Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 108 - Training

Chapter 108 - Training

It was a sunny day but Dror didn't mind it as he was really eager to see the training conducted by old Zhao.

The entire platoon was standing before  a specific swampy area of the forest.

Old Zhao came forward and yelled

  " you know the drill … get naked now."


Dror's mind was blank for a second he thought " maybe I misheard it…"

but as he watched the soldiers started undressing in a well trained manner.

Dror couldn't hold himself back and almost yelled " what the fuck is happening here…"

but when he saw that the soldiers still kept their inner-wears, he calmed down.

But someone else became really interested in this new training, of course it was the evil sword.

This training was to improve the spiritual sense of the soldiers and their reaction time.

The soldiers would run through this specific forested area for half an hour in their inner-wears.

The catch was that a special kind of mosquitoes lived in this area which were really agile .

If one gets bitten by it, not only was it painful, but one would have the itch to scratch the area nonstop for a whole day.

In order to not get bitten the soldiers have to keep their spiritual sense active throughout the training and should react quickly to either avoid or kill the mosquitoes.

Dror was having a little headache after seeing all his men running around the forest in their inner-wears, Even the lieutenant Mark was running around in his underwear.

But soon Dror was able to experience the effectiveness of the training as he got bit by a mosquito and remained scratching throughout the day.

There were many other different kinds of new training introduced by Old Zhao and his gang. 

But Dror didn't attend these training sessions as he had full confidence in old Zhao and he didn't want to experience the pains of training himself. 

But Dror could clearly see the effectiveness of the new training.

  The soldiers who used to casually walk inside the barracks had become more vigilant and attentive, instinctively without themselves knowing it.

Dror could easily realize this as he himself was like this after spending a long time in the red and black smoke.


Days passed by quickly. It had been around two months since the establishment of the young dragon company.

Dror was able to spread the new idea of a peoples revolution to the soldiers of the company, he was also able to make them understand the vicious cycle of slavery that the current alliance government has established.

Dror had also transferred many cultivation techniques that he gained from Earnest, gaining the appreciation of the soldiers.

Even old Zhao and the others were also surprised by the kind of techniques that Dror had freely transferred to the Company.

Much of these techniques were not even available in the rebel library.

Old Zhao even reprimanded Dror from transferring powerful technique freely, in the end they came up with a merit system within the company which was much more relaxed than the rebel armies.

Dror's magnanimity and his way of interacting with soldiers as one among them had also gained him much more appreciation among the soldiers.

Soldiers who practiced earth elemental techniques treated Dror like their idol, As Dror gave them a much better explanation regarding the technique than anyone else, Some of them even hoped to make Dror their master.

Of Course his better understanding of the earth element and techniques came from the Dharma fruit that he once had, but no one knew about this, so they revered him as a genius among genius in the earth elemental arts. 

After realizing the current reality of the rebel army and Alliance government, the soldiers were troubled deep in their heart and in these dark times they were looking towards a ray of hope.

And almost all of them saw this ray of hope in their current leader and Major of the young dragon company.

As usual, Dror was in a meeting with the rest of his team today, but he had an important  matter to discuss today.

Dror spoke " I have an important thing to discuss with you all today, I have been thinking of a plan to change the flow of the current situation but in order to better my plans I have to understand the real life situation of the people and my initial research on the Ancient civilization has shown some promising results.

So In order to verify my conjectures and personally experience the present life situations of the commoner I will be going on a journey .." 

The rest of the team was shocked by this sudden revelation.  josei

All of them knew that Dror was working on something that could bring a change to the current situation.

But they didn't know that there would be results this quick.

Alexander was intrigued and quickly asked " What kind kind of results did you gain from your research..."

" I was able to decipher much of the ancient language and using it I have identified certain facilities from the old documents of ancient civilization.

The facilities that I have identified include a military base, two private mines and some other government facilities.

But according to my conjectures these  facilities must have submerged under the earth when the catastrophe struck this planet. 

No modern map have any mention of anything in these areas,

These are places that no one should have discovered before.

That is also the reason why I have high hopes about this venture."

Alexander " This is great, But venturing yourself might be really dangerous. Why don't we report this to the base? There is a special department who are really adept at this kind of excavation…. A good portion of the discovery will be credited to the discoverer and their unit as reward…"

old Zhao, and the rest agreed with Alexander's suggestion.

But Dror had an entirely different plan. If it was just about getting resources for the rebel army he could have agreed to Alexander's proposal, but he had other plans in mind.

Levi interrupted " Don't be hasty major, much of the ruins from the ancient civilization are dangerous… maybe we should let the experts handle this.."

Old Zhao also nodded " I think what both of them are suggesting is the best plan of action..."

  Dror replied with a smile.

" You all don't need to worry about this matter, when it comes to digging and detecting dangers I don't think I will fall behind any excavation team.

More than that even though I have some confidence in my conjectures , I want to verify  it personally first and there is also certain knowledge and technology that I wish to know more about myself…. And I have already decided to visit the cities and some of the outer villages to have a better understanding of the current situation.

If I am going either way I might as well do both the things at the same time "

Mark spoke up " sir why don't we form a team then, it would be very useful for you on this venture…"

Dror replied " I have also considered this, but I think it will be much faster if I do this alone and I am much better at dealing with any dangerous situation alone than in a team.."

It was Chaow who spoke this time with concern " major how about a driver, your journey should be long and tiring …. it would be better to have someone drive for you …"

Chaow was one of the first people to join Dror, so he had a special place and he became the driver cum bodyguard for the major.

Chaow has also been diligently practicing to improve himself, he had great affinity to the fire element and Old zhao personally trained him.

After becoming close to these people Dror knew that he had become like a leader figure for them and their concerns were also not unwarranted.

The bounty on the head of the Barbarian had only gone up all this time, not coming down even once.

Dror could only sigh and spoke again "  you all don't need to concern much about this matter, I have made proper arrangements regarding this matter.

I have already taken permission from the commander and he has also created a false identity for me.

I will be traveling around in the identity of a businessman.

Levi should know better about my disguise ability than anyone…"

Levi was the only person who still knew that Dror and Sam were the same person.

Levi was very confident in Drors disguise, so he nodded at everyone who was looking at him for confirmation.

Alexander was intrigued again, he knew that dror was an intellectual and great warrior, but he didn't know that Dror was also a great disguiser.

But when he thought about how the barbarian had easily survived on the outer areas of the forest and villages without getting detected by the alliance government, even after making so much trouble for them.

He could only conclude that Dror's disguise was at a very high level.

The rest also had a similar opinion. 

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