Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 431

Chapter 431: The Beauty of the Cities in the Holographic Game LXXIV

He didn’t know why, so he wanted to teach her to swim together, but he didn’t speak. He hadn’t spoken for a long time. He just pushed her into the water as his father had taught him. But he forgot how children’s arm strength can compare with that of adults. When he was studying, adults were present, but now only this half year old child was present. The water in the pool was so high that she couldn’t put her head out while tiptoeing. Gudugudu, she swallowed a lot of water.

That was the first time he felt flustered after his mother left.

He ran out and called for help. He still remembered that person’s surprise when he heard him speak. He dragged the other’s hand anxiously. Only then did that person realize the seriousness of the situation and went to save the child.

Later, she became a little afraid of the water, but she didn’t tell anyone that he pushed her down. She seemed to know his idea, didn’t reject and stay away from him, and even endured the fear of the water and learned to swim.josei

Thinking of this, the sight of Mobei Eagle rose and fell with the person in the pool.

He thought that he had long forgotten these things, but with her falling into the water, like the water splashing across the sky, it rushed ashore, and his emotions poured out with memories.

However, whether it was her sweet childhood, or when she grew up and became colder, whether she approached him or retreated, he always stood in place, watching her come and leave, always lacking the courage to take steps.

When she left him, he finally admitted that it was his problem all the time.

So when he found that Duhuo and Prince Long liked her and saw that Zheng Yun was interested in her, it seemed that there was a different kind of tacit understanding between them, and he could not find any reason to interfere. He could only stand where he had never taken a step and watch quietly.

Wen Ying came back after swimming around and looked up from the water. The water drops were thrown into the air in an arc.

Prince Long was still waiting. As soon as he saw her coming, he immediately changed the topic and asked, “what was that woman talking to you about at the door just now? Are you all right? She just came to Mobei. I don’t know what she was talking about. It seems that she was hit hard. Even from my location, I can see that she should be crying.”

“She suspected that I did the things on the Internet, it’s nothing much.”

Prince Long snorted and smiled, “Even if it’s really you, what can she do? What she does herself will be exposed on the day when paper can’t contain fire.”

“En.” Wen Ying nodded, “just like what I did to you.”

“I didn’t mean that……” he looked down at her, opened his mouth to explain, but shook his head. Suddenly, he looked at her and smiled low and said, “……. In fact, it’s not bad to have such a beauty trick occur a few more times.”

If he can say such a thing, it seems that he was relieved in his heart.

The seven day anniversary celebration has finally come to an end. When players log in again, it will be like an afterlife. After all, too many things have happened in the process, and people still need to digest them. As soon as they logged in, the news of the merger of the two servers was announced to the world. At first, players on both sides were a little curious and expectant. But gradually, with more and more grabbing copies, wild map bosses and equipment, the friction between the two servers continued to increase, and the atmosphere became tense and explosive.

At this time, the president of the Ye Lang guild who once “ruled the world” Huo Yun painted hundreds of groups of roses in the world. When everyone stopped to watch his roses, a small red line came out.

That’s a special task of “Chasing Deer”. After completing the task of proposing marriage, it can be announced to the world.

“My fair lady, a gentleman would like to marry you. The player [Huo Yun] asked the player [Luo Ying] to marry. With one heart together forever.”

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