Single Stat System

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Reward Box

Left with no other choices, Sakim finally opened the [Reward Box]. He knew as well that if he chose not to open any of the remaining boxes, the windows couldn't be skipped and he wouldn't be able to use the other function of the System.

That being said, Sakim opened the [Reward Box] as another window popped up on the screen saying,

[Accumulating the deeds of the past life...]

"Oh? There's something like this?" Of course, Sakim knew nothing about it and he was a little surprised seeing what the System was doing right now. He couldn't help but let out a bitter smile as he was thinking what kind of deeds the System was counting on. He was afraid that his evil deeds wouldn't be counted and would only give him a little reward.


[You've received the following rewards.]

1. Passive Skill: Greed

2. Passive Skill: Double Vitality

3. Ability: Blood Control


Seeing what the [Reward Box] had given to him, Sakim found his eyes widened a little for a short moment. He really was shocked seeing that his passive skill was actually 'Greed!'

Am I really that greedy? Is it really that obvious? I'm just doing my everything to get all I wanted, why are you so mean?

Nevertheless, his dismay didn't last for too long as he saw as well the other passive skill he got, 'Double Vitality!' Excitement took place his dismay right away and pondered what kind of passive skill was that.

Seeing its name, Sakim pondered that perhaps, this passive skill would double his Vitality Stat. If that really was the case then he would surely be a tough nut in this world.

Sakim couldn't help but let out a slight smile just by thinking how good the other passive skill he just received. If what he was thinking was correct, then having a double vitality would definitely double his HP and it also meant that he had a longer life! Worrying about him easily dying in this world had eased a bit.

And of course, his mood had even got better when he saw the last thing he received from the [Reward Box], 'Ability: Blood Control.' It was the ability to control blood!

Just by thinking how good it was, it really was not bad!

Nodding in satisfaction, Sakim then readied himself to see the descriptions of the things he just got. That being said, Sakim willed for it as he said leisurely, "Passive Skill, Greed."

Immediately, another window popped up with content describing his Passive Skill: Greed,

[Passive Skill: Greed]

• Long live the greedy! This will improve your proficiency in stealing and will give you a desire and ability to steal 'everything'. And you will find it hard to resist it! This is your illness that cannot be cured. Be it your past life or next life, it will always be your natural talent!

Sakim spurted a mouthful of blood! It struck him so hard that he couldn't even stay nonchalant anymore. Every word he just read echoed repeatedly in his mind as if it was his fault for being made that way!

Taking a deep breath, Sakim tried so hard to calm himself down. He already knew that he was greedy in his past life, that was why he decided to repent and change himself in this life. But seeing the description of the passive skill given by the System, it seemed like he would have a hard time repenting.

Just why the hell did this greed follow me in this life? Is this what that old hag meant when she told me to try repenting if I can?

Of course, he was talking about the old woman he encountered after he died. She seemed as if she was really doubtful and was as if challenging him if not provoking to repent if he could. But now that he realized what was that old woman meant by her words, Sakim really wanted to cry right now.

But wait! The descriptions didn't end in there as he noticed the note written at the very bottom in a greyish and smaller font.

• note: overcoming greed will reward you exponentially!


"Reward huh..." Nodding his head repeatedly, Sakim realized that the System really was just challenging him to repent, with a reward. The System didn't mention what kind of reward was that, but it wasn't too bad to expect something in the future.

He knew that this wasn't easy. Facing one's nature especially the one you were accustomed to, really was difficult to best. He could even fail and follow his greed instead.

But what else could he do? Just by seeing the continuation of the note talking about the rewards could make him feel a chilling sensation all over.

• note: overcoming greed will reward you exponentially! failing to overcome greed will give you a severe punishment.

"So this is an opportunity as well as a threat huh..." Sakim spoke as he narrowed his eyes in all seriousness.

Punishment for failure, rewards for success. There was only one thing he really needed to do, and that was to overcome his greed.

But the only problem was that what was the time limit? The System didn't mention any due date on when he should finish this task. But thinking about it, this wasn't a quest given by the System. It only was probably in there to heat up the game.

Nevertheless, Sakim still couldn't help but worry about it. What was the determining factor on failing this 'mission' or sort of? If he became greedy even once, did that mean that he already failed the task and would suffer the mentioned punishment? If that was the case, then he surely was dead this time!

Nonetheless, it still was unclear and there was also a possibility that he would only fail it if he had completely fallen into greed and couldn't be redeemed anymore. Having all these conjectures, Sakim decided to just give his best and try to change his past self full of greed.

So moving on to the next topic, Sakim turned his attention to the next Passive Skill he just got. He then pondered for a moment before he said, "Passive Skill, Double Vitality."

[Passive Skill: Double Vitality]

• Long live the greedy!

Just by reading the first sentence, Sakim immediately suffered some setbacks and almost choked to death.

Just what the heck was this?! Could the introduction be worse than this?

Taking a deep breath, Sakim calmed himself down as he continued reading the description.

• Long live the greedy! You have just proven that kind people die early while the 'greedy' people live longer! With that said, every stat points you put on vitality will have a double effect!


With twitching eyebrows, Sakim really didn't know whether to smack the System or be grateful with it.

That's not what the sayings goes you hear me!

Besides, can you just tell that it has a double effect on Vitality and not add so much nonsense!

This System really was testing his patience. Veins popped out on his forehead trying to appease his temper. If not for his great forbearance, he might as well had gone mad and hit the screen in front of him.

But of course, he knew as well that his fist would only go past through the hologram screen and he would surely just making a fool of himself. Knowing about it, he could only have a deep breath and move on to the last thing he got from the System.

He really wished this time that this ability to control blood was something good and would make him one of the strongest characters in this world. So without further ado, Sakim willed for the description of this ability.

[Ability: Blood Control]

• Long live the greedy! As you have managed to unlock the legendary Passive Skill: Double Vitality, you have gained control over blood, one of the seven legendary abilities that only exist on legend! You've done well, nice.


"This is good," Sakim tried his best to tolerate the annoying descriptions given by the System. But taking a clearer look at it now, the details really was good and Sakim really was satisfied!

It was one of the 'seven legendary abilities' they were talking about here. Though he didn't know if it was just a bluff but surely, deep inside his heart, there was an urge in him of wanting to jump in excitement for he felt that he really hit a jackpot this time.

"Ability to control blood huh," Sakim raised his hand in front of his chest as he turned his gaze on his palm seemingly trying to comprehend this ability to control blood. "I wonder how to use this ability."

At that moment, Sakim felt his blood running through his veins as if it was the energy itself of where his strength would come from.josei

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