Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 175 - One Seven Five

Chapter 175 - One Seven Five

Then the king looked at the wise prime minister who still seemed to be in his thoughts.

" What do you think of this whole incident, Prime minister."josei

The prime minister didn't answer immediately but after a pause with a sigh he answered 

" My king, this incident might look like something in favor of our rebel forces, but this is not the complete truth. 

As there is a positive side there is also a negative side.

This prophecy or whatever it is, also represents our incompetence as the rebel forces to alleviate the suffering of the common man.

If I might be blunt, this shows the failure of the king and his council to bring out any real change …"

As the prime minister reached until here the other people in the hall had ugly expressions on their face, but there was two people who retained their calm and one of them was an old man who was dressed in military uniform, with a muscular build and fiery aura, his dark green eyes were like that of a hawk and his green hair was crop cutted in military style.

He had a big red saber on his back, unlike others who carried their weapon in their space rings. This man liked to keep his weapon close to his body at all times.

He snorted coldly, this was the same person other than the prime minister and Lady Raven who was pondering about this whole incident rather than being happy instantly after hearing about it.

The old man in the military uniform was the commander of the fire base known as Raiz Khan and one of the main pillars of the pro war faction, he spoke with a little anger towards the prime minister.

" Watch what you are saying, prime minister… These are all your conjectures, that you came up with in your head, not actual facts and don't bad mouth the king and demoralize others with your imaginary theories... Everyone knows that this so-called prophecy was cut off due to some unknown  reason without completing the later parts.

So we can't be sure what the so-called Ancient sage Karl Marx had to convey at the end.. hmph.."

The prime minister was not the least bit angry about  the sudden interruption of what he was saying or the angry expression on the person's face, he continued.

  "Then commander Raiz, why did you yourself have a sour face when everyone was happy about this whole incident… was it because you ate something bad and had a stomach ache or something.."

Commander Raiz had a more fierce expression and before he could retort again the king interrupted.

"Hmph.. both of you stop it, you are not children to bicker like this .. Prime minister, it would be better if you could put what you want to say in a little positive manner.."

The prime minister had a bewildered expression and with a sigh after bowing to the king he continued.

" My king, what I wanted to say was our failures.. hmm.What I mean is our efforts that did not bear the desired results can be considered to be the reason due to which the common people will have to stand together and fight for their  justice themselves.

  The so-called prophecy might not have meant it explicitly but this can also be inferred from it.

But what makes me more worried is what was not said in the prophecy. It talks about justice winning and being free, but what happens after that ?

There is nothing mentioned  regarding this, It could be a harmonious king's rule that might reign a long time or…"

The prime minister paused here, but every eye inside the hall was urging him to continue.

The Old prime minister took another long sigh before continuing.

" If the people can fight and bring their own freedom, then why can't they form their own government.

Why do they need a king and his council who didn't meet their expectations ...."

The old commander Raiz snorted again unhappily before speaking.

" My king, I think this is a great opportunity for us no matter if it is a prophecy or a scam.

We can use this event to recruit more commoners into our forces and expand our military to make it our own… Then there would be no difference between the common people standing up themselves or standing under the king's flag.."

The rest of the council members nodded in agreement.

But Lady moment stood up and poured water on their dreams "

My king, this is not possible. We will have to do a thorough check on every person that joins our forces.

We already have spy's that are leaking information, we can't just start a mass recruitment without a proper method or plan of action.

If our bases are discovered due to some negligence , it would be a disaster.

We can't either recruit too many people as members of our outer temporary bases as this where most of the spy's from the Alliance government linger.

It would be just like exposing all those who has sympathy towards us and is opposed to the alliance government… of course we can still use our normal mode of recruitment more efficiently"

There was a silence in the hall as the king and other council members pondered over the situation more. In the end they could only come up with only half baked solutions.

In the end the king ordered the Prime minister to form a team and study this matter more thoroughly before coming up with a solution.


By the time Dror reached the Earth base the news of the ancient sage had already spread even throughout every commoner in the rebel base.

He couldn't help but feel that the whole rebel base seemed to be rejuvenated, As if a new life had appeared inside it.

Usually the rebel base would have a solemn atmosphere and if one was to travel to deepest parts where the commoners lived one could even feel a gloomy atmosphere.

But today when he entered even the extra vigilant and cold faced guards who kept watch outside the entrance of the base  had a little smile on his face.

When he reached the army camp he could already hear the hustle bustle that was lingering among the training men. Their topics were related to what the ancient sage had said and the theories put forward by their Major earlier.

It won't be surprising for someone to connect the Ancient sage with the barbarian, especially the people who had personally listened to Dror's theories from his own mouth. Especially the idea of people's revolution.

Which he had discussed with his friends many times.

He summoned the higher ups of his company in his office .

Alexander the Deputy leader who was present among the group had a weird expression on his face as if he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

He had kept his mouth shut regarding Dror's venture and other parts of his plan, Dror had always cited the reason that his cultivation required him to travel and experience to further improve and he wanted to personally travel and understand the current life situation of the entire planet.

It was lieutenant Mark who spoke first 

"Major what do you think about the appearance of the apparition of the ancient sage, you were still outside at that moment right, were you able to watch the prophecy made by the ancient sage personally.."

Everyone else also looked at Dror with curious eyes.

Dror didn't want to deceive them too much, as he had always intended for them to find out everything later.

He maintained a calm and serious expression as he spoke.

"Yes I was there, But listen everyone. It doesn't matter if it is a prophecy or some hoax, we are currently facing one of the biggest challenges that we have ever faced until now.. so I want everyone to forget everything else and focus on the training for our current mission. " 

Then he looked at Xeander " Xeander had already acquired the invitation for us, now it's time for us to show our worth… if everything goes as we expected, we will journey towards the empire after 12 days, I want everyone of you to be prepared mentally as well as emotionally…. Old Zhao you know what to do with our soldiers using this last twelve days … I want all of them to be completely focused before the journey.."

  Old Zhao nodded " yes Major.."

Dror continued " What about the beast tamers from the Jainver clan.. have they arrived.."

This time it was Xeander who nodded and answered " yes they have arrived and are currently training with the beast tamers from our company and getting acquainted with the rest of the soldiers.."

Before Dror could further speak he received a call from the commander.

Dror took the call by pressing his sky watch and the 3D projection of the commander appeared before him.

The commander had a solemn expression as usual as he spoke " Major Dror I have heard that you have arrived at the base, I want you to visit my office once you are finished with your affairs, There is something that I have to discuss with you in person..."


I know the publishing and editing has become a mess... but i am busy with something , so I will edit all these chapters later , thanks for reading.

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