Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 284 - 284

Chapter 284 - 284: Don’t look down on me just because I’m a sheep (4000 words) _2

Chapter 284: Don’t look down on me just because I’m a sheep (4000 words) _2

Translator: 549690339

don’t look at me as a sheep ..

the ferocity of a sheep is unimaginable …

Lu Xin sang a song as he drove along the small road.

He was learning from the lizard and singing to relieve the boredom on the road.

However, he didn’t sing as passionately as Gecko did, so he couldn’t remember the lyrics clearly.

The last time he went out of the city with the lizard, his mother and sister sat in the back seat. Everyone could chat and watch his sister get thrown out. But this time, neither his mother nor his sister accompanied him.

Perhaps it was because the motorcycle was already full, but there was an item box in the back seat, and a mechanical dog and a weapon box hung on both sides. If her mother wanted to sit in the car, she could only sit cross-legged in the back seat.

It was obvious that she disliked this inelegant sitting posture.

As for his sister, she could have sat on the handlebars, but she seemed to have gotten a new toy recently and was no longer sticking to him.

As a result, the family that had agreed to go visit relatives was left to travel on his small motorcycle.

He was now walking on a road that was often used by transport vehicles. Because there were too many vehicles coming and going, and the maintenance couldn’t keep up, the road was cracked and bumpy. When he drove fast, he would raise a piece of soil, covering his silver security bar with a layer of dust. There were lush weeds and rows of tall trees on both sides of the road, but it was so quiet that only the sound of his motorcycle engine could be heard.

One thousand four hundred kilometers ..

This was the distance between qingang and the central city shown on the map.

In the plan that han Bing had made for him before, she suggested that he should run at most 400 kilometers a day before finding a place to rest.

One couldn’t be too impatient when traveling in the wilderness, or something might happen.

At this rate, it would take him about four days to reach the central city.

As for what they would do once they reached the city, Lu Xin had not thought about it yet.

Lu Xin only had one address on hand that he had managed to locate Chen Xun.

It was the same address that the so-called ” rogue ” had used to locate him. It was likely that the place was already empty by now, but Lu Xin was confident that he would be able to find Chen Xun.

As for the central city, it was the center of the Alliance of 12 high-wall cities and the location of the lunar eclipse Research Institute. It was also one of the most prosperous high-wall cities in the Alliance. Lu Xin felt that the people there would be very reasonable. Even though he had gone there alone to look for someone, there would probably be many people there who would be willing to help him.

When it was noon, Lu Xin stopped in front of an empty area. After making sure that there was no danger, he picked up some dry wood and lit it up with a lighter. He then placed a small portable aluminum pot over the fire and cooked himself a pot of instant noodles.

He dug out a large piece of canned beef.

After he finished eating, he drank some water, filled the fire with soil, packed up the utensils, and continued on his way.

Although it was his first time out of the city, he still remembered the things that lizard had taught him the last time he was out of the city, and he carried them out very seriously. josei

Around four or five o ‘clock in the afternoon, Lu Xin began to search for a place to spend the night on the map.

It was said that after the Crimson Moon rose, mysterious things would often appear in the wilderness, causing people to encounter incomprehensible dangers.

Therefore, it was best for those who were traveling in the wilderness to find a place to set up camp before the Crimson Moon rose.

Even though Lu Xin felt that this statement was not very scientific, he still followed the principles of traveling in the wilderness.

Besides, it was han Bing’s plan for him to find a place to rest in advance when it was four or five o ‘clock.

There was a scientific basis for this plan.

He didn’t need to rest, but the motorcycle did .

His motorcycle’s fuel tank had been modified. After it was filled with fuel, it was about ten liters and could support him to run about 300 kilometers. In addition, he had brought about a fifteen-liter oil barrel. With all of it, it could support him to run more than 700 kilometers.

In theory, Lu Xin only needed to find a place to refuel once in the middle.

However, there was another problem that could not be ignored-water.

He had carefully calculated the load of the motorcycle and the bicycle, so he only brought three one-liter bottles of bottled water.

He had used more than half of the noodles at noon, and he had eaten too much canned beef. He was a little thirsty, so he finished it.

The remaining two bottles of water were definitely not enough. He had to find a place to replenish them.

He had not seen any water source on his way here. Even if he did find one, filtering it would be very troublesome.

Therefore, finding a gathering point to rest and replenish their water supply was the best choice.

glasses, show the surrounding gathering points .

As Lu Xin’s voice trailed off, the image on his glasses began to change.

Soon, two or three different dots were displayed. Some were flashing red, some were flashing green, and some were black dots.

These represented different levels of danger. The flashing red light definitely meant that there was an armed force.

The black spots were filled with heavily armed troops who were ready to fire and reduce the number of soldiers.

Lu Xin was going to visit his family, not to fight a war, so he chose the green light.

It was about 30 kilometers away from here, so he should be able to get there before nightfall.

toot du du du .

The motorcycle let out a monotonous roar. Lu Xin found a small path and turned off from the main road.

The path to the gathering point was unexpectedly difficult to walk on, full of potholes and gravel. If his motorcycle had not been developed by the special Investigation Department, Lu Xin would have been worried that the sharp stones on the road would have punctured his tire.

There was a section of the road in the middle. He even drove straight into a dry river bed and then pushed the cart up.

Even if they were walking on a normal path, they would have passed through a few dark forests.

There was no lack of such forests in the wilderness. After 30 years of crazy growth, every abandoned village had become like this.

It was eerie, strange, and heavy. No one knew what was hiding inside.

However, almost all the small roads either passed through this area or stuck to these places.

However, Lu Xin was still fortunate enough to make it to the gathering point just before night fell.

From afar, it was a small village at the foot of the mountain.

The surrounding cultivated farmland showed that there were indeed people living here. However, from a distance, there was no light, only tall and dense trees covering everything. It was no different from the dark villages and forests he had encountered along the way.

“The greenery is so good .

Lu Xin sighed as he drove his motorcycle into the village, arriving at a dark and quiet village Road.

“Is anyone there?”

He stopped the car, stomped on the ground, and shouted to the dark houses on both sides, “”l’m here to stay overnight.”

The surroundings were quiet.

Only the Crimson Moon above their heads shone on the quiet village.

The surrounding trees grew densely, and under the Crimson Moon, they seemed to be baring their fangs and brandishing their claws.

“Squeak .

In the darkness, there was a sudden, heart-wrenching scream that pierced one’s eardrums.

Lu Xin quickly turned around and saw his sister standing on the roof of a dilapidated house.

She held the screaming chicken in her arms expressionlessly, and a skinless puppy followed beside her.

The shrieking chicken seemed to have been torn apart and resewn. There were dense stitches on it, and it was obvious that it was a little out of place.

Logically speaking, after the patient was sutured, they should not be screaming anymore.

However, the younger sister’s one not only screamed, but it was also obviously screaming more miserably, making it sound like crying …

The younger sister pinched the shrieking chicken with a cold face. She looked down at the room and pouted.

a younger sister is indeed a younger sister. She even knows to come and report to me at a critical time …

Lu Xin was sure that there was someone in the room, so he shouted in that direction, “”ls anyone there?”

fellow townsmen, don’t be afraid. I’m from qingang. I’m only staying for one night. I’ll leave tomorrow.

“Bang!”” Bang! ”

At this moment, there was a rustling sound on both sides of the road.

Hunchbacked figures emerged from the darkness. At a glance, there were at least a dozen of them, and they all looked at Lu Xin in silence.

They looked very strange. Their eyes seemed to glow faintly in the dark.

there’s indeed someone …

Lu Xin’s mood brightened up a little. With so many people here to welcome him, they were quite enthusiastic..

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