Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 35 - Escape

Chapter 35 - Escape

Sam used the sand storm once more and disappeared completely, with the help of one with the earth technique..

  He couldn't stay there any longer as 

some of the underlings, who were asked to deal with the lion cub still remained close by.

Even though they had also retreated to the jungle when the spaceship escaped, they were still close by .

Going back  a little while.

  When Sam was stabbed by the spear, he had used the shackles of Maya to catch the butler. 

At the same time the Evil sword appeared and stabbed through the butler's dantian, destroying his cultivation.

Sam was already under the influence of blood lust by then, he used earth skip to arrive before the pig head aziz.

  Sam was holding a huge black blade which was pretty damaged.

  The weapon was exuded a certain blood lust after taking the life of so many powerful beasts.

Sam didn't hold back and swung the huge sword with full force. 

The pig head tried to activate another shield and fall back.

  But this time, the shield was like the butter that met a hot knife .

The prize that aziz paid was his left hand and left leg.

He literally screamed like a pig that was being butchered in a meat shop.

  But this guy was not dead yet and while still suffering immense pain he took out something like a feather.

  The feather formed a blood red shield  and started absorbing his blood.

  Then the shield along with the pig head flew away with a high speed.

Sam was in no mood to chase down this filth as he went for the next guy. 

By the time Sam appeared dragging the butler before the spaceship. 

Of the people that attacked him only the pig head had escaped after losing a leg and an arm.


coming back to the present .

After removing the spear from his chest,  he had a hole in his left chest which was charred black.

His left lungs have been pierced through and breathing became hard.

  Thankfully his heart was not completely pierced yet the damage was severe... 

He took out the green jade and put it in his mouth without hesitation.

He used the earth control ability to dig into the earth and tunneled without  stopping.

  After about 15 minutes he was in water, unknowingly he had entered an underground river.

He was in no position to use his spiritual sense to look ahead. 

He was already losing his conscience due to the heavy damage that he had suffered.

He was not only having internal bleeding the blue poisonous gas had also entered the bloodstream, weakening him severely.

The green jade was healing his body but he was unable to fasten the process by guiding energy into it. 

Soon Sam lost his conscience and drifted along by the force of the underground river.

Shackles of Maya had already wound around him protecting him from any harm, while the evil sword also stayed vigilant inside his dantian.


After about 6 hours a body was floating on the river current without any direction like a nameless corpse.

  Sam had already entered a deep sleep like state and he had unknowingly swallowed the green jade into his stomach.

  But the jade did not stay there for long as it was swallowed by another mouth that appeared like a black hole out of nowhere.

At the critical point it was the black statue that acted and swallowed the green jade. 

As soon as the jade was swallowed a green aura started appearing from the statue, which was channeled to Sam's blood and wounds in an undetectable manner. 

Even though his body started healing he remained unconscious .


At this time, in the forest where the battle took place.

  A military boot was pressed against the pig head aziz face stamping his head completely into the ground. 

The boots belonged to a man in black armor.josei

  If one looked closely one could see this person's face was very similar to the butler Serome.

The person spoke " you worthless shit eating pig, can't you do even one thing properly. Why didn't you piece of shit die instead of big brother Serome... and you don't even know where that barbarian escaped to... 

all of you who had been present during the event, wash your neck clean... the clan head is really angry…"

stamping the pig face two more times on the face, the man gave out another order to sweep the entire area without leaving a single leaf unturned .


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