Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 487

Chapter 487: Younger Sisters Lover L

Wen Ying hid in Shan Yao’s arms, and the first thing she saw when she looked up was the outline of his jaw. The beautiful arch formed a shadow on her head, giving her a reassuring feeling together with his embrace. The heat was constantly coming from him. She sniffed and said coldly, “There’s a smoke smell.”

He deliberately lowered his head and gave her a hard kiss. Seeing the appearance of her wrinkled nose, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.”Let’s go?” He asked.josei

“Let’s run,” she suggested. She dared not look aside, but wondered how many people were surrounding them, openly challenging the authority of the school. If the teacher caught her on the spot, a punishment would be indispensable.


The corridor on the third floor of the senior high school is also bustling. Lu Jiamei was dragged out of the classroom by her friends to watch the excitement. When her gaze touched the person hugging and kissing downstairs, her expression suddenly froze. She could tell at a glance who the two people downstairs were.

Her good friend even dragged her to discuss. They sure are brave enough to not be afraid to be caught by the teacher? Who do you think this is?'”

Before Lu Jiamei could answer, there were already boys in her class who recognized him.

“H*** s***, am I seeing right? Isn’t this Shan Yao? !”

He went to push Cheng Ye and said, ‘Look Daye, is it your family’s A Yao?'”

Cheng Ye’s small arm rested on the guardrail and he glanced from top to bottom as he heard the words, “Really, why do I feel like it doesn’t look too similar?” He has been feeling the estrangement between the two people since the last time he nearly split up with his friend due to leaking the secrets. Although Shan Yao forgave him, it made him feel guilty instead. He repeatedly reflected on what he had done, and finally realized that he had unintentionally interfered with his friend’s emotional life. He felt that he probably subconsciously believed that his friend’s emotional intelligence was not high, so he couldn’t help criticizing his feelings in a patronizing manner, revealing his superior posture.

Suddenly discovering his “bad” side discouraged him and made him become cautious and prudent when dealing with his friends.

Of course, he had already recognized the person downstairs, but he was not sure whether Shan Yao wanted to expose the matter, which would undoubtedly bring waves to his campus life. Therefore, he denied, ‘You were probably mistaken.’

He didn’t realize that Lu Jiamei, who was one arm away from him, looked at the two people with an unusually complex expression.

The “little lovers” who hugged and kissed quickly ran away hand in hand. Upon hearing the report, the teacher arrived late and didn’t catch anyone, so he had to go home. Of course, it’s not no one saw their faces, and both of them were well known. Even though Cheng Ye was willing to cover up, the names of Wen Ying and Shan Yao still spread between them.

This day happened to be Friday, and everyone was eager to go home. However, in the afternoon class, Wen Ying still felt a distinct difference. The sight around her increased. The girl at the front turned to ask if the person downstairs and the senior who kissed was her. The person next to her, with an exaggerated laugh, said, “I heard that the boy is senior Shan. Aren’t they both brothers and sisters? How could that girl be her?”

Thanks to Lu Jiamei, no one in the school doesn’t know about their sibling relationship.

She leaned back against the chair with her feet against the ground, twirling her pen with one hand, as if she had once again raised the thorn on her body, tugging angrily and asking, ‘Why is it impossible?’

The boy who laughed seemed like he was pinched by someone and he suddenly became mute.

The atmosphere once again fell to freezing point.

This atmosphere was not broken until the bell rang for class, but there were still various complex and indistinguishable sights focused on her. She even heard someone whispering behind her, occasionally noticing sensitively that her name was mixed in the content.

After school, Shan Yao came to meet her at the door of her class. The classmates in the class couldn’t wait to stare at them without blinking their eyes. She took Shan Yao and ran away.

Shan Yao encountered the same situation as hers, but after a long period of hesitation and struggle, the moment he made up his mind seemed hasty, as if stimulated by her, but it was more like a spontaneous explosion after he had been oppressed to the extreme. He had speculated in his mind countless times about the resistance he would encounter, and was worried about it. However, at this moment, he was able to live with it safely.

He has always displayed to people an unattainable image, and the prestige built up as a monitor has also made people hesitate. In addition, Cheng Ye is standing by to block people for him, which is much better than he imagined. At least, his ears are very clean, and no one dares to chew his tongue near him.

However, precisely because he had considered the various possibilities he would face, it was easy to judge from the reaction of Wen Ying that her situation was likely to be inferior to himself. Even adults cannot remain unmoved in the midst of rumors. The impact of negative energy on a person is difficult to measure, and words alone can potentially kill.

But he didn’t say anything to her.

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