Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Heroine Who Doesn’t Stick With the Hero Happy.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Enjoying Your Dreams

…When am I going to wake up from this dream?

It’s been a few hours since I became Tsukasa Hisamura.

Now I’m back at my house, lying on my bed, playing with my phone.

I was playing with my phone as if it were the real world, so I forgot that I was in the world of a manga.

I’m dreaming that I’m in my favorite manga, “I can’t have a normal romantic comedy because my childhood friend Ojou-sama is in the way”.

And because I have the same name as Tsukasa Hisamura, a character in the manga, I’m currently in a dream pretending to be this character.

I was expecting to wake up soon after I made a passionate confession to Sei-chan after school, but why am I not waking up?

Even though I was in a dream, I was eating food normally. It tasted so real and normal.

I mean, am I really in a dream?

This place is so real that it makes me doubt it.

However, entering the world of a comic book is not realistic in any way.

I’ve never had such a clear dream before, so I guess it’s still a dream anyway.

But it seems like I’m really Tsukasa Hisamura from the manga world.

In the past few hours, I’ve looked in the countless mirror, and it’s totally my face.

This is the face of me in the real world, and not the face of Tsukasa Hisamura in the manga.

I’m not sure if it’s because I’m in a dream or not, but I can’t really remember the face of Tsukasa Hisamura in the manga…

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to remember it though…

I’m still in a dream, but I have nothing to do.

I muttered to myself as I laid down on my bed.

I’ve been playing mobile games and watching videos on video-sharing sites, but I could do that in the real world too.

I had forgotten that I was in a dream world until just a few minutes ago.

Maybe in the real world I’ve been hit by a truck and am in a critical state of a coma and haven’t woken up for a long time.

…When I think about that, I get scared of waking up.

I don’t want to think about such scary things.

At any rate, since I’m in the world of my favorite manga, I want to do something that I can only do in this dream.

So what can I even do…? AH!

I could try to get in touch with someone on my phone.

There was an app on my phone called… RINE.

The name sounds a bit different from the app in the real world but I don’t care.

I opened up RINE and tried to find out whose contact information Tsukasa Hisamura had.

Oh, I found Yuichi Shigemoto, the main character.

Well, that’s right, he’s Yuichi Shigemoto’s best friend, so he must have his contact information.

There’s also… Shiho Fujise? And Tojoin Kaori too!

Does Tsukasa Kumura have the contact information of the two main heroines?

Wait, then… that means she too…!

There it is!

I was lying on my bed, but the moment I found that name, I got up in happiness.

On the screen of my phone, there are the words “Sei Shimada”.

I knew you had Sei’s contact information too!

Yes, of course I’ll contact her!

I don’t know how much longer I can stay in this world.

I don’t know how long I have left in this world, so there’s no reason not to contact her.

Now, what should I send?

I’m sure she’ll remember my confession earlier, so I’ll mention it.

If possible, I’d like to get a response from her, even if it’s over RINE.

I’d also like to get a phone call from her.

“I’ll just send a message and wait for a reply”

I hope I get a reply soon… Oh, it’s already read!


“Whaa? Wa-Wait Shiho! I just got a RINE from Hisamura-kun”

“Wait, really? Impossible.”

“Ku…. It says “Sei-chan I hope you’re still awake, I’m serious about everything that I said today, I won’t rush you for a reply, But I’d be happy if you can give me a favourable reply”… No, that’s-”

“Wow, that’s amazing. Even my heart is pumping from that message. Hurry up, Sei-chan. Give a reply.”

“What should I say…?!”

“You have to think about it, Sei-chan! It’s not about my feelings, it’s about yours!”

“That’s exactly what I said to Shiho today! Don’t copy me!”

“You’re right. I’m sure it said that you read it already, right?”

“AH! That’s right… Well, what should I do…!”


I don’t think that I’ll be getting a reply from Sei-chan…

It’s been about five minutes since it was read.

Just because you read it doesn’t mean you’re in a position to reply right away.

What’s a situation you can be in that you can’t reply right away… maybe a bath?

Kuu…. no no no no, I can’t be fantasizing about Sei-chan bathing.

Even the original series doesn’t have that many fan service scenes for Sei-chan, so I hope the author will create more Sei-chan fan service in the near future.

–Pom Pom.

Oh, here it is!

I heard a unique sound and immediately opened my RINE screen.

Sei-chan’s reply was…

“Thank you. I’m really happy about your feelings, Hisamura. I just want you to wait for a while. I also want to face your feelings seriously.”

……! What a CUTE girl!

I couldn’t help but take a screenshot of this message

No, I don’t think I could take it to my phone in the real world, because even if I did, it would still remain in the dream.

She seems to have taken my confession very seriously and is thinking about it.

This message alone conveys that.

It’s a pity that I couldn’t hear her reply, but it was worth sending her a message just to know that she’s a serious and nice girl after all.

If she had said, “I’d be happy to go out with you as a trial,” I would’ve been happy, but it would still be a little conflicting.

Or maybe since this is my dream, I’m just making up my own image of Sei-chan and thinking that she would send me a message like this?

…Let’s not think about it too much.

I’m in a dream, so I should enjoy the most of it.

In the meantime, I’ll have to send a reply to her.


“Shiho, The message was read, But, I still haven’t heard from him.”

“Sei-chan, it’s only been 3 minutes since you sent that message, he’s probably still thinking of a response.”

“Well, was the message that important that you need to think about the reply?”

“Hmm, maybe? I would have fainted before I thought about a reply.”

“Wh-What, Why?”

“Because I would faint just reading such a cute and adorable message.

“Shi-Shiho you said it was fine!”

“Yeah, it wasn’t wrong as a sentence. I’m sure he can tell how serious you are about this, so don’t worry.”

“Uuu… Oh, It’s here.”

“What did he reply?”

“He said… “I’m glad you’re taking me seriously, too, Sei-chan. Thank you. I can’t find the words to express my feelings for you.” ”

“…Sei-chan, there’s more to the message, right?”

“How did you know that?!”

“Because you’re easy to understand, Sei-chan. So what’s the rest?

“… “Saying I love you is not enough, Oh, I really can’t express my feelings enough.” ”

“Wow! Even I’m starting to feel embarrassed!”josei

“I’m the one feeling the most embarrassed! Why do I have to read it out myself…?”

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