Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 514 Clap clap

Chapter 514 Clap clap

Chapter 514 Clap clap

" You!" Grandma Lin was furious, she had never thought that Zhang Xiaohui would dare to say such unscrupulous words. This woman- has she lost her marbles? She was already middle-aged and had given birth to two kids where will she go at such an age? When old grandma Lin thought about it like this, the cogs in her head started to turn, she was quite sure that if a few months ago m, someone asked Zhang Xiaohui to divorce her son, she would have refused no matter what, so how can this woman suddenly be willing to divorce her son? At that moment only one option came to her mind and when it did, Grandma Lin was so livid that her expression twisted. " Zhang Xioahui, you are so daring now huh! I bet you have a lover outside that's why you are willing to divorce my son right? A few months ago, you didn't get tired of calling him husband this and husband that, yet now that you are going outside to take care of business, you are asking for a divorce? You bitch! How dare you dare to turn my son's head green!"

Grandma Lin's words took the entire crowd by surprise, they all gasped simultaneously and their gazes toward Zhang Xiaohui turned shrewd. As they started to discuss this new information that they have been given by Grandma Lin, though they did think that Grandma Lin's treatment of Zhang Xiaohui was extreme they also believed that no woman would be daring enough to divorce her husband, no matter how badly she was treated. The only exception would be those women who already had found a backing.

One-half of the women who were all sympathetic towards Zhang Xiaohui a second ago was stunned while the other half who hated Zhang Xioahui after being bullied by her for so many years all turned their eyes and stared at Zhang Xiaohui in naked sarcasm and contempt.

' Humph, she was sounding so righteous a moment ago, now what? Wasn't she still the same Zhang Xiaohui?'

' Acting all high and mighty, no wonder that this woman was treated so roughly by her mother in law. A few hits and she is asking for a divorce, without a backing she wouldn't have even thought about divorcing much less fighting against her mother in law, looks like this Zhang Xiaohui is still the same.'

' Of course, her spots haven't changed in the slightest!'

Even the men who were all feeling pity towards Zhang Xiaohui felt like they have been betrayed they too glanced at the woman in front of them in disdain, they first thought that Lin Ze was the one who pushed Zhang Xiaohui too far but now they couldn't help but feel cheated. Humph, so this is why this woman- josei

An Xia who was the subject of everyone's contempt just a moment ago curled her lips victoriously, at least this old woman was of some use. However, before she could even be happy properly- the sound of someone clapping came from outside.

The clapping sound took everyone by surprise and they unconsciously shifted to give way to the person who was clapping. At first Grandam Lin wanted to scold whoever it was, but then her gaze fell on Su Wan who was standing outside the Lin house with Lin Chen and Lin Jing, her two sturdy bodyguards and her eyes started to shake. She clapped a few more times and looked at Zhang Xiaohui, whose face was completely pale- a pang of sympathy arose in her heart back then when that asshole divorced her, he called her an eggless chicken and publicly questioned her fertility, back then she too was humiliated just like Zhang Xiaohui.

Her eyes glinted coldly, as she turned to Grandma Lin, " Damn this is the first time, I have heard someone blame the victim for being victimised. You really have a lot of skills old hag."

Grandma Lin who was stunned by her sudden appearance immediately jumped to her feet as she pointed at Su Wan who was questioning her, " Damn girl, why are you poking your nose in my business? You are not welcome in my house, get out. Get out now."

Su Wan raised a brow and then pointed to her feet, " I am standing outside your house." Then she thought about something and smirked, " you might have forgotten it after all given your old age, it's not a surprise that you are already forgetting thing but this house was made by my grandfather in law, which means that my husbands do have a share in this house, not that we want it but I think it will be better for you to remember how you took this house as yours."

Grandma Lin turned silent, a bad feeling rose in her heart. She didn't know why she was feeling like this but she knew one thing and that was whenever Su Wan got involved in the matter of their family, she always lost. This was the reason why she has to kick this girl out before she could shake the hornet's nest even further. Thus, even though she was panicking inside she put on a strict front and looked at Su Wan viciously, " What does a shared bitch-"

Just as she began to speak a stone came flying toward her direction and grandma Lin nearly stumbled and fell to the ground. What was this? Stunned she turned to look in the direction the stone came flying from and her gaze fell on Lin Chen, who shrugged with a smile, " oops, I am sorry. I was bored and was just kicking some stones in my boredom, that one got hit harder than I expected it to."

Hit harder than he expected? It was a clear threat! What warning? Was he joking with her?

Grandma Lin was furious, her chest heaved up and down as she glared at the brat who once used to listen to everything that she had to say yet now he was blatantly attacking her! She wheeled around to look at the village head and said unhappily, " Village head, look at that! That brat actually attacked me in broad daylight, are you going to let it go just like that?"

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