Shroud Arcanum

Chapter 34 - 34 - Irys Valandrae

Chapter 34 - 34 - Irys Valandrae

Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Irys Valandrae

Liam slowly opened his eyes, the gentle glow of soft light caressing his face. Blinking, he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. The room was a blend of sleek modern furniture with enigmatic runes etched into the walls.

Above his bed hung a large, beautifully crafted chandelier with gems emitting a soft, calming glow. The runes on the wall pulsed gently. On the opposite side of the room was a door with an ornate design.

To his surprise, he felt rejuvenated, as though he had just awoken from a deep sleep. He inspected himself, finding no trace of a scar or wound. His confusion deepened as he glanced around the spacious room.

Multiple beds, some still neatly made, lined the walls. On one of them, Irys lay peacefully. Liam's eyes were drawn to her left arm, encased in a peculiar cast adorned with intricate runic patterns that seemed to shimmer subtly.

Stretching and flexing his body, he looked forward to a vast window that spanned almost the entire wall length. The view took his breath away. With gleaming crystal skyscrapers, a sprawling cityscape stretched out before him, spiraling elegantly into the sky. It's a stark contrast to the quaint calmness of Duskdale village.

Standing up from his bed, Liam approached Irys's side. Her long, delicate eyelashes rested on her closed eyes, casting tiny shadows. Each gentle breath she took accentuated her pointed nose. Her rosy lips remained slightly parted in slumber while her jet-black hair with bluish tip, cut short, framed her face perfectly. josei

Her obsidian armor was chipped and cracked, and the entire left arm piece was destroyed, revealing the unusual cast beneath. Looking at her, a wave of relief washed over Liam.

Vivid memories still remain in his mind, the moment she stood up for him before the Titan. Liam mentally communicated, "Trick, what transpired after I lost consciousness?"

Responding with its usual nonchalant tone, Trick replied, "You expect me to keep tabs when you out of cold? I'm only as awake as you."

Growing more anxious, Liam inquired, "How long was I out?"

Trick mused, "By your sleepy human clock, about three days."

"Three days?" Liam's eyes widened in realization. "We must've been in Ashenfell for some time." His thoughts swiftly turned to the others. "Where could Zalya and Alric be?"

A whirlwind of emotions enveloped him as he turned his attention back to Irys. Her recent actions resonated deeply with him... Yet, amidst the gratitude and surprise, Liam whispered:" Why? Why go so far for me?"

Instinctively, Liam's hand rose to caress Irys's face. Her skin was soft to his touch, radiating a gentle warmth. A wave of melancholy washed over him as his fingers traced the contours of her cheeks.

Memories from a darker time in his past surged forward, and the emotions they carried felt all too familiar. It was that same sense of helplessness, of having everything precious ripped away from him by forces beyond his control. A time when he felt like a mere puppet, caught in the whims of a cruel destiny. He had vowed then to be stronger, to ensure he had the power to protect those dear to him.

In a voice tinged with sorrow, he murmured, "Weak… I'm so weak... After gaining just a semblance of strength, I became conceited. Those without power shouldn't have anything precious."

Suddenly, Liam felt a gentle, warm pressure encircling his hand. Lifting his gaze, he found Irys's eyes open, her amber irises piercing directly into his, filled with an emotion he couldn't quite place. The corners of her mouth curved into a radiant smile, "So, I'm precious to you?"

Liam could feel his heart race. Her awakening catches him off-guard. Irys's gaze never wavered as she continued, "It's okay if you feel weak now. I've got strength for both of us. But the man I choose? He wouldn't remain that way. He will rise, become stronger than anyone could imagine."

Pausing for a breath, she added, "And now, you have the tools and the path to achieve it, I'll stand by your side until you reach it."

Swallowing hard, Liam asks, "Why me? What made you choose me?"

With a thoughtful expression, Irys confessed, "I've been asking myself the same question. There's this inexplicable pull I feel towards you. Around you, I find comfort, happiness, and safety – even if you see yourself weak at this moment."

Irys continued, "With some time, we can know each other more, memories can be made, but a feeling doesn't necessarily exist... That is why I trust this feeling and want to learn more about it."

Liam looked down, pain evident in his eyes. "My father is missing, my mother was murdered, her reputation tarnished. I was powerless, unable to do anything for her. I swore then that I wouldn't hold anything dear until I've redeemed myself until I've grown strong enough."

Irys's eyes searched his, probing the depth of his anguish. "And how do you plan on achieving that redemption?"

Liam's gaze hardened, shadows of bitterness and rage creeping in as he recalled the faces of those who had betrayed him and turned their backs when he needed them most. " I'll track down each and every one of them, and for the masterminds behind it all, I'll give them a fate worse than death."

Irys leaned closer, locking eyes with him. "That's it, the intensity in your eyes, the unwavering determination that will stop at nothing to see your goals achieved. Liam, I too, have lost both my parents. We each carry our own burdens. I have those I want to kill, the truth I want to seek. But it doesn't mean you should deprive yourself of happiness. Life is unpredictable. Death comes without any warning."

Liam hesitated before replying, "Irys, if I claim not to feel anything for you at this point, it will be a lie. Since my mother's death, I've built walls around my heart, keeping everyone at arm's length. Yet now, after so long, I find myself drawn to someone again. However, I have a revenge to be done. I can't let you be ensnared in my battles, becoming a burden to you. I..."

But before he could continue, Irys moved swiftly, placing a finger gently on his lips to silence him. "I respect your decision, Liam," she whispered, her voice filled with determination, "But I've made up my mind too. I'll help you in whatever path you choose."

Liam gently removed her finger, searching her eyes for answers. "Help me? How will you even find me after this trial ends?"

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