don’t take off my clothes?”

Ling Long suddenly trembled with anger. He didn’t know whether he was angry with her or mad at himself for saying such a thing. Next to the wardrobe, he opened it with a bang, pulled out his coat from the inside and put it on her. He wrapped the person tightly and didn’t let her move any more.

“That’s enough!” He held the front of his coat tightly with his big hand, so hard that the blue veins on the back of his hand appeared. He took a deep breath, “I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry……”

She only asked: “What do you think of me when you can say such a thing? Do you think that I am greedy for your power and identity and gain wealth by selling my body, just like them?”

He felt as if he had been gripped by someone and suddenly suffocated. “No, no! It’s me, son of a bitch. I drank wine and went crazy on you……” compared with her explanation about Mobei Eagle just now, which made him suppress his anger, what she said now seems to be more hurtful in his heart.josei

“En, you’re a bastard.”

He heard her say, “even if you never thought about it like this, you know what kind of harm such words will cause to me, but you still didn’t think before saying it, which means that I’m a less important existence to you. If I’m not important, why should I explain it to you?”

Wen Ying has tied the button back, and now she breaks away from him. “As you wish, I won’t bother you again.” She took off her coat and gave it back to him, and then turned around.

She was determined to leave, as if she would never see him again as long as she left from this door.

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