Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Heroine Who Doesn’t Stick With the Hero Happy.

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Planning a Date

For now, I let Yuuichi come into the house and move to my room.

Just as I was about to enter my room on the second floor, the door to the next room opened and Rinke came out.

“Ah, Rinke.”

“Onii-chan… is that the guy who’s coming to stay with us today?”

Rinke said after she saw Yuuichi behind me.

“Right. Yuuichi this is my cute and lovely sister, Rinke.”

“Oi, Onii-chan, don’t say that, it’s embarrassing for me.”

“Haha, we’re good friends, don’t worry. Hi, I’m Yuichi Shigemoto, Tsukasa’s friend. Nice to meet you. “

“…Hi, I’m Rinke.”

Yuuichi smiled and Rinke greeted him with a hint of shyness and averted her eyes slightly.

…Hmm? Wait a minute.

In the original story, Yuuichi and Rinke were supposed to meet later, right?

That’s right! Yuuichi and Rinke weren’t supposed to meet this early yet…!

They were supposed to have their fateful encounter in another way…well not exactly a fateful encounter, but they were supposed to meet each other in a different way.

I called Yuichi to my home and changed the original story yet again…!

“Wait, wait, Yuuichi, Rinke… Can you guys just pretend that the both of you didn’t meet here today?”

“Haah? What are you saying.”

“What are you talking about, onii-chan?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Of course, there was no way that could ever happen, and lost time would never return back to me.

Uwaa what should I do?

Is this fine? When I came to this world, the original story had changed significantly anyways.

In particular, there was no such thing as Tsukasa Hisamura confessing his feelings to Sei-chan, and probably no such development would’ve ever happened no matter how much the original story would progress.

I don’t know if I can handle the fact that the original story had already been changed.

I’m sure a lot of things have already been changed since my arrival.

“Well, okay then. Get along as well as you can!”

“Why do you have to act so high and mighty all the time…? I mean, it’s hard to be friends with you whenever you talk like that.”

“…Onii-chan, you’re an idiot.”

“My best friend and my sister are being so harsh to me. I don’t care about my sister, but I’m not going to help you with your date tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry, would you like a shoulder massage?”

“Two hours.”

“That’s too long, at least give me thirty minutes.”

“…Can I go to the living room?”

While Yuuichi and I were joking around, Rinke asked while looking at us with cold eyes.

“A-Ahh, sure. Go ahead.”

“I’m sorry to bother you.”

“…Take your time. “

Rinke said and went downstairs to the living room.

We went into my room and relaxed for a bit.

“Your sister’s cute but also a bit unsociable.”

“How rude of you, stop making fun of my sweet little sister otherwise I’ll blow you away.”

“You’re scaring me a bit. What are you, a Siscon?”

“Nope, but I won’t let you have her.”

“You’re definitely a Siscon.”

As Sei-chan said, It’s not a sister complex.

I mean, what would REALLY happen if Yuuichi and Rinke met here in the future?

How would Rinke have gotten involved with Yuuichi. Would she fall in love with him and become one of the sub heroines?

Maybe she won’t fall in love with him now, so she won’t become a heroine anymore.

If that’s the case, that’s fine. When I was reading the manga, I was all about Sei-chan and hoped that she would be happy, but now Rinke is also my sister, a full-fledged family member.

It would be a pity for such a cute little sister to fall in love with someone who is basically confirmed that he would be a lost love of hers.

“Anyway, about tomorrow. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that you’d somehow come to our house with Tojoin in tow…”

“I’m sorry about that. I never dreamed there’d be a limousine in front of my house either.”

That’s because it’s not normal to have a limousine in front of your house…

That’s Kaori Tojoin for you.

“So, the original plan was that Yuuichi would go to tomorrow’s date from my house, so that Tojoin-san wouldn’t be able to follow you and interrupt your date, but if she found out that you’re going to be leaving from… my house. there’s a good chance  that she’ll be able to track you down.”

“Is she always tracking us? If she goes that far, isn’t she basically a stalker at this rate?”

“You… remember what had just happened. Do you think Tojoin-san just happened to be in front of your house in a limousine when you were leaving?”

“…Yeah. She was already a stalker huh.”

Rather than her uh… being allowed to do that because she’s a manga heroine, it’s an act that’s allowed because she’s the daughter of the Tojoin Group.

And even though Yuichi finds it troublesome, he doesn’t really hate it deep down.

Of course, he has no intention of filing a police report against her.

“So I’d say it’s certain that you’ll be tracked down tomorrow as you head towards your date.”

“Seriously… that’s not good. If she interferes with us, I won’t be able to confess to Fujise.”

Yes, this guy’s going to try and confess his feelings to her on tomorrow’s date.josei

Meanwhile Fujise is ALSO planning to confess her feelings to him on tomorrow’s date.

They are completely in love with each other.

Haah… I wish that they’d just go and explode.

I want to be lovey-dovey with Sei-chan as soon as possible too… I don’t know if I’ll be able to actually do that though…

“In the meantime, I’ll contact Sei-ch… Shimada.”

“Hmm? Why call her?”

“To let her know that you screwed up and that Tojoin-san might follow us to the date’s location.”

“…I’m sorry.”

I mean, seriously, this entire thing started with his carelessness anyways.

There was no way to avoid the limousine that was parked in front of his house, but it was completely his fault that Tojoin-san found out about it on the way to school on Friday.

…Well, whether she found out about it or not, they were destined to be disturbed by her anyway.

At any rate, let’s break that fate.

“Ok… Send.”

I told Sei-chan that Yuuichi had screwed up and that Tojoin had found out.

It was immediately read, and a few seconds later, I received a reply.

What are you doing, you idiot?

“She said.”

“Excuse me…”

Yuuichi sits upright and bows his head.

If you do this to me, Sei-chan won’t be able to feel your sincerity at all.

Well, let’s just say that Yuuichi is apologizing.

“I don’t really care about your dogeza.”

“You don’t give a shit about my fragile pride huh.”

“I don’t care about your petty pride. This isn’t about that, it’s about your date tomorrow.”

“Yes, I should think about tomorrow’s date because my meager pride is not important at all.”

Really, what do we do now?

As for me, I’m starting to think that it’s better that I don’t get involved with him anymore.

Because they were thwarted even in the original story, so it’s hard to come up with any more strategies.

Now, if they continue their date without being disturbed and one of them confesses, they will go out with each other.

If that happens, the whole development of this “Ojojama” manga will go null.

I feel bad for Yuuichi and Fujise, but in my opinion, I want Tojoin-san to be happy too.

If they date, Tojoin-san will not be saved and the story will just abruptly end.

After this date, It’s the story of a child being saved.

If Yuichi and Fujise get together, Tojoin-san might not be able to be saved anymore.

In fact, as far as I’m concerned I’m not that interested in whether Yuuichi goes out with Fujise or Tojoin.

It doesn’t matter who he chooses, as long as it makes them happy.

I know that Fujise is a nice and cute girl, but I also know that Tojoin-san is a lovely girl who truly loves Yuichi.

That’s why I don’t want to be so attached to either Fujise or Tojoin-san.

I want Yuichi to get to know the two of them on his own and then make his choice based on his own thoughts.

But as it is now, Tojoin-san is just a bad guy who’s getting in the way of the two of them…

No. She has her own thoughts, so for her they’re getting in HER way.

Well, it’s because she likes Yuichi after all.

Yuichi didn’t know about this yet though.

He just thinks of her as a childhood friend who’s getting in the way of his love life.

If this continues, Yuuichi will never see or know how Tojoin-san felt at all, and he will go out with Fujise instead.

As a reader and a fan, I want to prevent that from happening somehow.

If Yuichi doesn’t take a good look at Tojoin-san, the story won’t ever properly start.

But seeing Yuichi thinking about Fujise in such a serious way, seeing him really want to confess to her up close, I want to support him in his decision.

This feeling is not as a reader nor a fan, but as Yuuichi’s best friend.

“In the meantime, I’ll try to find a way to make sure that she won’t get in your way as much as I can.”

“Aah, that’s good enough. Thanks”

That’s the ideal situation.

We’ll try to  come up with all sorts of countermeasures, but it might be pointless since it’s Tojoin-san after all.

But I’ll do my best to stop her.

“I’ll consult with Shimada then decide what to do about her.”

“Yeah, by the way I have an idea as well.”

“Huh, it’s unusual for Yuichi to come up with something good.”

“Phew, if you underestimate me, you’ll get burnt.”

“Are you so hot that my tongue would burn? So your body temperature is over 100 degrees?” [TLN: This is a pun since nameru sugiru could mean “Lick” or “Look down upon.”]

“Oi, I’m not boiling bot, just listen.”

“Let’s hear it then.”

“You know that me and Fujise have a date tomorrow, so that’s where you come in.”

“You want me to come by myself? Why do I have to go to an amusement park alone?”

Yuichi and Fujise are going to an amusement park tomorrow so what would I do all alone?

“See? That’s why we recruited Shimada, so that you two can go toge–”


“That was a quick decision!”

Oh no, I said my opinion right off the bat since it was going to be me and Sei-chan going to an amusement park together.

“No way, you…”


As expected, even the dense Yuichi would be able to realize my reaction just now.

Well it can’t be helped since he’s my best friend.

“Did you want to go to that amusement park that badly? Well I thought so, since I wanted to go to that amusement park too.”

“I’m so glad that you’re an idiot.”

“I’m not an idiot. Why would you say that? Even high schoolers can enjoy going to amusement parks, you know.”

That’s not the point though, that’s the idiotic part that you’re thinking about.

I think it’s normal for high school students to go to amusement parks.

Well, this guy is funny just because he’s like this.

“But why would you suggest that Shimada and I go on a date alongside you?”

“You two will come and watch over me and Fujise, so if Kaori comes to interfere with us, you’ll stop her in her tracks! That’s the plan!”

“It’s going to be a big mess if we do that. Besides, it’ll be too much of a burden on me and Shimada.”

“I’m really sorry about that. But I can’t come up with anything better than this.”


In fact, once she knew where the date was, Tojoin-san was able to interfere with the rest of the date in any way she wanted to.

I feel like no matter how much I try to plan here, it’ll be useless.

If that’s the case, it would certainly be better for me and Sei-chan to go directly to the place where the date will take place and keep an eye on our surroundings.

It’s a crazy plan really, and it’s just so troublesome for me and Sei-chan.

“Are you going to ask Shimada to do something so troublesome?”

“N-No? Shimada is a good person, So I thought that she’d probably be able to do it.”

Uuu… When you put it like that.”

Yuichi can’t seem to ask that much from Sei-chan, let alone from me, his best friend.

But it’s also true that there’s no other strategy we could use.

“Hmm? I got a RINE from Shimada… Seriously, that girl…”

“What did you get?”

“I knew Shimada was a good girl.”

I handed him my phone and showed him the message I got from Shimada.

“I thought of a way to stop her, but the only way I can think of is to go to the place where Shiho and Shigemoto are going to have their date tomorrow and stop Tojoin whenever she arrives myself. So the worst that could happen is that she’ll be able to track down Shiho and Shigemoto’s date… Would Shigemoto be okay with that? You should go and ask him that.”

Kuu… Shimada is too good of a person.”

Yuichi held my phone and raised it up as he sat upright, as if he was repenting for his actions.

Well, looking at the message now, I can see why you’d want to do that.

I didn’t expect Sei-chan to propose the exact same strategy that Yuuichi had just mentioned.

After all, Sei-chan is a very nice girl, she is kind and friendly an-

“Haha, seriously, Shimada is just so sweet… Hmm? What? Ah…!”

“What’s the matter? Just give me my phone back now.”

“I’m sorry… I-uh, I think my finger accidentally scrolled up when I was doing my repentance earlier, and it sorta went back through your talk history with Shimada…”


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