Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 121 121

Chapter 121 121: Voices

As Corey took his first step towards the Ancestor of Paragons, he had a calm expression and waited, wanting to see what was going to happen to him.

He didn't want to rush towards the Paragon Ancestor since he didn't know what to expect from the environment he was in.

The effect of the Paragon Ancestor releasing a fraction of his killing intent was already so shocking, so it wouldn't be a surprise if the horror-like environment he was in, did something shocking and surprising.

Around two seconds passed after Corey took the first step, and just when Corey was wondering if something was actually going to happen, Corey felt his skin tingle slightly and he also felt his body getting a little bit heavier, his heart rate also increased slightly.

'Is this killing intent?'

Corey thought and for a few seconds, he stood rooted on the spot without moving with various thoughts running through his mind.josei

It was not until around six seconds passed that Corey finally moved.

He took the second step, and when he did, he felt the previous sensations when he took the first step, but this time around, it felt a little bit more pronounced.

Corey spent a few seconds not moving, trying to get his mind and body used to the killing intent.

A few seconds passed, then Corey took the third step.

He paused once again and after getting used to the killing intent, he took the fourth step.

Corey continued doing this for the fourth, fifth and sixth step.

For every step he took, he would pause, trying to get used to the killing intent that had become much stronger. Due to the killing intent that had become much stronger, the length of his pauses had increased.

Although the length of his pauses had increased, he had a calm expression throughout, with various thoughts running through his mind as he paused on the sixth step.

'Although I don't fully know what killing intent is, from the name, it should mean when one has the intent to kill.

But if killing intent is just one's desire to kill, shouldn't that apply only when one has the intent to kill a person or a group?

How can the Paragon Ancestor have this much killing intent?

Is it because he has killed so many people that his killing intent is this much?

Does the number of murders one has committed affect one's killing intent?'

Corey thought with a calm expression for a few seconds before he released a soft breath.

He looked around for a few seconds, then he took another step forward, the seventh step.

As soon as Corey took this step, his expression changed slightly.

The gravity surrounding his body increased so much that Corey had to use 75% of his entire strength just to keep himself upright.

The air in front of him became more red, the blood beneath his feet rippled endlessly, the faces of the corpses on the corpse and bone hills around him looked in his direction causing his skin to tingle.

As soon as the faces turned towards Corey, a cacophony of mumbles reached Corey's ears causing him to frown.

Corey looked at the faces of the corpse and bone hills which had varying expressions as they looked at him.

Some had anger, some had hatred, some had regret, some had expressions of madness and some even had infatuated expressions causing Corey to be slightly confused.

The mumbles, the blood red air and the heavy feeling that was surrounding him made Corey to feel extremely uncomfortable.

He inhaled then exhaled a few times and just like before, he waited so as to get used to this level of killing intent.

He sat down in a cross-legged position, not minding the blood he was sitting on.

He inhaled and exhaled repeatedly, expecting to get used to the killing intent but as the seconds ticked by, Corey noticed something strange.

The mumbling in his ears were becoming louder for every second that went. Not only that, the heavy feeling around him was also increasing.

'The killing intent is also increasing.'

Corey thought with a frown and he looked at the Paragon Ancestor who was looking at him with an indifferent expression as he placed his head on his clenched fist.

"Don't look at me, what did you expect?"

Corey raised both of his brows hearing the Paragon Ancestor's words, a confused expression also appeared on his face at the same time.

"If somebody has killing intent towards you and that person's killing intent is extremely powerful, do you think the person would allow you to sit and get used to his or her killing intent?

Although what you're doing now is 'wise'.


Adapt faster.

Adapt while moving.

Your enemies and death will not wait for you.

So adapt faster."

Hearing the Paragon Ancestor's words which were spoken with an indifferent tone, Corey realized that the Paragon Ancestor's words were true.

Realizing this, Corey stood up without hesitation and he took the next step, the eighth step.




As soon as Corey took the eight step, a cold wind which had cold killing intent blew around.

The blood sea at Corey's ankle increased at a visible speed as the seconds passed.

The expressions of the faces of the corpses on the Corpse and Bone hills changed slightly.

Their expressions of hatred, anger, regret, madness and infatuation had increased.

Not only that, the mumbles which were resounding in Corey's ears were no longer mumbles, they could be heard more clearly and they were louder and much more disturbing.

'Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!'

The voices said repeatedly and Corey held the side of his head with an annoyed and frustrated expression.

As Corey was dealing with the voices in his head, the blood sea increased, the wind also brought a certain coldness that made Corey shiver.

Not only that, the heavy feeling around Corey had increased so much that Corey had to use 95% of his entire strength to stand.


Corey groaned slightly then he shook his head softly. After shaking his head, with a determined expression, he took another step, the ninth step.





After taking the ninth step, the heavy feeling surrounding Corey increased so much that Corey was forced to kneel.


The blood sea which was now at Corey's knee level made a splashing sound as Corey knelt.

The cold wind became much colder, making Corey shiver.

Corey's expression became more twisted as the seconds passed. Not only that, the voices in Corey's mind were now so loud to the point that they became a cacophony of roars.


Corey clenched his fists tightly as he tried to control his mind from obeying the voices in his mind.

Corey inhaled and exhaled repeatedly for some seconds, and just as Corey was about to stand, the words spoken by the voices started changing repeatedly.





The voices repeatedly changed in a random manner and Corey gritted his teeth so as to not keep himself from running mad.

A low guttural groan escaped his lips and with a determined light in his eyes, he pushed himself up and took another step forward, the tenth step.

As soon as Corey took the tenth step,



Corey fell face flat unto the blood sea which was still increasing. A splashing sound resounded from the blood sea and at the same time, Corey coughed out saliva.

The wind became much colder, the heavy feeling around him increased, the blood sea increased, but the voices…the voices, they stopped.

Corey could no longer hear the voices.

Not even a mumble reached his ears.

'What's going on?'

Corey thought with gritted teeth as he tried to lift himself up but the pressure, the heavy feeling was just too much.

Just as Corey was trying to lift himself up, a familiar voice, a voice which he would never forget reached Corey's ears.

"Funny enough that every time we meet, you're always lying on the ground, in the same position."

With a shocked expression and constricted pupils, Corey whose head was previously down, raised his head up, the pressure surrounding his head disappeared at that instant.

"You- what are you doing here?"

With eyes filled with immense coldness and hatred, Corey questioned as he saw the familiar face of the Pope with his white hair.

Meanwhile the Pope just grinned and spoke:

"Déjà vu ain't it?"

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