Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 547

Chapter 547: Two Vampires have No Blood to Drink LVII

The castle in the dark night is secluded, but soon, the sun will rise a ray of light from the horizon, and the vampires’ carnival will continue until then, welcoming their new members to join. And Wen Ying will also disappear completely in this world with the appearance of the sun.

She was taken to the courtyard by the law enforcement team and bound to a silver cross. Her entire person was instantly suspended in the air, her hands and feet tightly restrained, and she could almost feel her blood clotting.

The main entrance of the main hall was open, and people could only look back and see her tragic situation. The reason why the Presbyterian House was executing the punishment at this moment was to deter the wandering vampires from all over the world——at a rare time when they could gather together.

Vampires murmured incessantly.

“I didn’t think it was right at that banquet. Everyone knows how difficult it was for the two of the Sertets to get close to each other. It’s an honor to see you at a glance, not to mention chatting. But that day, it was unbelievable. The vampire that’s high above smiled at a human girl, showed consideration to her, and didn’t care if she slapped him in public……”

“But the death penalty……we already have fewer of our kind, and I still think——”

“That’s Sertet!” The man whispered, “It is said that vampires cannot kill their own kind, but it is only because our number has once plummeted to the point of almost annihilation. In order to ensure the survival of our tribe, there are such rules, but do you really think that such a thing has never happened? High level vampires will really kill a vampire whose bloodline is not pure enough, and the Senate will only let it go. Although Sertet does not participate in the struggle between the Demon Party and the Secret Party, he is in the middle. But as long as it harms their personal interest, the methods behind them are even more terrifying than those of the Demon Party, this former human dares to use the love potion on the two brothers without any other reason. This alone is enough for the Presbyterian House to make a judgment.”

Dirty transactions are not only common among humans, but also among vampires who have lived for thousands of years.

And Wen Ying’s death penalty is like a signal.

For nearly a thousand years, it was the Secret Party that overthrew the Demon Party that led the vampires to learn to integrate into human society according to the arrangements of the Presbyterian House. However, after a comfortable life, the group was able to breathe and grow, and they were no longer just satisfied with their current life. Therefore, the Demon Party began to act foolishly, and their number in the Presbyterian House surged, putting the Secret Party members at risk.

The methods of the members of the Demon Party are insidious and ruthless, so they naturally do not care about the so-called “killing of companions”. If Wen Ying dies, the rules that the members of the Secret Party adhere to will no longer exist, and the Demon Party will have an advantage in the power struggle of the Presbyterian House.

It was precisely because Alicia’s proposal met the interests and needs of members of the Demon Party that her proposal was approved.

And it wasn’t until then that some vampires realized that most of the attendees at the banquet were members of the Demon Party, as well as some neutral factions, with almost no members of the Secret Party. A sharp person had already smelled the smell of gunsmoke, and their nerves became tense.

Alicia was satisfied with everything in front of her, and she wanted to say something more. Osmund next to her suddenly reminded her, “Alicia, the ceremony should start.”

“Oh, yes.” Alicia smiled sweetly at him. “I’m so happy that you can entrust me with such a heavy responsibility.”

“Since you like it, and you also have the ability.” Osmund chuckled lightly.

Her smile became sweeter.

The initial step of First Embrace is to bleed, in simple terms, it is for vampires to draw human blood, causing them to lose blood to the brink of death. Before their hearts stop beating, they are asked to turn around and suck vampire blood, slowly transforming into vampires.

The servants brought up the tools used for the ceremony, in addition to conventional tools such as cold water, ice cubes, and blood vessels, there was also a dagger. The servant handed her the dagger, gesturing to separate her wrist.

Alicia felt strange and hesitated, “Aren’t you the ones who will suck blood?”josei

Osmund took her hand and kissed the back of her hand, explaining, “We believe that doing so is a way to show more respect for you and make the ceremony more solemn. If you draw your blood freely in front of everyone, it will diminish your status in their hearts. Although we all know that you have infinite charm.”

“You’re really thoughtful.” Alicia said emotionally, “I don’t know how to repay you guys.”

“If you are willing to enjoy eternal life with us, it is already your kindness.”

Osmund’s sweet words reminded Alicia of the way Oswald looked at Wen Ying.

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