Single Stat System

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Drops

Meanwhile, Sakim had already given up thinking about how did the Hidden Boss was put on the verge of death. He'd guessed that it faced some kind of monsters that made its HP dropped to 1 and was now trying to recuperate itself.

He really felt lucky that he had an urge to jump out of happiness. But nevertheless, he still managed to compose himself and calm his state of mind.

After which, Sakim was just about to look for the other thing, the Golden Chest, that he got from the Hidden Boss when he suddenly caught sight of a faint red light glowing under the remains of the Hidden Boss.

Sakim's attention was piqued this time for he recalled as well that monsters were supposed to drop some items when they were killed. So Sakim thought that this red glowing light was an item dropped by the Hidden Boss.

That being said, Sakim came closer to that item and crouched down to pick up that thing. It was pretty small so Sakim didn't expect much about it. But to his surprise, when he finally hold a grasp on it, a ring was revealed as the faint red light emitted on it had vanished right after he touched it.

The ring was dark green in color and it looked like a small vine that fattened and knitted each other to form a ring. But Sakim was certain that it wasn't a vine just by touching its hard surface. If not for the red glowing light that it emitted earlier, Sakim would probably think that it wasn't a ring and had ignored it instead.

But what surprised him the most was that in a few moments after he touched it, the hologram screen had shown itself again with a window showing the description of the ring written in red saying,

[Ring Of Immortality]

Level: 1

HP: 1,000

Life: +10%

Reflect: +1%

HP Recovery: +1%


"A Red Item? L-legend rank?" Sakim was surprised to see that this ring was actually a legend rank item. But thinking about it now, it dropped from the Hidden Boss so it was only natural for this item to be dropped from it.

According to what he'd learned, Items in this world could be divided into 8 ranks; Common(white), Magic(blue), Rare(yellow), Epic(orange), Legend(red), Mythic(purple), Divine(green) and lastly, Supreme(silver).

The higher the rank was, the rarer and stronger it would be of course. And the opposite went for the lower rank items, they were of course the most common and weaker ones.

Items in this world all had started from level 1. But it could be upgraded using materials and by going to the Magic Blacksmith. To how many levels it could be upgraded was all depends on their rank. Raising its rank wasn't impossible but of course, the price it would take was really painful to the pockets. Even the wealthiest family in this world would find it hard to have a green item, how much more if they were talking about a silver item?

But now, Sakim had managed to get a legendary item out of luck. Although it couldn't be compared to the silver or green items, it was far better than white or blue items.

What was more was that the stats of that item were complimenting his Passive Skill and he himself.

The item that Sakim was currently holding could increase his HP even more and give him a 1% Reflect chance and HP regeneration of 1%. Just by looking at all of it could make Sakim nod in satisfaction.

But what Sakim really wanted was that if he couldn't raise his other stat, he would just get an item that was more inclined in the offensive to compensate his offense. But this ring however was a defensive item so Sakim wasn't too happy about this.

Not until when he saw the attribute of the item written at the very bottom of the stats,

• Second Chance (Special): Resurrect after death with 1 HP. (Cooldown: 1 day.)

"I can be revived using this item?" Sakim's eyes widened a little as he let out a slight smile when he saw how useful it was.

Items with special or unique attributes were a feat only for Legend rank and above. Though he could only be revived with 1 HP remaining through the special attribute of the [Ring Of Immortality], it was much better than dying immediately. He could just use potions to recover his HP fully the moment he resurrected if in case that he died this world.

But now that he thought about it, the Hidden Boss had only 1 HP left when he first encountered it. He'd guessed that the Hidden Boss had probably died and was only revived using this ring since monsters in this world could also make use of the item they were keeping, making them harder to deal with.

Realizing the usefulness of that item, Sakim wore it right away after checking its status. As long as the level of the items wasn't above his level, he could wear it and enjoy its attributes no matter what rank the item was.

That went without saying, Players with a wealthy and frightening background rely on using high-rank items to overpower others. Though the knowledge he had received didn't mention it, Sakim could still guess that something like this was likely to happen especially when competitions were all around.

So just like that, Sakim wore the ring as it adjusted itself and be fitted with his forefinger. Sakim could feel something had changed within him so he'd taken a look at his status specifically to his HP. And with that, he couldn't help but let out a slight smile seeing it.

HP: 6,600 | 6,600

MP: 700 | 700

With an additional 1,000 HP and +10% life, his HP had risen to some extent. From a mere 200 HP, his HP had risen to about thirty times just by killing the Hidden Boss. In this rate of improvement, it wouldn't take long before he reached an undying body. At least that was what he imagined.

Sakim really thought that the System was trying to make him become some kind of Boss-type monster with a huge amount of HP but less attack damage.

But even so, he'd no complaints against it. As long as he could live and repent from his sin, he was fine with that.

As he was satisfied with the outcome, Sakim tried to look if there were other drop items from the Hidden Boss and sure enough, he found a couple more materials lying under the remains of the Hidden Boss.

If he would just going to stare at it, Sakim might neglect that those were useful materials. But Sakim had lied down and touched all the things unknown to him that he saw under the remains of the Hidden Boss.

As he touched the materials, the System would notify him of the name of the materials that were useful and ignore the things that weren't. Then Sakim would patiently and excitedly collect them all and put them inside his inventory.josei

Sakim was a little amazed at first when he put the materials into his inventory. Just by placing it in front of the hologram screen of which the Inventory window was shown, the materials would just disappear and would appear in his Inventory with its icon filling the slot.

He already learned how to put the items to his inventory, it just that it really made him think how astonishing and convenient it was.

After a few minutes of digging through the remains of the Hidden Boss and as he couldn't find anything anymore, he stopped what he was doing and stood up instead before finally heaving a sigh of relief. In the end, he received three types of materials,

[Black Wood - ×3]

• Medal materials.

[Devil Tree Trunk - ×1]

• Medal materials.

[Healing Leaves - ×20]

• Consumable items. Heal 1,000 HP.

Those drops weren't just some kind of ordinary materials, its ranks were even rarer as well. The first two were golden materials, a material found only from the Hidden Boss and was used on making a 'Medal'.

According to what he'd learned, Medal was an item that once equipped, it would greatly increase one's fighting prowess. It had no level restrictions, as long as he had the materials to create it, he could go to the Magic Blacksmith and have one to immediately improve his fighting prowess.

The only problem was the materials. Though Medals had no level restrictions, the materials needed to create them could possibly restrict anyone if they didn't have the capability to get it. Or perhaps, protect it.

Just by thinking how precious these Medal materials were, Sakim deduced that Players would likely rob each other or play some cunning tricks. Just by thinking about the land he was in, Greedland, he could guess that this land was a land full of greed.

On the other hand, the last item, [Healing Leaves] was a Consumable Item that could restore HP. It was really convenient for him when he got injured by fighting monsters or when he faced other Players who had no intention but to kill and rob.

These items would really be his life-saving asset and it would be better if he could just get more of it.

As Sakim finished checking the materials he got from the Hidden Boss, he then turned his attention to the Golden Chest he received from the Hidden Boss as well. Just by looking at it on the inventory could make him think about what would likely be inside of it.

So Sakim stared at it intently intending to open it up. He then took a deep breath before he ordered calmly, "Open, Golden Chest."


[Cannot be opened! Need a Golden Key.]

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