Sickly? Husband’s Contractual Wife

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

I felt like my combat power soared just because I wore a bandage.

“Are you planning to circle around the mansion? Where the hell are we going now?” Amoide’s voice sounded like he was about to run out of patience.

‘You are going to lose against me anyway.’

“You aren’t planning to look around all the gardens today, are you?”

Like he said, the gardens of the Efret mansion were quite vast. There were various gardens in the duke’s residence. The central garden was located near the main residence, while the side gardens were located near the annexes. We would never be able to look around all the gardens here by walking all day. It was only possible by riding the carriage.

“No, there’s a place that I want to go. With you.”


“Yes, together.”

“Where?” He gave a mocking smile.

“West garden.” I answered immediately.

“What’s there?”

‘Of course, there will be something there. That’s why I’m trying to drag you there.’ “The west garden is the most beautiful garden here. I really wanted to show you that place.” I blinked my eyes, playing innocent.

“…Can’t I?” I made a sullen expression when I saw Amoide’s expression darkened.

“Seems like I can’t.” I pitifully let go of his arm. Tuk.

His eyes shook when he saw my bandaged hand was pulled away. “Let’s go then.”

‘Somehow, it sounds like he’s grinding his teeth.’

“Really?” I quickly wrapped my arm around his arm again. I could feel him shaking all of a sudden. ‘Oh, I guess you really hate me. Even your breath sounds like you’re fuming. Just hang in there for a little bit.’

I looked around after talking inwardly. I could see several faces hidden behind the bushes and trees. We just arrived, yet those eyes were already glistening with curiosity. However, it seemed like their doubts still didn’t completely disappear…so I decided to strike first.

“Come on, Amoide.” I led him by clinging to his arm.

But soon, I became the one who was being dragged. Every time he took one step, I had to take at least two steps.

‘Why are your legs so long?’ I knew that his legs were noticeably long when I observed him last time. Though I felt the difference more vividly when I tried to match his pace as we walked side by side. Moreover, he walked too fast. A while ago, it seemed like he seriously made an effort to match my pace.

I ended up holding him back instead of trying to follow his pace. “Er-erm… Amoide? Huff huff…” I called out to him breathlessly. At this rate, I wasn’t sure anymore which of us was the sickly one.

“Didn’t you say that you want to go to the west garden?” He answered halfheartedly. Unlike me, he didn’t even run out of breath.

“L-let’s go a bit slower, please!”

“You’re too slow.”

“You’re just too fast!”


It was truly annoying to see him saying that. I stared at him while trying to catch my breath.

“You said you weren’t raised sheltered like me, but why can’t you walk better than me?”

‘Argh, this man is really…’

“My goodness, you’re so petty.” I unconsciously blurted out my thoughts. Looking over his shoulder, I could see our destination. It was worth walking until my feet felt sore.

“Anyway, it was exhausting… Shall we take a break?” I pointed to a secluded place, hidden behind the large tree and bushes.

“….” He just stared silently at the place I pointed. Amoide frowned as he asked again. “There?”

That place was a gazebo built out of white marble. With the red climbing roses and a domed roof, it seemed like a romantic spot. In fact, it was designed to be one. Even its name was a bit fairytale-like. ‘A resting place where the moon stays.’josei

It was said that the moonlight that shone through that glass dome was so beautiful that it became the perfect place for a love confession. Couples often expressed their love there due to its romantic atmosphere.

Like a secret garden, these hidden places were built all over the duke’s gardens. They were built by one of the previous dukes, who was very fond of his wife.

In particular, the West garden’s gazebo was significantly remote compared to the others, so there were only a few people around. Moreover, it was built on lower ground and with a huge magnificent tree in front, so it was practically invisible.

It was a place where a couple could stop by while taking a walk and spend a secret time without being seen by anybody. On rainy days, the couple could spend time together here for a long time without anyone’s interruption, under the excuse of escaping the rain. Although this kind of place was specially built for the duchy couple, we never used it even once before.

“This place is so beautiful.”

‘If we spend some time here and go out together later, everyone will assume that we have a very special relationship.’ It was a perfect place to spread such rumors.

I walked past Amoide and went into the gazebo first. Then, I beckoned to him to come over. Naturally, by using my bandaged hand. “Come and sit down.”

He reluctantly stepped inside.

“Come here. It’s quite sunny there.”

“You told me to get more sunlight, though?”

‘Ah, I did.’ “It’s not good to stay in the sun for too long either.” I skillfully twisted my words and beckoned him lightly again.

He stood up and approached me carefully as if it was a very big deal for him. When he stood up, a big shadow fell upon me, and like an eclipse, it became temporarily dark around me for a moment.

Plop. He came near and sat in front of me.

Somehow, I felt proud when I saw him being surprisingly obedient today. I patted my precious bandaged hand softly, which played the crucial role in taming that big dog…no, I mean, that man.

“Isn’t this place beautiful?”

A resting place with open sides. The transparent glass roof allowed us to gaze at the clear sky and exotic, beautiful plants surrounding us. The soft sofa, comfy chairs, and tea table in the center of this gazebo made anyone who rests here feel comfortable while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Right next to the gazebo, there was a small lake. The water was so clear that I could see the colorful fishes swimming around actively. It was a well-known fact these fishes, which had colorful scales and fins, were bought at high prices.

“The fishes are beautiful. Let’s bring some fish food when we come next time.”

“Next time?” He asked dumbfoundedly. “You want to come to this damn place together again?”

“Yes.” Not only next time but also many times after that. I needed to make sure that the rumors about our relationship getting better became widespread.

Unlike me, who was delighted that my plan was going well, Amoide’s face turned cold, just like the cold marble. “…Now tell me.”

“About what?”

“Why did you drag me here?”

‘Ah, that again? He is quite persistent. He has an answer that he wants to hear and wants me to say it with my own mouth. And of course, I have no intention of doing it at all.’

“Do we even need a reason to take a walk together?”

The previous smile and embarrassment disappeared from his face instantly. The atmosphere became heavy all of a sudden, so I tried to change the subject. At that moment, I saw something floating in front of me. “Look, the flower spores are flying!”

Like a perfect spring, the flower spores, as white as snow, were flying everywhere. Some of the flower spores flew around us and stuck to my dress. They fell on the floor after I gently removed them with my hand. However, more of the flying flower spores stuck to my dress again.

Amoide, who was sitting in front of me, started to squirm his body left and right. There was a slight frown on his face as he watched the flying flower spores as if they were the annoying flies.

Since he moved his body, the flower spores began to fly away and scattered everywhere. He did it to shake off the flower spores, but it caused an adverse effect instead. The flower spores began to spread even more and scatter around him.

“Cough-cough.” He coughed as the flower spores flew near his face.

“Are you alright?” I rushed toward him in surprise.

He waved his hand up and down, attempting to chase away all the flying flower spores around him.

“Is it hard to breathe? Does your chest feel tight?”

He didn’t answer my questions. “Don’t make a fuss.”

Suddenly, I saw him looking at me with a calm face. “I’m just…worried.”

“This much won’t kill me.”

I was a bit intimidated by the way he talked. Amoide sat upright again after his cough had stopped.

“Do you have a fever or feel dizzy?” I touched his forehead with my hand. I could feel his moderately warm body temperature with my palm. ‘Is it a fever?’ I put my other hand on my forehead, but it was impossible to compare our body temperature accurately. ‘It feels a bit hot…or maybe not?’

As I was nervously checking his body temperature, I heard his groan.

“….What is it?” He shook his head and backed off to create a distance between my hand and his forehead. He acted as though he was avoiding something dirty.


The flower spores, which had been shaken off before, began to fly around him once more. I was worried that he would cough again so I started waving my hand randomly to chase them away. I didn’t pay attention to his words because I was too focused on the flower spores.

“…is it?”

“What did you say?” I couldn’t hear him well because I was busy shaking off the flower spores around him.


Suddenly, my hand stopped moving because it was caught by something.

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