Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 139 - Hidden Intents

Chapter 139 - Hidden Intents

After some discussion with Dror the modern weapon team left the smithy, Dror was planning to give them some blueprints that he has obtained from the ancient civilization facility that he raided recently, but it would take some time to translate along with the details, so he put it for a later time.

The black smith brothers were still studying the core magma forge.

The magma that powered the forge had certain magical properties, with the assimilation of fire elemental laws which would power it for millions and millions of years.

Dror soon took out his patched up equipment. The broken spear, the almost broken heavy blade , a patched up shield and the big golem with an armor.

Both the brothers turned their attention towards the new things and were so shocked that they forgot to close their mouths for a while.

They have already seen this shield which was forged from golden earth ore, which was very precious ore used to create  defensive artifacts, but the supply of this specific ore was very low and for that reason even level 3 or higher Artifact masters would go crazy about this specific ore.

Even if they got their hands on such an ore they would mix it with other ores to maximize their gain, But here was a heavy shield with a radius around one and half meter, with thickness of around 7 or 8 inch.

This can only be used by a giant, but along with the big golem this was a perfect fit. 

The brother could only curse in their mind after carefully observing the equipment'sjosei

"The Major is too extravagant, how can he use such precious material just like that… The ore could be utilized to create at least a 100 shield of level three or above, from this shield alone."

But they kept all their complaints in  their heart.

Dror took out all kinds of designs from his space ring and as soon as the brothers saw it they crowded beside him.

Dror spread the designs on a table along with the blue print, by now he had enough blueprints and designs to forge the weapons that he desired.

Before he was missing the rune design for a heavy blade, which he obtained from the ancient civilization facility raid that he conducted earlier.

Unlike techniques that needed seed mantra, the rune design can be used by anyone with the capability.

It wasn't long before he along with the brothers discussed the matters and Dror arranged different works for the brothers in this new endeavor that they were going to embark on.

Soon 8 days passed by, but the progress of their forging was very slow, just folding and hammering of high grade ores took a lot of time.

Dror knew that it would take a lot of time and effort, from the death impartation related to smithing. But he had clearly hoped that with his strength and other advantages he would be able to reduce the time.

The result was the opposite. The more he hammered and folded, the more he felt that it could be better purified.

In the end only the folding and hammering of the shield alone was completed by this time.

Both Bradley and Bailey also felt exhausted with the continuous folding and hammering, but they could only follow the Major without any complaint.

Dror knew he couldn't keep this up as the date of mission was nearing and he had not been able to properly analyze the report submitted by Old Zhao and his team after scouting the area.

The one good thing was that Xeander was out after his recovery and Dror knew this young war god would be enough to plan and analyze everything, so he continued with his forging.

On the Ninth day Dror was able to complete the shield forging and inscribed the rune design.

The new shield looked like a heavenly treasure compared to the old crude shield, 

A mountain range with a heavy mountain in the middle was sculpted in the middle with different kinds of beautiful patterns complementing the mountains bordering the shield. 

After the runes design entered the shield it appeared like the mountains had come to life and the biggest mountain that was taking the center was nothing less than one of the real great mountains of the old earth.

He didn't forget to add sockets to add earth crystals, as this was the basic quality of the ore itself to form an earth elemental wall when embedded with earth element essence.

The shield has become a level 2

  peak grade artifact, with two techniques embedded in it.

With each level the number of techniques that are embedded in also increased, as level 2 shield it had two techniques.

The first one was the Great wall technique, this was a wide area technique that formed a great wall with the warrior essence and could shield an area of around 800 meters.

Even a cavalry of hundred 100 soldiers riding towards you can be held back using this move.

The second technique was called unbreakable mountain, it was a heavy defense technique which would form the  silhouette of a mountain and defend any attack, the mountain would be as heavy and stable as the amount of warrior essence supplied into the shield.

After completing the shield, Dror went back to his residence to clean himself up and take a small nap. BY evening he was at the office and discussed the details of missions with his men.


At the same time in the First prince mansion, Mr Oliver was chatting with the first prince while  beautiful maids were pouring wine for them.

The first prince spoke " So how is your preparation, I hope you remember what you promised, under no condition shall you let him die.. or there would be severe consequences.."

Oliver replied with a smirk " Don't worry prince, I have planned everything meticulously… There won't be any problem, we will teach that barbarian a hard lesson…"

The first prince had a smile but showed a face that was not fully convincing.

" But it is weird that we don't have much information regarding this inspector, who appears to inspect the working of these factories every now and then… But who cares, with two true warrior realm warriors present at the same time, that barbarian will find himself in a really bad situation…"

Oliver chimed in 

"And that is when I will appear to save the day and gloat at his pathetic condition…"

"don't underestimate that barbarian, you should know by now that he is not that simple.."

Oliver spoke with a snort

"Don't worry prince even I can only defend and run away against two peak level True warriors and this also a good chance for you… the more I delay to go for his aid more men he will lose and this will give you the perfect reason for you to insert your own people into his company.

The First Prince had a wide smile as he extended his cup of wine for cheers.

The first prince and Oliver had been planning to take the barbarian Dror down a notch for some time. They have been trying to come up with a plan and that is when this intelligence report caught Oliver's eyes.

It was an old report that stated that a secret inspector is sent by the alliance government to check on the Maveth flower factories every month at random time for inspection.

The identity of the inspector was hidden, but it was noted that the person was at the peak of the warrior realm.

With the first prince's influence they were able to gain the information on when the next inspection would be on and at which factory.

And like that the plot to send Dror and his men to that same factory where the two true warriors would be present was  cooked up.


While all kinds of discussion was going on in different rebel bases, A huge battleship was parked at the main administrative building of the capital city Monero.

The current finance minister of the alliance government was respectfully welcoming a black middle aged man with bulky build, white hair and red eyes.

The finance minister himself didn't know who this man was, but the president has ordered him to receive this man with utmost respect and as a loyal underling of the president Lauren Marcus.

The minister gave a humble bow before inviting the other person into the office 

" Please welcome Mr. Gaja, I hope you had a pleasant journey.."

Mr. Gaja who was the guest showed an emotionless face and had a look of contempt towards this minister.

" Where is the president.."

"He will be here in half an hour, he is in an urgent meeting.. please enjoy our hospitality until then…"

Mr. Gaja gave a cold snort and moved along.

It wasn't long as Mr. Gaja was enjoying his grand meal, the president arrived.

"Hello Mr Gaja "

"President "

After showing a common courtesy President Lauren took a seat to the side of the dinning table.

" Have you collected the item.."

Mr. Gaja inquired.

" It will be complete by tomorrow, the yield is growing thinner, we may have to plant more .."

" I will inform the master.."

Mr. Gaja replied nonchalantly.

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