Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 119 - Fight Continues

Chapter 119 - Fight Continues

When Dror returned to the top floors he heard  sounds of fighting coming from one of the halls and it was becoming louder as time went by.

The rebels had set up a barrier around the whole building but if the barrier got stuck by someone strong it would still be broken down and it seemed like whoever was fighting was trying their best to make as much commotion and sounds as possible to attract attention from outside.

But this won't last long as they will realize that there was a problem with the passage of time and no one comes to their aid, then they will notice the formation and attack it resulting in the commotion leaking out.

It would be best for the rebels if they were able to deal with the enemies before they noticed the barrier and Dror was also well aware of this, so he rushed towards the battle.

When he entered the room he was greeted with an amazing scene: a big crimson snake was fighting with two beautiful fairies, even the crimson snake had a special charm to it.

" Of Course she is also from the snake gang…"

Dror didn't have to guess that this was  the so-called madam J. He had already gained a basic understanding of the snake gang from laurel.

So he was not surprised when he found a  second member, but soon he realized that something was off. He was feeling a little foggy all of a sudden and it was like he was going into deep slumber, Maya who was coiled around his hand tightened itself and gave out a yellow glow.

Dror came back to his sense and noticed that when he entered the room he was mesmerized by the beauty of the crimson snake for a second and he didn't notice a weird light scent that was prevailing in the whole room as he  scrutinized the hall keenly again , he saw that around six rebels in ninja outfit has been knocked out or entered a coma or something  and was laying in different parts of the room.

Now that he observed carefully he could see that even though Laurel and Lisa were fighting the crimson snake fiercely,  Laurel's complexion didn't look so good  and her face had a dark complexion and her eyes were a little murky. 

Lisa didn't seem to be much affected but she was also feeling the pressure.

Madam J was much stronger than the bald guy they had fought earlier.

As Dror was going to enter the battle he heard a spiritual message " Don't…. Go and help Ronin, we need to deal with the other opponent first before he alerts the city enforcers… we will hold the crimson snake back…"

From the serious tone of Lisa's spiritual message, he knew the situation could develop out of hand.

Dro didn't wait and went for the left part of the floor, from where he could hear another commotion.

When he arrived at the place he could see that Ronin and Rico were almost evenly matched, but Rico seems to be leading the battle towards the outer perimeter of the building to alert the  people outside and create a big commotion to attract the city enforcers.

Dror didn't hold anything back and used an earth skip to appear on the rear side of Rico to launch a punch.

But Rico was also someone in the True warrior realm who had experienced many battles, he was quick to avoid the punch by kicking the wall to his left.

Ronin was also not idle as he launched a slash with his saber towards one of Ricos legs, Rico knew the blade was coming as a fire covered his leg and busted out like an explosion deflecting the blade.

Rico was not any elemental body but he was more familiar with the element of fire.

He retreated back to observe the new attacker, he knew he was clearly outnumbered but a smirk appeared on his face 

" I guess I have no other choice but to go all in.."

Dror was going to make another move but he paused as he felt the heat wave that surrounded the other person.

Rico gave out a howl like a beast as fire started appearing all over his body.

Other than his pants which were made of some kind of special materials  everything else was burned off and two  black colored daggers appeared in his hands with certain symbols glowing on them like magma.

The daggers were clearly magical artifacts with special skills embedded in them.

Dror knew that Ronins katana was also a magical artifact and had special skills in it but he has used the special skill more than once today and continuously using such skills were not good  for the weapons nor the user.

To take down the bald guy Ronin had used his special skill in combination with the skill embedded in his katana earlier.josei

In Fact in the previous fight the bald guy has been too overconfident and  conceited about his own power, which led him to underestimate the the three mid stage True realm warriors in front of him,  he was at peak of true warrior realm and an anthropomorph who had a body as good as a powerful artifact .

Otherwise he could have taken out his own magical artifact to at least engage in a much more fierce fight.

Of Course above everything the main reason for the fall of the bald guy was another magical artifact called Demon needle.

But Rico was  a much more cautious person and he  was no athropomorph.

Reaching a true warrior realm for Anthropomorph was extremely difficult and at the same time they became much more powerful than anyone at the same level, not to mention their body also get powerful upgrade  and become as good as a magical artifact, Some of the high level anthropomrph even disdained using other weapons.

But Rico was someone who had climbed up to true warrior level from being an ordinary warrior and when he noticed that he was outnumbered  and overpowered, he didn't even hesitate to use his full power and magical artifact.

As the fire burned throughout the body he seemed to be in pain but his speed and explosive strength had doubled.

Ronin tried to block Rico's slash with his katana and was sent back like a cannonball breaking the wall behind him.

But Rico was not going to let him recover as he appeared before ronin who was among the debris with an explosive kick that landed on ronin's stomach with a big fire explosion.

Dror was not slow but he was still a second late and he couldn't stop Rico from landing his dangerous move. 

A small crater had formed at the place where Ronin had been earlier.The whole floor shook lightly.

Dror knew this was not the time to hide his strength, as stone started forming over his hand and it became a huge stone hand , which was like a truck that was going to smash into Rico.

The punch from Dror arrived at the very next moment that he launched his explosive kick so he couldn't fully dodge the move , so he used both his daggers to block like a cross.

Of course Rico couldn't take the blunt force and was sent flying, breaking another wall just like Ronin just a moment ago.

Dror swayed away the dust and debris to reveal Ronin who was vomiting blood.

Ronin had been the main fighting force in the previous battle with the bald guy and he was also poisoned.

Even Though he took the antidote and pills to recover his strength, he was still not in his peak condition.

Another reason for his loss was that he has been fighting Rico until Dror arrived and he had found that Rico was nothing special he could deal with Rico or at-least hold him off until Lisa or someone else came to back him up.

But when Rico entered the berserk mode without a warning he failed to retaliate immediately.

After scanning Ronin with his spiritual sense, Dror moved like lightning with another earth skip. He didn't have the time to take care of this guy as he saw what Rico was upto.

In-fact Rico was a really cunning fellow after putting on an act of going berserk. This guy was running for one of the windows with the intent to escape or call for reinforcement.

Rico was using a special technique very similar to that used by old Zhao when Dror first met him.

Each time Rico's foot touched the ground an explosion took place under his foot fastening his movement.

He was before the window within two seconds but before who could break out an earthen wall appeared before him blocking his path.

But Rico didn't slow down but used both the dagger to land a cross slash exploding the earth wall into pieces.

But he didn't get the chance to jump forward as someone else appeared right besides him and landed a slash with a big stone hand.

Rico retaliated with another slash of one of his dagger , when the fiery dagger and the stone hand met there was an explosion. 

The dagger clearly cut through the stone hand and exploded half of it, but Rico was also sent flying to the left side.

  And a person has appeared in between  Rico and the window.

Drors left hand was slightly bleeding but the wound had already closed up and there was a slight smile on his face.

He had always been itching to find out how strong he has become ever since he received the impartation, but he was cautious to not reveal his true power in-front of anyone if not necessary.

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