Silly Bride

Silly Bride Chapter 260

Silly Bride Chapter 260

Silly Bride Chapter 260

Chapter 260

Christopher looked much better than he did in the video call the day before. Even the doctor considered his recovery a miracle.As soon as Winnie and Leandro entered the room, Christopher thanked the man for saving his life.Leandro had another reason for visiting Christopher—he wanted to take the man under his wing.However, Christopher indirectly turned down the offer. “You saved my life, so I’m supposed to work for you in return. Sadly, I’m of no use to you since I’m bound to my sickbed like this.”Chuckling, Leandro responded, “What are you talking about? The most important thing now is for you to get enough rest. I can’t have you climbing out of your bed to work for me now, can I? We’ll talk again after you’ve fully recovered. You and Vivian are close, and she’s already family to us. We’ll welcome you with open arms when it’s time for you to come home.”“That’s right.” Winnie nodded at Christopher. “As Boss said, you’ll definitely be with me. You don’t need to worry about anything now. I’ll make the arrangements for you when you’re well again.”Then, the woman turned to look at Leandro. “Isn’t that right, Boss? I can still make the arrangements for him, right?”“Of course. He belongs to you, so it’s only fair that you get the final say.”In response, Winnie simply brushed off that statement with a half-smile before voicing, “I’m glad to hear you say that, Boss. However, do you mind waiting for me outside? Chris and I have some personal matters to discuss.”“Don’t let me stop you!” Leandro immediately stood up, ready to leave. “I’ll get out of your hair then. You’ll have to hurry up, though. The doctor just told us that we shouldn’t stay too long.”To that, Winnie nodded understandingly before walking Leandro out of the room.As soon as Leandro left, Winnie locked the door behind her and hurried back to Christopher, whose gaze never left the woman.Christopher instinctively extended his hand to Winnie when she returned to his side.Without a second thought, the woman swiftly grabbed Christopher’s hand.She tightened her grip for but a few seconds before letting go of the man. “I don’t have much time, so I’ll keep it as brief as possible.”Christopher withdrew his hand and nodded. “Tell me. Is there anything I can do now?”“There is!” Winnie’s smile instantly enlivened the atmosphere in the room. “There’s no way I’m going to let you lie in bed while I work my as* off.”“Sure. I just so happened to be someone who can’t stand doing nothing,” voiced Christopher with a chuckle.Only after

that did Winnie tell the man all about how they got rescued and what happened in the past two days.“That’s why what we have to do now is contact Xavier and my mercenaries and shake off Leandro,” concluded Winnie in the end. “Having found our first buyer, he’s requesting that I provide a sample. On top of that, I’ve already figured out how to get out. I just need to find the right opportunity to create chaos so we can escape. However, what worries me the most is you. You can’t even walk on your own, and there are so many people guarding the hospital. I have to wait until you escape first before I make my move. The alternative is we make a break for it together. If we mess this up, they’ll surely hold you hostage. We might even end up putting your life in danger.”Even though Christopher knew Winnie had a point, he still could not help but frown. “But you’re also putting yourself in danger.”Winnie smiled nonchalantly in response to that. “Don’t worry. I’ve already used up all my bad luck in my childhood, so I’ve been nothing but lucky in everything I do ever since. I believe it’ll be no exception this time. You can do it too!”Looking at Winnie, Christopher nodded unconvincedly. “I don’t believe in luck, but I do believe in you.”Winnie was glad that the man had unconditional confidence in her. “That’s more like it. Seeing how you’ve put your trust in me, I won’t let you down.”After hearing that, Christopher nodded once again with a soft smile.The man, however, was keeping something from Winnie.He wanted to tell her that he would not mind even if she disappointed him.After all, Winnie was the reason Christopher was still alive then.The woman then decided not to waste any more time. Since she could not move her right arm, Winnie extended her left arm to Christopher.“What are you doing?” inquired the man, puzzled by Winnie’s action.“Remove the ring for me,” answered Winnie, wiggling her finger. “This is our only way to reach Xavier. I tried sending him messages a few days ago, but I didn’t get any response at all. Maybe he couldn’t reply to my messages because he was on the move, or there could be a problem with his receiver. I don’t really know what kind of situation he’s found himself in, but I believe he’s also trying to reach us. When you can do next is try to contact him again and see if you can get him to respond. It shouldn’t be hard for him to find the hospital. If he can just get our messages, I’m sure he’ll be here in no time. As for us, I’ll give you a video call every day, and we’ll keep in touch that way. As soon as we reach Xavier, we’ll make our move. This time, we’ll be sure to make it back home!”After nodding in silence, Christopher slowly removed the ring from Winnie’s ring

finger.If the man could, he would join the fight instead of waiting to be rescued. The last thing Christopher wanted was to leave Winnie in the wolf’s den for another second.As he was powerless to turn his intention into action, Christopher chose to stay silent.Winnie could tell the man was down and why he felt that way, so she smiled at him. “You have to make it out of here safely. Only then can you stop being a burden to me. Tell Xavier the same thing when you see him and warn him not to get in my way.”“Sure,” responded Christopher.Then, Winnie nodded as she patted the man on the shoulder. “It’s getting late, so I should be going. You have to listen to the doctors and take good care of yourself. Don’t worry about me for I know what I’m doing.”After the two bade each other farewell, Winnie left the room.The woman only spent less than a few minutes alone with Christopher, so when she went out, Leandro had just finished smoking a cigarette and was heading back to the room.“That was fast. Why not chat a little longer?” Smiling, Leandro asked the woman who just came out.“Well, I wanted to keep him alive for a few more days,” joked Winnie. “The doctor said he needed more rest, right?”“Chris is lucky to have such a catch like you,” complimented Leandro before getting back to business. “We better go back soon, then. Our buyer is still waiting for the sample. It wouldn’t be nice to keep our customers waiting, would it?”“Of course not,” replied Winnie, glancing at Leandro. “Don’t forget that you promised me half of the share. I expect to receive my due when you get the deposit.”Leandro was relieved when Winnie started to talk about money. “But of course. I, your boss, will never disappoint you.”The woman nodded in response before the two got into the car and hurried back to Leandro’s base.The man’s laboratory was much simpler than Harold’s, and he was aware of it.In addition, Winnie could not work with her right arm, so it was unusually challenging for her to produce the sample.Leandro could see that, but there was nothing he could do about it. He had no choice but to wait patiently for Winnie to finish because he knew she would get upset if he rushed her.Just like that, two days passed in the blink of an eye.Winnie was well aware that she could not afford to take any more time, so he handed Leandro a sample that evening.The man was overjoyed when he finally got what he wanted. The buyer even allowed Winnie to chat longer with Christopher over their video call after ensuring everything was right with the sample.Leandro let Winnie have her privacy when she requested it instead of having men watch her from the side.However, Christopher was still under

watchful eyes, so neither of them said anything they should not.Despite the restriction, the two had their special way of communicating, and in that exchange, Winnie heard the best news of the past few days.Christopher revealed that he had finally reached Xavier, and Winnie got so excited that she instantly broke into a big smile.It had been a while since Christopher last saw Winnie smile that happily.Even though he was glad to see the woman so uplifted, he could not stop himself from feeling depressed. Christopher could tell that he was nothing compared to Xavier in Winnie’s heart.However, the man did not want to ruin the moment. In fact, he was more than willing to make Winnie even happier, so he suddenly held his wound and grunted softly.Winnie immediately furrowed her eyebrows in concern when she saw what happened. “Are you okay? Did you tear your wound? Quickly! Ask the doctor to take a look!”“Sure,” uttered Christopher weakly. “Somebody’s doing that for me now.”Winnie nodded in response. “I’ll talk to you later then. I’ve already managed to produce the sample because they gave me more time.”“No, don’t!” exclaimed Christopher abruptly. “Don’t hang up just yet! The doctor can still do his thing while we talk. I’m sure…” The man was only acting that way because Leandro was still watching him. “I’m sure you want to see me for a little while longer, don’t you?”“I do. Being here alone is so boring and I don’t even have anyone to talk to here.”“Right,’ voiced Christopher before shifting his attention to the door. “Pay attention. The physician is here.”Winnie knitted her eyebrows slightly because she did not understand the man’s words. Why should I pay attention to the doctor?When the physician Christopher mentioned appeared on screen inadvertently, Winnie widened her eyes in surprise.Even though the person was wearing a white coat and a mask, she could immediately tell who he was just by looking at his eyes.It was none other than Xavier.A glint of excitement flashed across Winnie’s eyes when she returned to her senses. Suddenly, she was in high spirits again.Xavier was just the same. Since he could not speak freely or reach out to touch Winnie, all his emotions were shown through his eyes.Christopher could not help but feel a hint of bitterness as he stared at the two.Even though Winnie promised to be with him in the next life, Christopher worried that Xavier would pursue her then too.From the looks on the couple’s faces, it seemed he probably would not have a chance even after the next life. Winnie likely took pity on me, but it’s okay. I’ll take her word for it anyway.Xavier could not communicate with Winnie since Leandro’s men were in the room, so he

only appeared briefly on screen a few times.Still, his appearance was enough to inspire powerful confidence in Winnie.As Xavier could not stay long, he said several sentences with double meanings to Christopher before leaving. “Don’t worry because I’m well aware of your condition. As long as you follow my lead, everything will be okay. What’s important is that you arrange your time properly to get enough rest. I’ll deal with the rest. It’s my day off tomorrow, but I’ll be working the night shift the day after tomorrow. See you then.”With that, Xavier glanced at Winnie through the video call before turning around to leave.“Thank you, doctor!” Christopher then returned to Winnie after seeing Xavier off. “You heard him, right? I’m in good hands as the doctor got it all figured out.”Nodding, Winnie knew exactly what Xavier was trying to say just then. He is making all the necessary arrangements, and the time is set for the night after tomorrow. As for me, I’ll have to make my escape accordingly. “I’ll see if I’m available to meet the doctor then and thank him personally.”“I look forward to that,” uttered Christopher with a nod.It was obvious that Winnie got emotional after the video call.When the woman returned the phone, she even asked for some wine.Basically, she would do that every day, so it was nothing strange to the guards.However, at that time, it was Leandro who delivered her wine.The others usually only gave her a bottle, but the man brought two cartons then. “I heard you enjoy this wine, so I brought all the bottles I have in the cellar. The buyer was very pleased with the sample. When you’re done with these two cartons, I’ll get you even better ones.”Leandro was so happy with Winnie that he opened a bottle on the spot. “This is only but a taste of what’s to come. I’ll throw you a feast when we get paid for the products.”“Sure!” Winnie was glad that Leandro had brought her so much wine. These are all highly flammable.After grabbing two glasses, the woman began drinking with Leandro, who immediately downed his drink excitedly.Winnie, too, quickly finished her wine. “I’ve been drinking alone for the past few days, and it was miserable. Today, even the wine tastes better.”“You can really drink, can’t you? I didn’t believe it when they told me that you could finish a bottle on your own,” stated Leandro, laughing heartily.Winnie chuckled in response to that. “One bottle is nothing. If it weren’t for my injury, I would’ve finished your stock already. I might drink a bottle and a half because I’m feeling good today. Wait a second. I can’t do that unless I want to lose my hand forever.”“Hahaha! I’m worried about the same for you,” voiced Leandro. “You’re already overdoing it with one bottle and you’d better take care of your

hand. I’ve already downed my glass, so feel free to enjoy the wine. When you’ve recovered, I’ll build you a wine pool for you to bathe in every day.”“That sounds fantastic! It’s time I know what it feels like to live like a queen.”“Not a problem! That’s the reason we risk our lives in this business, isn’t it?” promised Leandro while patting his chest. “You have my word.”Leandro stopped Winnie from pouring herself more wine when he thought she had had enough, so she sipped what was left in her glass savingly as she listened to his bragging.The more Leandro drank, the more chatty he became. The man told Winnie how he went from rags to riches and how Harold bullied him in his most glorious days. In the end, he mentioned looking forward to a bright future with Winnie working by his side.Winnie simply played along as the man continued to brag.By the end of the night, Leandro got so drunk that his men had to carry him to his room.After the man left, Winnie took a walk in the garden as usual before going to bed. There was nothing to suggest that she planned to escape.In the next two days, Leandro was away while Winnie prepared to leave.The man had become less watchful of Winnie since she provided the buyer with the sample. She was granted more freedom to move about in the Zeller residence and even the right to share her opinion.Leandro did all that just to get on Winnie’s good side.Before long, the time to make her escape arrived.Even though Winnie was excited, she did not allow herself to put her guard down.She gave Christopher a video call as usual when evening came.Everything looked normal on the man’s side, so the two confirmed their operation once again before moving on to small talks.Amid their conversation, Winnie suddenly heard someone talking about her not too far away.“She just got on a video call with the hospital not long ago,” informed somebody.Winnie knew Leandro was the only person the guards would speak so respectfully to.She immediately turned toward the voice with furrowed eyebrows, and as expected, Leandro had returned.However, the man looked different that day. His face was as grim as death, and the way he looked at Winnie was even more unusual.The woman could sense that Leandro’s sour mood was likely because of her, so her face quickly hardened.Christopher got even more suspicious when he noticed how tense Winnie was. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”Before Winnie could answer him, Leandro approached her threateningly.Winnie did not want Christopher and Xavier to worry about her. Even if she could not make it out that day, she wished for Christopher to proceed with the escape

plan.Hence, the woman smiled reassuringly at the camera. “I’m okay and everything’s fine here. I’ll see you later!”With that, she ended the video call and denied Christopher any chance to speak.Leandro had already sat down across Winnie at that moment.“Did you say you’re Big Black Bear?” inquired the man, gazing intently at Winnie.Winnie nodded in response to that. “Yes. What’s wrong? Is something troubling you, Boss?”“Indeed, yes!” Leandro knitted his eyebrows tightly. “I’ve met someone who claimed to be the real Big Black Bear in the past two days, and what he showed me was enough to convince me that he wasn’t lying, so who are you?”Winnie’s heart almost skipped a beat when she heard that.She was ready to leave but did not expect the real Big Black Bear to appear at such a crucial moment.

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