Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 457

Chapter 457: Younger Sisters Lover XIX

Wen Ying didn’t arrange a date in the end.

A fool also knows what will happen if she provocatively says “alright” in that atmosphere, even if he says “at least I can guarantee your safety”, this kind of reason is like seeing a ghost, a woman will not believe it, but it makes people feel dangerous. It can only be said that her brother is good at playing while advancing by retreating.

Against the pressure of her “good brother”‘s pressing gaze, she called Gong Xuan to cancel the appointment in front of him. Hearing Gong Xuan asking her why, Wen Ying subconsciously glanced at her brother. Shan Yao smiled rather than smiled and made formed a”dance practice” with his mouth.

“Just…… you know that our school is going to hold an anniversary. I have to attend dance programs. I may be busy practicing dancing recently.”

“Are you coming?”

“It’s not impossible. There will be a lot of senior students coming back in the anniversary celebration. If you want to get involved, you can still get involved……”

There, it was unknown what Gong Xuan said. She burst out laughing and leaned aside, like a conditioned reflex, unwilling to let him continue to listen.

Shan Yao listened silently for a while. The main road at the school gate was wide and there was no shelter. The wind blew her hair. He stretched out his hand and smoothed it for her. He said coldly, “Nannan, it’s time to go back.”

The voice of young men is not only as low as that of young men, but also less sophisticated and mellow than that of mature men. It seems relaxed and relaxed, and very magnetic and pleasant.

Gong Xuan at the other end heard about it, because of Wen Ying lightly glaring at him, she began to make up a lie that was not a lie, “It’s my brother, he and I are in the same school. Yes, I also think he is annoying. Controlling this and that, he is obviously only two years older than me……”

Shan Yao listened to her complaining to the person on the other side and expressed his dissatisfaction. He could not help but curl his lips.

He knew it was dangerous.

Since seeing her changes and understanding the reasons for her changes, many things have exceeded his expectations. He seems to be able to feel that he is walking beside the dangerous track. In front of him is a deep and dark tunnel, and he can’t stop.

Their relationship is very special. When he can’t sleep, he will think that if she doesn’t become his sister, they may break up sooner or later. After he entered high school, their intersection and contact have gradually decreased. She has her worries, and he also has his studies. The hormones of adolescence can only last for such a short time, unforgettable and short. Maybe after he graduated from senior high school and left this land, they would break up peacefully.

And if the stepmother that brings his sister is any other person, he will not put too much emotion and responsibility into her, and will only get along with her politely and distantly until he can move out of the family economically and independently.

But these two people are her.

Wen Ying walked away while talking on the phone, as if she wanted to throw him away childishly. He calmly picked up the bag that she had just thrown on the ground when she lost her temper, crossed the strap and carried it on one shoulder, and took a long stride to catch up with her.

She had hung up the phone and looked sideways at him and asked, “Do you still have time to stay with senior sister Lu if you block me like this?”

The answer, of course, is no.josei

A person’s energy is always limited. If Lu Jiamei didn’t come to talk to him, Shan Yao couldn’t even remember. That day, when he found her standing in front of him, he pushed the finished exercise book aside and looked at her squarely, “What’s the matter?”

“What are you busy with recently? I always can’t see you.” She held the textbook in her hand and asked casually. “Someone said that she saw you reviewing with a freshman junior sister in the library.”

“En, something happened recently.”

He played it down, “If you have a problem, you can find Cheng Ye. He is good at your weak subject.”

It was rare that Lu Jiamei’s generous and natural expression, is not very good at the moment.

Even though her purpose was not simple when she approached him at the beginning, she still had inexplicable complex feelings towards him over time. If it was the first time she met, she could laugh off the news at ease. Anyway, she didn’t really like him, but now, she can’t do it.

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