Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Heroine Who Doesn’t Stick With the Hero Happy.

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: In the Shadow of Shuraba

“I can’t believe he fainted… He’s definitely the protagonist of a romantic comedy manga.”

I watched the exchange between the 3 of them which had turned into a shouting match halfway through.

The three of them were shouting quite loudly so it was pretty easy to hear them even from this distance.

However, I’m feeling very jealous and sympathetic towards Yuichi over there.

I’m jealous over the fact that he has 2 beautiful girls confessing to him at the same time, but I’m also feeling sorry for him as a man for getting his fetishes revealed out loud to the public.

W-Well, I don’t have any specific fetishes to be revealed so I guess I’m okay in that department.

Yes, It’s true. What makes you think otherwise?

But anyways, I didn’t expect this situation to happen.

Of course, in the original story, those two never confessed to Yuuichi at such a place at all.

Because after a confession like that, the story would have probably ended already.

Fujise and Yuuichi’s date should end with only Tojoin-san interfering with them.

The story would go on, and after many hardships those two would finally confess to Yuuichi.

Such a situation wasn’t present even in the original story.

No, Tojoin-san’s feelings for him were pretty obvious. 

However, neither of them actually managed to make a firm confession towards him.

But instead, those two have already confessed to him here and now.

Moreover, Yuuichi was actually supposed to resolve the rift between Tojoin-san and her father.

In the heat of the moment, I decided to do it myself.

Because if I didn’t do it, Tojoin-san wouldn’t budge from there at all.

“I’m sorry, Sei-chan.”

I called out to Sei-chan, who was smiling next to me as we watched the exchange between the three of them together.

“Hm? For what?”

“No…  I was probably the one that interrupted Yuuichi and Fujises’ date the most.”

Sei-chan didn’t want Tojoin-san to interfere with Fujise and Yuuichi’s date.

If I hadn’t done what I did, Tojoin-san wouldn’t have interfered with them, and Fujise and Yuuichi would have made it through the date and gone out as a result.

It was all because I decided to support Tojoin-san in the end.

“I’m so sorry.”

Fufu… So you can make that kind of face too.”


When I looked down and apologized. Sei-chan gave me a gentle smile in return.

“I’m fine. But let me ask you this. Who would you prefer Yuuichi to go out with, Shiho or Tojoin-san?”

“Of course that’s not for me or Sei-chan to decide, but it’s for Yuuichi alone to think about.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But judging from what you just said, do you want Shigemoto to go out with Tojoin?”

“No, as for me, I really don’t care either way, but I want Yuuichi to take a good look at both of them before making his choice.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I knew that Tojoin-san liked Yuuichi. Any normal person would have noticed that, but Yuuichi himself didn’t.”

“Well, if it was that obvious, anyone would have noticed such a thing.”

“Yeah, I find it sad that everyone but the man in question had noticed Tojoin-san’s feelings.”

“That’s true.”

To be honest, I have no clue how he didn’t notice. That guy…

That’s what I call a dense protagonist in a romantic comedy manga.

“That’s why I decided to help her there. I wanted to be a ally until Tojoin-san’s feelings were fully conveyed to Yuuichi.”

“I see…”

“So, I won’t be taking Tojoin-san’s side anymore. I probably won’t be siding with Fujise-san either.”

“So you didn’t have any intention to stop Tojoin-san from interfering today?”

“Uuu… I’m really sorry… I was really bothered about it, but frankly… yes.”

To be honest, I knew that neither me nor Sei-chan would actually be able to stop Kaori Tojoin from interfering with them, even if we tried our best efforts, it would be futile in the end.

That’s why I wasn’t really motivated to stop her like Sei-chan was.

“Haa…Well I understand that you did it out of consideration for Shigemoto and Tojoin-san, but if you didn’t want to stop Tojoin-san from interfering with them. Shouldn’t you have just stopped me from going to the amusement park in the first place?”

“That’s true, but I came here because I was attracted to the idea of an amusement park date with Sei-chan.”

WHA?! I-Is that so…”

To be honest, if it had only been for Yuuichi’s request, I would never have really come to this amusement park.

When I heard that Sei-chan was going to be going to the amusement park for Fujise’s sake, I couldn’t let her do it alone, so I decided to come too.

Well, when I realized that I was basically going to be going on a date with Sei-chan, my motivation to stop Tojoin-san really plummeted…

“I’m really sorry. Even though Sei-chan was working so hard for Fujise’s sake.”

“N-No, it’s fine. I didn’t do anything particular at the amusement park anyways. In addition, when I heard of Tojoin-san’s familial problems. I would have chosen not to stop her too. I think we both would have picked the same choice.”

“Thank you.”

I really like Sei-chan. She’s so kind and cool when she’s like this.

Perhaps the phone call earlier had cleared up most of the rift between Tojoin-san and her father.

It’s all thanks to my knowledge of the original story.

Tojoin-san’s father is a man who truly cares for his daughter.

The president of one of the world’s largest companies and an extremely busy man decides to take time to have dinner with his daughter at least once a month.

If he actually didn’t care about his daughter and was truly all about work, he wouldn’t have even taken the time to do such a thing.

Moreover, the phone call earlier, from my point of view, was a gamble as to whether he would answer it or not.

But I knew there was a good chance that he would answer it.

Because Kaori Tojoin’s father has several smartphones, but he only has one private phone.

And there were only two contacts on that phone.

Those two contacts were Kaori Tojoin and his late wife.

He always has a phone ready with only those two contacts on it.

In other words, when that phone rings, it would definitely be his beloved daughter calling.

I believed that the father I had seen in the original story, who loved Kaori Tojoin from the bottom of his heart, would definitely appear at such a moment.

And the final result was great.

When Tojoin-san was on the phone with her father. I could hear her fathers voice from the distance I was at as well. Seriously, I was about to cry too.

I was really surprised, because I didn’t expect one of the most famous scenes in the original story to be performed right in front of me.

I had to desperately hold back my tears from flowing.

“I wonder who Shigemoto will choose to go out with.”josei

“Hmm? Well, it doesn’t seem like they’ll get their answer today anyways. Those two will probably continue to attack Yuuichi in the future. I wonder if he’ll ever be able to choose properly.”

“Hmm, personally I would like for him to choose my best friend Shiho, but I guess we’ll just have to wait for Shigemoto to make his choice.”

“You’re right. They’ll probably continue to attack Yuuichi in the future too. It’s just the matter of who’ll be able to win over him first. Both of them emphasized their love to him when they confessed after all.”


Hmm? My words suddenly made Sei-chan blush.

I wonder why… Oh.

Well, the confession they made just now did reveal the fetishes of the trio.

They were talking a lot about who was the aggressor and who was the receiver.

No, Yuuichi himself didn’t say a word, but it’s a pity that he was the one whose fetishes were exposed the most.

Sei-chan has very little tolerance towards that kind of naughty talk.

However, in the original work, I think she was portrayed as not very tolerant towards it, but curious instead. Yeah, let’s not do that. If I think about it any more, there’s a possibility that I’ll get another nosebleed.

“S-So…W-Which one are you?”

“Eh? What?”

“N-No, t-that? I-It’s nothing!”

She seemed to have wanted to ask me something but stopped midway.

I wonder what she wants to ask me, but I don’t want to be nosy, so I won’t pursue it any further.

TLN: aight heres a chappie. Big thanks to Spynine01 for editing this. I’ll be taking a week break to focus on some other stuff so dont expect any chapters. If you like my translations you can flame or be one my followers in discord or you can donate to my Ko-fi which helps me a ton. You can just ping me in general saying thanks or something really motivates me. Anyways, Thanks for reading. Obligatory Discord Plug.

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