Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 124 123

Chapter 124 123: Absorbing

(An Unknown Amount of Time Later)

Corey who now had an extremely different physique and aura, sat in a cross-legged position on a grass like floor. On the floor a few meters away from him were two objects, a vial and a metallic box.

"This is good. All that training was not for nothing. You did well."

Corey who was gazing at the two objects, heard a deep voice and with a slight change in his expression, he looked up and in front of him was the Paragon Ancestor also sitting in a cross-legged position.

As Corey looked at the Paragon Ancestor, Corey was forced to remember all he had gone through after passing the Paragon Ancestor test.

He shivered slightly as he remembered the inhuman training he went through.

Right now, Corey was shirtless and was wearing only shorts. His physique and stature which previously looked small and lean was no more.

Corey was buff.josei

He had muscles that he never thought he could get. His chests were popping out, his ten abs were rock hard and defined. His arms were also much bigger than before and his back now had muscles.

All in all, somebody who was used to the previous Corey would be stunned and shocked by Corey's new physique.

But what they didn't know was that Corey wanted to kill himself throughout the process which was used to get this physique.

Corey did not get this physique through an experiment or a drug or a method which would be painful, but would enable him to get this physique at a fast rate.


Corey got this physique, through his blood and sweat.

After Corey took the fourteenth step in the Paragon Ancestor's test, Corey actually fell unconscious a few seconds later and when he woke up, the Paragon Ancestor told him a few things and also told him that they would start training.

Corey at first thought that the Paragon Ancestor meant combat training, but no, the Paragon Ancestor meant a full body workout training.

When Corey was fully ready, the Paragon Ancestor gave him a pill to eat and when Corey asked what the pill did, he was shocked when the Paragon Ancestor told him that the pill would temporarily take away all his strength and skills, reverting his body back to how it was before the apocalypse.

Corey was at first apprehensive about taking the pill, but then the Paragon Ancestor told him that if he did not take it, then there would be no training for him.

Corey knowing that a full body workout coached by the Paragon Ancestor would help him a lot, decided to take the pill and that was when Corey knew what Hell could be like.

The Paragon Ancestor told him to do all sorts of training which Corey never expected to do.

30 reps, 3 sets of pushups, which eventually increased to 50 reps then 100 reps, then it just kept on increasing and increasing until the Paragon Ancestor was satisfied.

Apart from pushups, the Paragon told him to do squats, plank, sit-ups, weight lifting and so on.

The number of reps and sets Corey did for all his exercises was so much that Corey actually felt like dying at some point in time.

The Paragon Ancestor just kept on telling him to do more and after every session of intense exercise, the Paragon Ancestor would produce a bath tub that contained a clear liquid that was extremely cold or sometimes hot.

Apart from the liquid been cold or hot, the liquid had rejuvenating and healing properties that was extremely soothing to Corey's body that there were times when Corey slept off in the bath tub.

After doing all the previously mentioned workouts to a level and stage that was acceptable to the Paragon Ancestor, the Paragon Ancestor started a new type of workout that was more intense for Corey and Corey would rather not think about it anymore cause what was done, was done.

"You were always asking me what was the point in doing all the exercises I told you to do right?"

The Paragon Ancestor's voice reverberated into Corey's ears, causing Corey to come out of his thoughts.

Corey looked at the Paragon Ancestor, and after thinking about his words, Corey nodded.

The Paragon Ancestor also nodded back and continued speaking:

"Even though your previous body had so much strength than a normal human. It was still too weak.

The foundation was too weak and it'll affect your body's ability to fully assimilate with my blood even with my help.

Also, with this your current body, you'll be able to exert more of your strength when fighting."

As the Paragon Ancestor spoke, he grabbed the vial which contained his blood essence and the moment he grabbed it, the cork at the opening, got removed and the blood flew out calmly.

"Relax your mind and don't fight the process."

The Paragon Ancestor spoke, then he waved his hand towards Corey and the moment he did, his blood essence flew towards Corey's forehead and in the next instant, it got absorbed into Corey's body.

As soon as the blood essence got absorbed into Corey's body, a muffled groan escaped Corey's lips as he felt the blood essence move from his forehead towards the remaining parts of his head while producing so much heat.

The blood essence then moved from his head and travelled down his neck, causing Corey another bout of pain.

From his neck, it moved to his entire chest, arms, abdomen and so on, while reaching every nook and cranny in it.

Corey clawed and gritted his teeth as he felt the blood essence move throughout his entire upper body while emitting intense heat.

An unknown amount of time passed and Corey felt the blood essence move towards his lower body.

It moved to his thighs, legs, feet and even his penis causing Corey's heart to skip a beat at that point in time.

Eventually, after so much muffled groaning and pain. The blood essence finally stopped and Corey was left panting as he fell backwards unto the grassy ground, producing a soft thud.

"Don't relax yet, we're not yet done."

The voice of the Paragon Ancestor which contained a tinge of amusement, reached Corey's ears and with an exhausted expression, Corey looked at the Paragon Ancestor who held the metallic box.

"After I fuse this poison infinity crystal with you, you'll officially become a tier 1 being, though not recognized by your Universal System yet."

The Paragon Ancestor said and Corey's brows furrowed in confusion.

"I know you have questions to ask, but that'll have to wait until you absorb this poison infinity crystal.

Now sit up."

Hearing the Paragon Ancestor's words, Corey released a deep sigh and he sat with a frown due to his aching body.

"Once again, don't resist."

The Paragon Ancestor said and he opened the metallic box.

As soon as he opened the metallic box, Corey felt his scalp tingle endlessly as a black and sinister smoky aura was released from the metallic box.

"An astral poison infinity crystal, good."

The Paragon Ancestor spoke with a satisfied nod and with a wave of his hand, the black smoky aura disappeared and in his hand, was a black crystal which had a black smoke all around it.

Corey looked at it and he subconsciously shivered.

The Paragon Ancestor, without saying anything, flicked his wrist and the poison infinity crystal flew towards Corey's solar plexus and Corey saw it enter inside his body at a slow speed.

As the poison infinity crystal entered Corey's solar plexus, he felt the veins, arteries and whatever that was there, shift.

Some joined to the poison infinity crystal, while some joined to other veins and arteries, creating space for the poison infinity crystal.

The pain Corey felt, this time around could be ignored due to his high pain resistance and because of that, Corey had time to notice how his body felt and even without doing anything, Corey felt more powerful than ever.

He felt faster than ever, he felt like he had more energy than he could imagine and not only that, he even felt… taller!

His line of sight was higher than before which was shocking to him.

And Corey knew that there were obviously more changes that happened to him, he just had to wait and ask the Paragon Ancestor about it.

He looked at the poison infinity crystal which was now 95% inside his body and he could not help but wonder, what abilities this poison infinity crystal had.

A few more minutes passed and the poison infinity crystal got fully absorbed into Corey's solar plexus, and the moment it was fully absorbed into his solar plexus, Corey trembled as he felt a huge amount of mana and other energies surge into his body.

A soft sigh of satisfaction erupted from Corey's lips as black lines started appearing all over Corey's body for a few seconds, before it disappeared.

"Now that this is done, I'll need to explain a few things to you.

Like the history of us Paragons and Supremes, what an infinity crystal is, how to progress, what I meant by the Universal System not recognizing your tier up and so on.

And I'll also give you more gifts."

Corey after coming back from the exhilarating sensation of his increase in strength, heard the Paragon Ancestor's voice and with a serious expression, he faced the Paragon Ancestor and listened to what he had to say.

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