Shush & Marry Me

Chapter 012 Act Well at Home

Chapter 012 Act Well at Home

Chapter 012 Act Well at Home

Inside the hotel room, when Victoria was awake again, there’s nobody by the bedside, only a wall lamp was there.

She remembered that she had drunk a lot of alcohol and had forgotten the happening after she’s drunk.

She touched her dizzy head, got out of the bed, and opened the curtains. The sky was slightly bright, it was another day. It will be the eighth on another two days, Frank and Ashley’s wedding day.

Her mother had seriously warned her not to return. Would it be possible for her to hide in this hotel for two or three days while waiting for the dust to settle down for Frank and Ashley and then became a well-behaved sister?

This was what everyone in the Tan family expected her to do and Victoria had no choice.

The familiar ringtone rang again. Victoria followed the sound and found her cellphone that she dropped, under the carpet of the TV cabinet.

Caller ID, Bryan Song.

Victoria answered the call and Bryan’s voice sounded somewhat depressed with the roundabout again, “Hello, Vic?”

“Yeah” Victoria tried to let out a smile, since she knew the reason for his call, “How? Have you known about it clearly? When will they register their marriage?”

Bryan who rarely mumbled, “They…They will register tomorrow and the wedding will be on the day after tomorrow.”

Victoria couldn’t hear anything. She’s only replaying Bryan’s words continuously, register tomorrow, wedding on the day after tomorrow.

“Vic, are you OK?” Bryan asked her cautiously, as if he went through careful consideration, Bryan still sighed, “Vic, or else, don’t return first. There’s nothing worth about their marriage. Where are you? I’ll find you.”

Victoria’s hand began to tremble again. Everything didn’t stop developing just because of her panic and her self-exile. The wedding and the marriage registration would still happen. She was just someone irrelevant.

Victoria smiled bitterly, coughed, and suppressing her sobs, before saying, “Don’t worry about me. I’ve cleared my mind and I will attend their marriage. I’ll go as a sister, not as an ex-girlfriend. It’s just a Frank Lu. If my sister wants it, then I’ll just give it to her.”

Bryan became more worried as he listened to her remarks, and questioned her closely, “Vic, where are you? I’ll pick you up. I’ll support you no matter what your decision is. There’s also Mark and the others. We will support you and won’t let you suffer.”

Childhood friends are always childhood friends. Six years ago, they beat Frank up severely for her, and six years later, they supported and encouraged her.

Victoria laughed out loud, “I’m fine, Bryan. I’m not a child anymore. You don’t have to worry about me. It’s just a break-up, do you think I’m just going to kill myself? Don’t worry about it.”

Bryan swallowed his words over there, “Fine then, it’s decided then. You have to call me when you reach Jincheng. I’ll come to you.”

“Fine” Victoria replied.

After hanging up the phone, Victoria quickly packed her things and went downstairs. She finished the check-out procedure before going to the parking area. To her surprise, a man was leaning on her off- road vehicle with a blanket on his body.

That piece of blanket looked familiar.

A sound of footsteps came behind the car. A young man with a police uniform approached and smiled at her, “Ms. Tan, is it?”

Victoria squinted and looked at the officer. She had seen this uniform a lot and acknowledged that he’s real before nodding and asked, “It’s me, officer. What’s wrong?”

The officer pointed at the man who was leaning on the car wheel and said, “Ms. Tan, this man is someone that you sent to X Street police station the night before. But we haven’t been able to find his family information and didn’t know where to send him. We’ve investigated the surveillance camera. You entered Nanjin City together with him from Yan Mountain, so I wonder if you could provide us some clue?”

Victoria then looked back at the man who was leaning on the car wheel, squatted down, and removed the blanket that covered the man’s face and eyes. Then, she stared at the man’s calm black eyes.

The man stared directly at her as he slightly looked pleasantly surprised.

Victoria noticed that he had put on a red jersey and already shaved his beard, which made him looked much better now.

At this moment, the man suddenly stretched out his hand from the blanket and held her hand precisely.

Since it was unexpected, Victoria instinctively wanted to pull her hand, but she felt the man put something on her palm. She opened it and saw that it was a map. A small note was attached to the map, which was written, “Please take me back to Jincheng.”

The officer explained after seeing the map, “Oh, we previously wanted him to recall the location of his home, but he was unwilling to tell us, and didn’t want to let go of this map. Ms. Tan, are you close to


That small note was obviously a cry for help. Victoria suddenly became suspicious. Since the officer had checked the surveillance and knew that they came from Yan Mountain, Nanjin City is the north exit of Yan Mountain, it wouldn’t be impossible for the police to have a friendship with the kidnappers.

She stared at the man who was close to her again. There was a band-aid on his face. His gaze was calm and made her relieved inexplicably.

Since they had shared hardships together, she left him at the police station since it was the last resort, which also meant that she’s afraid of trouble. Taking him back to Jincheng would be a piece of cake and she didn’t seem to have any reason to refuse.

That officer was taken aback and slightly looked in disbelief, “Fine, you can take him away then. Comrade, you are really generous in helping others.”

After speaking, he helped Victoria to help the man getting into the passenger’s seat. After fastening his seatbelt, while Victoria was walking to the driver’s seat, Xiao Wan whispered next to Oliver’s ear, “Oh my God, comrade, your wife is so interesting. Is she into a role play and act like a stranger? You have to act well when you arrive home, don’t let her beat you anymore!”

Oliver slightly smiled at him, tacitly implying it.

Victoria drove out of the parking area. Officer Xiao Wan was waving at him at the side, “Ms. Tan, please drive carefully. Your front bumper and headlights should be repaired.”

After the car was in a distance, Xiao Wan took off his hat and fanned at himself, before talking to himself, “Hey, acting is too tiring.”

Another black SUV on the side started moving immediately. Jack who was sitting on the driver’s seat was holding the steering wheel, while looking confused---in order to get into a woman’s car, his young master really put a lot of effort. If someone took a picture of his messy and silly appearance, how would he meet people in the future?

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