Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 164 - One Six Four

Chapter 164 - One Six Four

It wasn't long before Old Zhao who felt like a sleeping baby slightly woke up from the continuous tugging of his previous experience as a warrior which has been branded into his very body and soul.

All of a sudden he felt like his sleepiness and muddleheadness disappeared slowly as all kinds of memories started flooding into his mind, the first was his fighting intuition, then slowly his determination to face any battle, his battle sense, the perception from his physical senses.

He awoke and found the condition of his body that was turning into ash slowly, but still he as a whole was resonating with the surrounding and universe.

Old Zhao felt like even with the weathering body he was one with the universe as strong as the universe, then he slowly started controlling the energy in the surrounding which he felt like his own extension to enter his body and slowly repair it.

The more his body was burned the more energy was absorbed from nature to repair it.

The energy was absorbed into his middle dantian then from there to the whole body, The absorption and control of the energy was under the guidance of his upper dantian the seat of his soul.

Slowly with time the fire and heat started dying away, but Old Zhao could feel that his Dantain was already broken and destroyed.

After repairing the body completely he focused the energy to repair his lower dantian and strengthen it.

When it came into being again it was much vaster and sturdier enough to contain a burning star inside.

While Old Zhao was going through all this tribulation inside the cabin, the outside was not quite either.

Even though the Rebel forces had prepared this place specifically for warriors to undergo break through, still there were spiritual beasts who came from far away and underground with the lure of the body of someone experiencing universal resonance.

Xeander along with the other two True warrior realm experts was maintaining a perimeter and fighting against these spiritual beasts.

Xeander was fighting a group of overgrown red scorpions that nested under the sands of the desert. There were around thirty young ones and a big mother leading them.josei

Xeander was trying his best to hold them off instead of fighting them directly.

He fought with the mother scorpion and put her at bay, at the same time he would also move around the area to kill away any of the smaller ones that tried to breach the  perimeter.

The other two True warrior's who were sent specifically by the commander to aid were dealing with other spiritual beast's that have appeared. One of them was dealing with a snake and the last person was dealing with a big humming bird with fiery wings.

The snake was a level 3 spirit beast while the fiery humming bird was only level 2, but when considering the combat power, the fiery hummingbird was much more troublesome to deal with than the snake or the scorpion.

Thankfully the person who was dealing with it was experienced True warrior with affinity towards the air and water element.

He was called Lesly and he used a blue spear with glowing runes to fight the fiery hummingbird.

The three of them knew that they would not be able to maintain this stalemate for long if more spirit beasts arrived, at the same time they were also trying to utilize the lowest amount of their warrior essence to maintain this stalemate and be prepared for any unknown development.

Thankfully they could feel that the situation inside the cabin was calming down and soon they could feel the spiritual energy in the surrounding gather towards the cabin at an astonishing rate.

But all of a sudden Xeander under his keen sense could feel the danger behind him, the other two true warriors were a step behind Xeander in noticing the danger.

Xeander sent a spiritual message to all the warriors inside the perimeter to watch out.

Lieutenant Mark had taken his sword out , Chaow was holding a machete,  Levi took out  two modified plasma guns and the rest of the nine 8 th and 9th level warriors took out their own weapons.

Soon there was a slight tremor right beside the cabin as something burrowed out of the sands, while sending sand flying around to obstruct its enemies' sight.

The beast tried to launch itself towards the cabin, Lieutenant mark was the first to react and moved fast utilizing an air element technique and jumped in front of the beast to block its path.


Mark struck with his sword which was already glowing with warrior qi. The beast had to fall back while Mark tried to steady himself back on the ground.

Everyone was able to see the spirit beast clearly now. It was a big brown spider with the same color as the sand in the surrounding area, its eight legs were as long as the height of an adult, and its six pitch black eyes were menacing.

This was a special spirit beast of the desert called the sand spider also known as a silent killer.

This beast was known for its capability to camouflage itself in the sands and wait for its prey to fall into the trap.

Its attack power was on the lower side but its agility and camouflage abilities were top notch.

As soon as it was knocked back it made its next move, the speed was not something that an ordinary warrior of 9th or 8th level could match.

It skimmed through the sand as if rushing through solid ground without creating the tiniest of traces on the sand as if its legs were not touching the sand.

Soon it was already in front of the 9th level warrior.

The True warrior who was dealing with the snake used one of his killing moves on the snake.

" Magma guillotine "

This person was called Chandra and his weapon was a Khanda sword.

As he utilized his move his warrior essence started converting into magma with a much higher temperature than any normal magma and formed a circle around the area below the giant snake's head and came together to cut its head off.

The snake tried to struggle but the result was the same as its head was cut off.

Chandra didn't look back and moved towards the cabin to help the other warriors to deal with the Sand spider.

But before he could reach, someone else had appeared above the spider and stuck its head with an explosion kick.


The sand spider who was ready to take  the life of one of the warriors in the 9th level was sent flying.

As the dust settled everyone was able to notice the silhouette who made the move, Chaow with a clenched fist and happy face muttered.


of course it was Old Zhao, he looked much younger now, just like a middle aged man in his 40's . His sturdy lean muscles were visible to everyone as he was only wearing shorts.

But he didn't look at anyone else as his concentration was on the spider which was slowly steadying itself and looking at the person who had sent it flying.

But to everyone's surprise the sand  spider didn't make any move, instead burrowing into the sand to disappear again.

Similarly the Fiery humming bird and the Red scorpion also retreated.

Soon everyone surrounded Old Zhao who had a beaming smile on his face.

Two of Old Zhao's old comrades from the red eagle came forward to congratulate him with tears falling from their eyes.

" Lieutenant you did it…"

Everyone was in a jubilation mode as they congratulated Old Zhao.


One month has passed by since Dror left the secret facility. All kinds of developments and undercurrents were brewing all around the planet Ayangdad.

By now The Lomba family convinced the other 6 families to take on the War challenge themselves to deal with the barbarian who was supposed to appear in the challenge. 

The price that they had to offer to convince the rest of the families was enormous, the head of Lomba family was in a bad mood for days after parting with a lot of his savings but he was also optimistic at the same time.

He had already had a long discussion with his younger brother who was an earth elemental body and Mathias had convinced his brother to take on this gamble.

While the confrontation between the rebel forces and the Alliance forces had already come to an halt, The alliance forces didn't want to confront their enemy without having complete knowledge of their enemies strength and the Rebel forces were in no position to launch any heavy counter strike other than utilizing guerrilla tactics .

The young dragon company under Dror had become an ace team by now, with each and every one of the soldiers enhancing their strength to a new level and the number of True warriors in the company had also increased.

At the same time in a far away town a man in a mask was tinkering with an old  ancient civilization's communication equipment that was situated in the basement of a small factory.

The man slowly muttered " With this, I am almost done… It 's time to return… " 

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