Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 471

Chapter 471: Younger Sisters Lover XXXIII

“Don’t think about things that are already settled. I said that I broke up with you not because you don’t trust me.” He paused. “Don’t use my friend.”

“It’s too much to say such a thing.” Lu Jiamei put her cup on the table heavily. “Shan Yao, don’t think I have no temper. When you broke up, you said to me that we have no feelings between us. We have no feelings. Was this a joke in the past few months?”

Shan Yao shook his head and said, “Saying it was a joke is too serious. I always appreciated your willingness to listen to my complaints and feelings during that time. But —— there are some things that others don’t understand. You and I are very clear. I didn’t associate with you because I like you, what about you? Are you with me because you like me?”

“What do you mean?”

Shan Yao didn’t go on. He only looked at the other party’s slightly blinking eyes and knew that she was clear in her heart.josei

He doesn’t know what her purpose is, but this “love” contained many calculations and considerations. He borrowed her to draw a warning line, hoping that his new sister would not move forward, and that he would stop and not turn back.

The reason why he was able to make a decisive decision to break up was that he had always believed that it was only a young and budding love, which could not last long. At that time, he had just broken up with Wen Ying. She couldn’t accept the fact, so he began to alienate her. Before that, although he had contact with Lu Jiamei, he never thought in that direction. After all, he did not have friends of the opposite sex, and his positioning for Lu Jiamei was just as one of the friends of the opposite sex. Later, the students in the class made him think of this possibility.

He and Lu Jiamei have always had a tacit understanding. He also couldn’t feel that the other party liked him. Maybe because of the long time they spent together, she was allowed a bit more possessiveness. That was all.

The sprouting of the youth hormone sounds simple, enjoyable and irresponsible, but it is also the purest. It is not mixed with any rational thinking factors, but only depends on the strength of the heart. He and Lu Jiamei are the opposite.

Maybe, if he didn’t realize the influence of Wen Ying on him, it wasn’t because she kept reminding herself that she gradually became more than a love affair when she was young. Maybe there would be other possibilities if he and Lu Jiamei continued to get along.

But now——

“Don’t do unnecessary things.”

He finally said this to her.

Wen Ying came home on the weekend and found Shan Yao already sitting on the sofa. His face was pale, his right arm was also wrapped with several bandages, and a book was placed on his knee. He was reading it. When he heard the movement of opening the door, his eyes turned.

She took two steps up the stairs, but turned around and looked back. He had already turned his eyes back by then.

“…… What’s the matter with you?” She still walked down the stairs.

Sitting in the living room is so eye-catching, obviously waiting for her to ask.

He downplayed it, but didn’t mean to hide it. “Your little boyfriend beat me.”

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